I have now seen exactly this problem twice. In each case, networking was
working perfectly well before I did an upgrade from breezy using this

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
# reboot
# edit sources.list to point to dapper
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
# reboot

The first time I saw this was on an AMD Athlon with IIRC an RTL NIC. I
have just now upgraded a VMware  virtual machine from breezy to dapper
and the exact same thing occured. As the previous poster says, dmesg
identifies the NIC and calls it eth0, yet when the box comes all the way
up, there is no eth0, but instead an unconfigured eth1.

I have no /var/log/dist-upgrade*.log files, I suppose because I did not use the 
upgrade tool.
I seem to be at least the third person to report this, and I've seen it twice, 
so it is clearly not an isolated incident.

after dist-upgrade from breezy to dapper, networking stops working

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