We have similar report from KDE users as well: bug 86680. Kubuntu
started to use n-m network status recently for KMail and several users
complain that due to static connections, n-m claims network as offline
(as it does not see the interface at all).

For test, I have changed debian/patches/05-debian_backend.patch and commented 
out blacklisting of devices with static code:
+       /* If the interface has no options other than just "inet dhcp"
+        * it's probably ok to fiddle with it.
+        */
+       for (curr_d = curr_device->info; curr_d; curr_d = curr_d->next) {
+             if (strcmp (curr_d->key, "inet")
+                 || strcmp (curr_d->data, "dhcp" ))
+                     blacklist = TRUE;
+       }

It looks it help for this particular bug, but further testing is
required for potential side-effects of this change. I think we need to
discuss this with Debian authors, as this patch is from Debian.

network-manager should not set offline mode when it manages no device

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