I just found out about this, wanting to urgently use my webcam. GRRRR.
In camorama, the "small" size works (i.e. a picture, not grey).
After applying the above script (thanks a lot!) I found that the script is 
dependent on the kernel version for the cp part.
I suggest this:

apt-get install module-assistant dh-make
m-a prepare
m-a a-i pwc
newpwc=$(dpkg -L $(dpkg -l|awk '/pwc-modules/ {print $2}')|grep pwc.ko)
cp "$newpwc" "$(dirname $(dirname $(dirname $newpwc)))/media/video/pwc/pwc.ko"
rmmod pwc
modprobe pwc


too bad for the 7GB disk space thrown away for the kernel source just to
compile the tiny driver.

Regression: Webcams using pwc driver produce all-grey images

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