What package could have put/generated files into /usr/share/X11/fonts/ ?
Isn't that a policy violation to do so?

I've just had a broken X after the last xorg upgrade. My xorg.conf was
last generated by "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" a week ago!

I suggest we should immediately upload a new package with the maintainer script 
    mv /usr/share/X11/fonts /usr/share/X11/fonts.dpkg-old
    ln -s ../fonts/X11 /usr/share/X11/fonts
otherwise X will break if xorg.conf is old enough.

BTW, I think it is a violation of the bullet-proof-x spec [1] if simply
a missing font path can cause the whole X fail to start. Anything we can
do to make it fail soft? Perhaps the xserver should start some "safe
mode" assuming xorg.conf doesn't exist?

[1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/bullet-proof-x

xserver fails to start - missing FontPath in xorg.xonf

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