I tried out "Edge Eft" (6.10) -- both cd and dvd (downloaded from
ubuntu.com) and both booted and worked (on HP Pavilion laptop as
described above) like champs.  booted properly (from power down) first
time, every time.

fwiw, tried out "dapper drake" (both the original and the -1 versions)
on cd only.  Both failed in the same way as before; (boot first time
after successfully booting Win 2K professional;  hang on  all subsequent

 In addition, I tried first booting "edgy eft" and then booting "dapper
drake".  Again, first boot of "dapper drake" after successful boot of
"edgy eft" worked; all subsequent attempts to boot failed.  (hanging in
manner previously indicated).

Live CD fails to boot after powerup

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