I just got the "Internal error: failed to initialize HAL" dialog again.
My version of Ubuntu and kernel:

$ lsb_release -dsc
Ubuntu 6.10

$ uname -r

Florent Mertens wrote:
> The best is to simply restart gnome.
Login out of the gnome session and logging in shows the message "Internal 
error: failed to initialize HAL" again!
What do you mean by restarting gnome?

Below I did a hal debug as described in the 2nd part of this wiki page:

$ sudo killall hald
hald: no process killed

$ sudo hald --daemon=no --verbose=yes 2>&1 | tee hal.log
>>> see attachment <<<

$ sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/20hal start
 * Starting Hardware abstraction layer hald                              [ ok ]

Then I logged out and in again, this solves the problem since the error dialog 
is gone and running the following command returns:
$ ps -A | grep hald
 4565 ?        00:00:00 hald-addon-acpi
 4581 ?        00:00:00 hald-addon-keyb
 4590 ?        00:00:00 hald-addon-stor
 4592 ?        00:00:00 hald-addon-stor
 6666 ?        00:00:02 hald
 6667 ?        00:00:00 hald-runner
 6673 ?        00:00:00 hald-addon-acpi
 6684 ?        00:00:00 hald-addon-keyb
 6693 ?        00:00:00 hald-addon-stor
 6695 ?        00:00:00 hald-addon-stor

** Attachment added: "hal debug log"

failed to initialize HAL : gdm init script priority should be at least equal to 
dbus one

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