I think the problem does not only apply to php packages. For instance,
bugzilla in edgy is 2.22-1, which has been two security-fix releases
older than upstream. Of course, similar issues are more serious for some
php packages, e.g. phpbb2 2.0.21-3 in edgy have 4 CVE's unfixed. The
same applies to dapper versions of bugzilla 2.20-1 and phpbb2 2.0.18-2,
with even more CVE's unfixed. I think we can find a couple dozens
packages with similar problems.

Packages in main are better maintained, but many packages universe
usually get no security fixes. Debian may have a newer version in
testing/unstable, hence they may not need fix anything in stable-
security or testing-security since the version in testing/unstable may
be fixed already.

I only started to realize this problem recently. In old days, I believe
that packages in ubuntu universe are equally secure as debian stable.
Looks like I am plain wrong. Are we aware of such problems?

wordpress needs security updates in dapper and edgy?

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