thanks for proxying my bugreport. I couldn't manage to report it here for some 
reason (malone said the ubuntu-artwork package didn't use malone). Hence, i 
used reportbug... :)

By GTK_STOCK_DIRECTORY i mean this item:

While most of the other stock GTK icons are altered by Human theme, this
one isn't. And considering, that you already do have a suitable item for
this use (folder-open), and the default gorilla'ish one just doesn't fit
in the context of orange folders, I think this should be addressed. A
simple symlink or an edit of the theme xml file would do, IMHO.

I'm not sure, but I think this icon is being used in Rhythmbox (File >
Open folder). Also, this icon is being used in some places in LinuxDC++

The GTK_STOCK_DIRECTORY icon isn't being themed

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