It seems that the next release of Ubuntu (feisty fawn - 7.04) is just
around the corner. If I'm not mistaken that will be the 4th release
since this bug report was submitted. Will this bug be finally fixed in
this new release?

I know that bitching and complaining doesn't get things fixed but this
is starting to get very frustrating. The only action this bug report
gets is from comments of disgruntled users who repeatedly announce that
this bug exists and is endemic to Ubuntu. To add to the frustration it
seems that besides those who suffer from this bug, everyone is simply
ignoring this problem.

Personally I find it very disappointing, specially since last week my
laptop, where I ran Kubuntu since the days of 5.04, died misteriously.
Maybe it wasn't even due to this bug but come on, all those crashes due
to overheating obviously did not do any good to it either.

laptop overheats when performing CPU intensive tasks.

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