Ok, I did not post before as I was doing deep tests on Edgy and Feisty
Alpha, on how to find a way to reproduce the crash with a live CD. I can
now trig it straightforwardly and easily.

The result is that I get this Nautilus bug / crash on *both* distros
live CDs, Edgy and Feisty Alpha.

I boot on the live CD, then I simply install the gstreamer 0.10 plugins
: ffmpeg, fluendo-mp3, bad, bad-multiverse, ugly, ugly-multiverse.

The bug/crash is then trigged in Nautilus when setting the option in
Nautilus : "Preview sound" to "Always".

To trig it : I browse a *ssh* folder in *icon view* with mp3s, and I
double click on different mp3s (which starts totem), then I close totem
and double click on some other mp3s file, or I try to right click on an
mp3 file and display its properties, ...

After 3 or 4 such actions, nautilus starts to become unstable : it does
not display anymore the mp3 icon (with a music note), just a white plain
icon and does not respond anymore. Sometimes, it also crashes and trigs
the crash bug report.

Notes : 
- the bug does not appear for local mp3s, nor in Nautilus list view.
- The bug appears also if I install mpg123-alsa. In that case, the sound 
preview works, but the bug/crash still appears.

Crash when browsing ssh-folders containing mp3 files

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