> Good morning, sir.
> > What? Can you be more specific in how you come to this ramblings out of 
> > what i wrote? How would having a standard rather then (at least) two 
> > incompatible solutions create such a mess?
> It wouldn't, but all sorts of idiots abusing it would. I guess we can
> all agree that good open standards are good thing for everyone except
> bastards using proprietary crap to create vendor lock-ins so that they
> could keep their stranglehold on ICT industry. I just don't like the
> whole embedding idea very much because "when you create something that
> even an idiot can use, only idiots will use it". That's how I got to the
> point where I started rambling about undesirable effects of these
> technologies.
Stil, these technologies are currently around in Linux. All i suggest is that 
we standardize it. It should actually be a part of my original suggestion to 
merge Gnome and KDE, as this require them to use each others components. Of 
course there is also the issue of remote objects. There are replacements for 
DCOM in Linux, however there are no standard here either. For this i think i 
prefer the binary webservice model, it is standardised and fast. However it 
still is only available in a few languages. There is a good Java 
implementation, but we also need a good C implementation.

I don't care if idiots use development tools and use them incorrectly.
If its not quality software its going to fade away, if it even gets used
in the first place. Also i don't care if there are a few proprietary for
reporting, diagrams as such. Good luck selling components that does
stuff already available as free components. The only reasons components
for stuff like TCP/IP is commercially available in Windows is because
developers of free software never took on that platform, after all why
bother when writing good components for OSS platforms is more important.

Would it really be so bad if Gecko, OpenOffice and VLC was available as
custom controls that could easily be added to an application, in a
standardized way? Like Trident, MS Office and Media Player can be added
in a VS application?

> > So how do i use libmysql to connect to my postres database again? None of 
> > those are database libraries. They are database-specific client libraries. 
> > The only C database lib i know that is actively developed i libzdb 
> > (http://www.tildeslash.com/libzdb/documentation.html).
> You don't. As you've said, libmysql is a client library for MySQL server
> and libpq is it's PostgreSQL equivalent. I guess you're talking about
> some wrapper library which serves as another abstraction layer built on
> top of various database libraries, but I believe using this kind of
> stuff is a very bad idea, because it only introduces more bugs and it's
> definitely less efficient than using selected database directly, but if
> you really need this then there's libdbi, libyada, UNIXODBC and others
> so this shouldn't be a problem.
> > In what way is it different? Most things i suggest are already in the 
> > programming model. The OLE/ActiveX-component type of component model for OO 
> > programming does exist. It exists in the form of beans, kpart and bonobo. 
> > The only difference with creating a standard is that kde objects would be 
> > usable in gnome and gnome objects in kde. 
> Again - cooperating to create a solid common open standard is good
> because it removes a good deal of otherwise duplicated efforts (which is
> very common across free software landscape). It's just that for example
> Bonobo has been deprecated since GNOME 2.4 so it's not just me, but even
> those brilliant guys programming the whole desktop environment thing
> don't think it's such a good idea, you know…

Bonobo is deprecated and partially replaced by DCOP. However it is still being 
used for some graphical components. There are discussions on how to expand on 
DCOP or other technologies to remove Bonobo completely. Its mainly its CORBA 
dependency that is being questioned, not its high-level function.
> As far as IDEs go, I've personally tried at least Eclipse and NetBeans
> and they're definitely on the right track. Anyway - although I agree
> that the lack of native applications for various purposes is one of the
> main reasons why GNU/Linux has a significant disadvantage to Winblow$ in
> terms of it's adoption by end users, I don't think this is the right
> place to discuss software development topics and as far as attracting
> more so called "software developers" who don't give a rat's ass about
> free software, I think we're better off without them.

Both Eclipse and NetBeans has its bright sides. NetBeans has some good
RAD GUI editing tools and Eclipse has a very good UML tool. If they was
merged they would be more then a match for VC C#. However C/C++ is still
an issue.

I do not agree that we would be better off without developers that makes
commercial software. I think we need the whole spectra of developers to
embrace Linux as a excellent development platform.

One way I have started is to tell developers that using the VirtualBox images 
with pre-installed Linux is a good way to get Eclipse up and running without 
much problem. Those that have used eclipse on Windows knows that configuring 
Eclipse can be a bitch, but in Linux its you just install packages. After 
trying this they usually stick with VirtualBox+Linux or change to Linux 
completely. Thus of course their code will be fully tested for Linux.
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