El Jueves, 22 de Marzo de 2007 01:22, VMware Build Team escribió:

> LC_ALL=C vmplayer
> (I doubt this will make any difference, it appears to be falling back to
> C anyway.)

        Indeed, it doesn't make any difference. Display is same as

> Do you have the package language-pack-en installed?  If not, can you try
> installing it then running vmplayer again?

        Yes, I have language-pack-en installed (version 6.10+20070115), and 
(just in case it matters) language-pack-es (same version).

> If that still doesn't work, please run this:
> strace vmplayer 2>&1 | gzip > trace.gz
> and upload the trace.gz.  Thanks!

        Done. I'm attaching it to this mail; hope it gets automatically 
If not, I'll upload it myself to the bug's page in launchpad. For further 
information, I executed this with sudo, like:

        sudo strace vmplayer 2>&1 | gzip -c > trace-vmplayer.gz

        I suppose it's the same, but I'm noting it just in case.

   Roberto Suarez Soto

fonts in vmplayer are not readable under amd64

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