However, later when I did a suspend/resume the time got incorrectly
reset forward one hour (i.e. as if daylight savings hadn't ended).

I *think* this is because the current time in the software clock is not
getting written to the hardware clock on suspend, so when the system
resumes it resets the system (software) clock from the hardware clock,
which still has the old time.

If so, I think this can be fixed by adding "hwclock" to the
STOP_SERVICES line of /etc/default/acpi-support, e.g.:

    STOP_SERVICES="mysql hwclock "

Possibly it would be good for the system clock to be saved to the
hardware clock explicitly whenever there's a DST transition (and the
hardware clock is storing local time rather than UTC), so the fact of
the transition can't be forgotten by suspend/hibernate/power-off/system-

I'd expect systems that store UTC time in the hardware clock to be
immune to this problem.  If only WIndows understood this!

Time not updated when daylight savings switch made

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