Running Fiesty (Kubuntu 7.04 beta)

First when I try to play mp3s in Amarok, the dialog pops up asking to
install MP3 support.  But Amarok crashes when doing so !!

Then I have manually installed 'libxine1-extracodecs' and
'libxine1-ffmpeg'  codecs.  Now I can play MP3s.  I had to restart KDE
for this.

Either way, the solution is less than desirable.  Kubuntu/Ubuntu distros
should be easy to use for 'humans' not just geeks.

1) install Mp3 support by default, lot of us have much bigger MP3 collection 
than OGG collection
2) if there are restrictions preventing distributing codecs, then please have a 
easy / fool-proof way of installing these codecs

MP3 Support is Broken In Feisty

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