** Description changed:

  Binary package hint: banshee
  After I created an account at http://www.last.fm/
  I enabled a plugin called Audioscrobbler in Banshee's plugin option.
- After listening to a song it crused and show a error. I will add the content 
of the error below.
+ After listening to a song it crushed and showed a error. I will add the 
content of the error below.
  After clicking the Close button in the error dialog, Banshee closed.
  OS: Ubuntu Edgy Eft 6.10
  Banshee: 0.11.1-Oubuntu2
  Here is the Error:
  Banshee Encountered a Fatal Error
  Could not find a part of the path "/home/myusername/.gnome2/banshee/plugins".
  Error Details
  An unhandled exception was thrown: Could not find a part of the path
- "/home/ghost07/.gnome2/banshee/plugins".
+ "/home/myusername/.gnome2/banshee/plugins".
  at System.IO.FileStream..ctor 
  at System.IO.FileStream..ctor 
(string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare) <0x0001f>
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileStream..ctor 
(string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare) <0x0004b>
  at System.Xml.XmlTextWriter..ctor (string,System.Text.Encoding) <0x0002a>
  at Banshee.Plugins.Audioscrobbler.Queue.Save () <0x00061>
  at Banshee.Plugins.Audioscrobbler.Engine.TransmitQueue () <0x00029>
  at Banshee.Plugins.Audioscrobbler.Engine.StateTransitionHandler () <0x00175>
  at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate.invoke_bool () <0x00037>
  at TimeoutProxy.Handler () <0x0002a>
  at (wrapper native-to-managed) TimeoutProxy.Handler () <0x00036>
  in (unmanaged) 0xb7e89dd5
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.Application.gtk_main () <0x00004>
  at Gtk.Application.Run () <0x00007>
  at Banshee.BansheeEntry.Startup (string[]) <0x00657>
  at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate.invoke_void_string[] 
(string[]) <0x00048>
  at Banshee.Gui.CleanRoomStartup.Startup 
(Banshee.Gui.CleanRoomStartup/StartupInvocationHandler,string[]) <0x000ae>
  .NET Version: 2.0.50727.42
  Assembly Version Information:
  System.Web (
  Mono.Security (
  System.Configuration (
  NotificationAreaIcon (
  MusicBrainz (
  MetadataSearch (
  MMKeys (
  Banshee.Plugins.Audioscrobbler (
  ipod-sharp-ui (
  njb-sharp (
  Banshee.Dap.Njb (
  gnome-vfs-sharp (
  Banshee.Dap.MassStorage (
  ipod-sharp (
  Banshee.Dap.Ipod (
  GStreamerPlayerEngine (
  System.Xml (
  System.Data (
  Mono.Data.SqliteClient (
  pango-sharp (
  Mono.Cairo (
  Hal (
  Last.FM (
  NDesk.DBus (
  Mono.Posix (
  Banshee.Widgets (
  glade-sharp (
  gnome-sharp (
  gconf-sharp (
  NDesk.DBus.GLib (
  gdk-sharp (
  System (
  atk-sharp (
  glib-sharp (
  gtk-sharp (
  Banshee.Base (
  banshee (
  mscorlib (
  Platform Information: Linux 2.6.17-11-generic i686 unknown GNU/Linux
  Disribution Information:

** Tags added: error gnome ubuntu

Banshee crushes after enabling last.fm support

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