This bug still exists in MythTV today (3.26.07) in Beta 1+ updates.
It's a real pain.  There's a meta package to setup a complete mythtv
backend that should make it simple for a user to configure but actually
breaks their system because the mythtv-database package will not

Problem: mysql-server is a dependency of mythtv-backend.  When mythtv-
backend is installed the mysql server is installed, but not configured
with a password for the root user.  Then mythtv-backend prompts the user
for the root's password, but not properly distinguish between the root
user's plain old password (which may / may not exist) and the mysql
user's password.  The user doesn't know what the mysql server password
is so they enter their own password  or something else and the package

Solution: When mythtv-backend or similar meta packages trigger the
installation of mysql they need to configure it.  A password for the
root user should be set and then mythtv-backend should be setup using
this password.  Otherwise this whole meta-package should go away because
as it is the package just breaks systems until you remove mythtv-
database or manually setup a password.

Mythtv won't install

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