2007/3/27, Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I have the same problem like Michael with all fonts other than "Sans
> serif", "Serif" or "Monospace", which have specific name. And my
> locale is en_US.UTF-8 currently.
> Actually the problem is quite like in Edgy: you _have to_ use qtconfig
> to assign Chinese font for those "specific" fonts, like Bitstream Vera
> Sans, Luxi Sans, Verdana, etc. because qt apps will not use settings
> in any fontconfig files for these fonts.
> Well, I don't remeber in Edgy if qt apps conform the rules in
> fontconfig for "Sans serf", "Serif" and "Monospace".
> --
> QT program doesn't select Chinese font correctly
> https://launchpad.net/bugs/94282
As I have siad it's a known bug of qt, it can not handle CJK font
under non-CJK locales. So how about close this bug here?

QT program doesn't select Chinese font correctly

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