Reopening, with added information and a better workaround...

The problem here is that insufficient privileges are given to tomcat-
juli.jar in /etc/tomcat6/policy.d/03catalina.policy.

i haven't determined yet the specific missing permissions, but giving
this jar file all permissions does resolve the issue.

You probably need some error in need of logging to reproduce it.

It would seem to me that it must be something needed by the classloader
to produce this symptom. In particular, in trying to load one class form
the spring-core.xxxx.jar file, it fails to find another class in the
same jar file. This should always succeed!

In googling around, I find quite a number of people have run into this.
The tomcat people blame it on the 3rd-party packagers (I believe that be
you!). Everyone else ends up disabling security entirely as a

This is a much better workaround:

// Workaround for missing permissions on tomcat-juiljar
grant codeBase "file:${catalina.home}/bin/tomcat-juli.jar" {

Also note that you can give AllPermission to the webapp itself,, and it
does NOT solve the problem. This places the blame squarely on the
distro's security configuration rather than on the application and
Spring -- I think. (Between security and classloaders, there's plenty of
room for confusion!)

BTW, kudos for at least trying to get it installed with a working
security configuration, even if it isn't 100%. It is a real pain to work
out the right security policy, and it is well worth getting the basics
right and sharing the result. And configuring it by dropping in my
webapp's policy is a breeze, even if I DID end up giving it
AllPermission for now.

tomcat6 with spring throws org/springframework/core/NestedExceptionUtils
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