
you can create a so called "key derrivation". An opened hard disk will
be the key for the next one (which has two keys from then on, your
passphrase and the key derrived from the first hard disk).

A good article can be  found here:
Here's a summary from [2] what to do:

##  --- Start here -- ##
# become root
$ sudo -s

# create ram device to store the derrived key from the first hdd.
# first_device is the first device you enter your password for.
# taget_device is any device (but NOT swap!).
# just repeat for each target device.
$ mkdir /mnt/ram && mount -t ramfs -o size=1m ramfs /mnt/ram && chmod 600 
$ /lib/cryptsetup/scripts/decrypt_derived <first_device> > /mnt/ram/tmp.key && 
cryptsetup luksAddKey <target_device> /mnt/ram/tmp.key && rm /mnt/ram/tmp.key
$ umount /mnt/ram && rmdir /mnt/ram 

# then tell luks  to use the derrived key
$ vim /etc/crypttab

# and enter this line, without thte quotation marks
# for the second, third etc. device only! not for the first one or swap!
# mapping-name      target-device     device_the_key_is_derrived_from      
"<Name>         UUID=<UUID>          <first_device>           

# for swap write
"<Name>         UUID=<UUID>          /dev/urandom           luks,swap"

# then do
$ update-initramfs -u -k all 

##  --- finished -- ##

For your swap device, please use /dev/urandom as key file (3rd
parameter). This way you will always encrypt the swap file differently,
which is a encryption plus. Also add "swap" to the options (4th
parameter). [1]

Now you did the following:
1.) For devices with same password you are only asked once for the password
2.) For your swap partition, you use a random key for extra security

Solved for me. Please tell me if it works for you, too.

[1] http://linux.die.net/man/5/crypttab
[2] http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/LUKS

Asks for same password twice
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