Same here, and it takes a ridiculously huge amount of time to gather

Most recently:

1:10 - Thunderbird crashes; system becomes sluggish.
1:13 - apport reports that thunderbird crashed, offers to report problem. 
Accepted; apport begins gathering data and system becomes nearly unresponsive.
1:20 - apport reports that it has finished gathering data and offers to send it 
with the report.  Accepted.  System becomes nearly unresponsive until 1:42.  
During this time memory usage of apport-gtk balloons to about 300MB virtual, 
181MB resident.
1:42 - system becomes more responsive.  apport is still "sending data"
1:45 - launchpad web page comes up.

How is it anything like acceptable that this application takes 35
minutes to process and report a single crash??

In my opinion even the 3 minutes taken for it to notice an "application
problem" is unacceptable.

Crash information collection depletes resources, clogs up and crashes system

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