If you've put udevsettle in the udev script of initramfs-tools, you need to
replace the line at the end of file each time the package udev is updated.

2007/3/28, James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> This is disturbing.
> I was going to ask what happens if initramfs-tools is updated and the
> problem is not fixed.
> Just did an update on a working machine with the above work around and
> initramfs-tools was one of the packages updated. This triggered an
> update of the initrd. That computer no longer boots, instead giving the
> "mdadm: No devices listed in conf file were found." again.
> --
> linux software RAID not working after herd 3 installation..
> https://launchpad.net/bugs/83231

linux software RAID not working after herd 3 installation..

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