In response to this post by Ben Collins:

Can you understand my issue with this now?

No, not really. I don't understand the issue.

I'm confused as to where the number for 38 driver versions comes from?
The web page linked above shows that Nvidia considers there to be 3 distinct 
groups of cards. Those currently being directly supported, those supported by 
the 96xx series and those supported by the 71xx series. In order for Ubuntu to 
support the full range of Nvidia cards there must be 3 nvidia drivers. Not 38.

My personal opinion is that:
1) nvidia-glx-legacy needs to be renamed nvidia-glx-legacy-71xx.
2) The 9631 driver packaged as nvidia-glx-legacy-96xx.
3) the nvidia-glx package continues to follow progress on the development 
series driver.
4) nvidia-glx-legacy-* needs to follow and update as and when nvidia update 
their legacy drivers.

When the argument arises "What do we do when Nvidia release another
series of drivers?" Which is possibly what Ben was worried about. The,
"Is this ever going to end?" problem. The only real answer is, no
probably not, but that's life. We are at the mercy of proprietary
drivers. I'm just grateful there isn't a different driver for every
single card!

Perhaps, by the time nvidia downgrade another series of cards to legacy
status there will be so few cards supported by the 71xx drivers that
Feisty+6 can drop them and still only have 3 packages to maintain.

To say that Feisty will support the 71xx and most recent drivers whilst
excluding some in the middle is a very strange choice. Numbers of users
affected by dropping the 71xx over the 96xx must surely be lower.
Although, I don't see any reason to drop either.

MASTER: Request for new-legacy nvidia drivers (9631)

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