Okay, I have changed to "jspeed.private" as my tld
When I go "host -t soa private"
I get:

chichi:~ harrisj$ host -t soa private
Host private not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
chichi:~ harrisj$ 

When I go "host -s soa jspeed.private"
I get:
chichi:~ harrisj$ host -t soa jspeed.private
jspeed.private has SOA record ns.jspeed.private. root.jspeed.private. 1269 
10800 3600 604800 38400

Can someone who knows more about avahi comment?  My understanding is that avahi 
uses .local as its tld
So when it checks to see if there is already a .local soa on the network it is 
correct that it hasn't found one.

There is a mydomain.local on the network, which shouldn't make a
difference to avahi or any local dns server.  Is my understanding of
avahi correct?  If so, this is probably a bug higher up in the chain
rather than the ubuntu packaging.  Probably needs to be reported if it
hasn't already.

problems resolving fully qualified domain names on Kubuntu feisty

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