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On 2007-02-12T08:06:39+00:00 danomatika wrote:

I'm running Ubuntu 6.10 on an IBM Thinkpad T43.

utorrent runs great in Wine 0.9.22.  Systray and window work fine.

When Ubuntu added Wine 0.9.30 to the repositories I naturally upgraded.

At first utorrent worked great as usual, although I noticed that the main menu
icons (the add torrent, stop, start, etc buttons...) were not rendered
correctly.  They are squished, with the bottoms cut off.

After a few days, I started up utorrent and the window worked fine, but the
systray did not appear.  Obviously, if I minimized utorrent to the systray, I
had no way of bringing it back.  It was running fine in the background.

After a few more days,  starting utorrent yielded no window at all! It was
running in the background and I can hear my drive ticking torrents away.

I tried deleting my .wine dir and reinstalling 0.9.30, which only resulting in
the same problems.

I downgraded my Wine installation back to 0.9.22 and, so far, have had none of
these problems.

Reply at:

On 2007-02-12T12:15:32+00:00 Lich wrote:

I use wine-0.9.30-g712e677 compiled from the source.
Linux distro is slackware-11.0
Utorrent 1.6
I can see both main window and systray icon.

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On 2007-02-13T04:20:13+00:00 Focht wrote:

There is already at least one uTorrent bug entry regarding this issue.

--- quote ---
I can see both main window and systray icon.
--- quote ---

Check the option "Minimize to tray" in "Preferences" -> "General" -> "System 
Minimize to systray.
Try to activate by clicking task bar.

Quick fix for <= wine-0.9.30 (-current?) is to uncheck the option in

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On 2007-02-13T07:02:10+00:00 Lich wrote:

Ah, I see...

It is not utorrent-only issue.
The same behaviour has 'taskmgr' which ships with wine.

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On 2007-02-13T07:34:05+00:00 danomatika wrote:

I tried upgrading to 0.9.30 again, but the same behavior happens.  uotrrent only
open once so I could change the systray preferences.  I restarted it and the gui
did not show up.

--- quote ---
It is not utorrent-only issue.
The same behavior has 'taskmgr' which ships with wine.
--- quote ---

Yes, I tried the taskmgr and minimizing then restoring the window yields an
empty window that does not refresh.

SOrry if this is a bug duplicate.

Reply at:

On 2007-02-13T11:28:56+00:00 Lich wrote:

--- quote ---
After a few days, I started up utorrent and the window worked fine, but the
systray did not appear.
--- quote ---

I can see systray icon everytime.
Moreover, if I click "Hide/Show Utorrent" in systray context menu, the empty 
window (which appears while restoring from task bar) repaints OK. The same with 

Do you experience the same?

What WM do you use? Mine is KDE 3.5.4

Reply at:

On 2007-02-13T12:03:43+00:00 danomatika wrote:

I'm using gnome 2.16.1 in Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy.

I read in the Ubuntu forums (cant find it offhand) that running a kde sys tray
app in gnome fixes the utorrent gui in gnome.  It might be a bug in how the
Gnome Panel handles the utorrent/wine systray.  That could explain why it works
fine in KDE.

I will try a KDE sys tray app and post later.

Reply at:

On 2007-02-13T15:07:17+00:00 Flexo wrote:

Actually from the comments this is something different than #7378. #7378 is
about the window being messed up after a vdesktop switch - this one is about the
systray missing?

Reply at:

On 2007-02-13T15:12:33+00:00 danomatika wrote:

--- quote ---
this one is about the systray missing?
--- quote ---

Actually it's about the entire utorreent gui missing, the systray and the gui. 
When I start utorrent in wine 0.9.30 no window or systray show up.  It's running
in the background.  I downgraded to the Wine 0.9.22 package in Ubuntu and have
no problems.

And I tried running Amarok to see if a KDE systray would help.  Didn't work, no
window or systray icon. :P

ALso, it just occurred to me, I'm running in dual monitor ATI Big Desktop mode
if that means anything.

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On 2007-02-25T08:08:05+00:00 s2 wrote:

Dan, have you tested KDE and did it got more clear now: is it systray bug in
Gnome or systray regression in Wine?

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On 2007-04-29T21:00:10+00:00 austin_is wrote:

The window itself works fine for me under wine 0.9.30, and up until wine 0.9.34.
After 0.9.35, the systray icon no longer works. I'm using Gnome, not KDE. Ubuntu

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On 2007-05-06T11:55:53+00:00 Lei Zhang wrote:

can someone do regression testing and find where it broke between wine 0.9.34
and 0.9.35?

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On 2007-05-24T12:23:06+00:00 rasz wrote:

it did not broke anywhere, we need more info from ppl who have this bug - its 
something in their configs thats broken.
I run utorrent under wine on 4 linux computers all the time (4x ubuntu, 3x 
7.04, one 6.06), and never seen that bug.

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On 2007-05-24T16:06:58+00:00 austin_is wrote:

If I get a chance in the near future I'll run a regression test, but I'm busy at
the moment.

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On 2007-05-27T20:01:46+00:00 danomatika wrote:

The same thing is happening in Ubuntu 7.04 with Wine 0.9.33.  Mabey I'm just
very unlucky here ...

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On 2007-05-29T17:48:01+00:00 austin_is wrote:

I haven't yet run a regression test (I'm not at the machine displaying the
symptoms), but I was able to do another test while at work today. I installed
ubuntu feisty in a virtual box VM. Updated software and installed guest
additions and wine (0.9.35, and later 0.9.37), otherwise a 'virgin' install. The
bug did not appear, which would appear to rule out GNOME and wine, though the
problem could be a result of some other common configuration. I'll try to run
the regression test when I get home, which may provide better clues.

Reply at:

On 2007-05-30T20:25:15+00:00 austin_is wrote:

Works fine for me under 0.9.37, after nuking ~/.wine. Seems for me it was an
issue with either reusing an old .wine directory and/or a setting in utorrent.

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On 2007-06-15T23:58:04+00:00 rasz wrote:

OK I can reproduce it (did it 3 times in a row).

-put only 128MB of ram in a computer :)
-boot ubuntu Feisty
-run system monitor
-run Opera (or any other app taking more ram than you have so the system has to 
swap for a moment) and utorrent at the same time

uTorrent will run without systray. It looks like wine/utorrent/gnome XEMBED 
implementation doesnt like swapping.

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On 2007-12-16T00:58:30+00:00 Arvana-sentex wrote:

I have the same issue. I am running a pretty clean install of Ubuntu
7.10, with Wine 0.9.51 and uTorrent 1.7.5.

I completely lost the GUI and systray icon for uTorrent, though just as
Dan Wilcox reported it was running and actually completing downloads.

I was able to restore the GUI by deleting Settings.dat in
~/.wine/drive_c/windows/profiles/username/Application Data/uTorrent.

Not sure if it will keep working.

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On 2007-12-16T19:36:52+00:00 Arvana-sentex wrote:

Update: Lost the GUI again.

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On 2008-01-04T21:32:05+00:00 Henrik Danielsson wrote:

Same problem here. Ubuntu 7.10, Gnome, Wine 0.9.52, µTorrent 1.7.5.

uTorrent worked fine for me in 0.9.51 except for small hiccups when
trying to minimize to/from systray (had to right-click systray icon and
excplicitly chose the option to minimize to tray or it would just
minimize to tasklist).

Now, I'm having great troubles restoring it to a non-minimized state.
Sometimes the window is completely scrambled, which reminds me of
incorrect resolution setting in Windows... Most of the time the window
simply doesn't appear. The systray icon is not working at all and gets
the wrong icon (same as the app next to it).

The only reliable way I've found to restore the window is to first
minimize it, right-click the tasklist item and click close (which does
nothing) and then double-click the tasklist item to restore the window.

I think the problems disappeared in the 1.8.0B version, but I am unable
to use it because of tracker restrictions on beta clients.

Removing Settings.dat did not help.

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On 2008-01-18T10:22:37+00:00 rasz wrote:

It looks like utorrent bug, not Wine, Wine is acting just like real
windows here

imo we can close this one

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On 2008-03-07T16:50:07+00:00 Imaxfun wrote:

I checked those threads at the uTorrent's own forum, and this definitely
looks like a bug in uTorrent and not in Wine. The very same problem
happens with native Windows, so Wine is just copying Windows' behavior
"bug-for-bug" just as it should.

Please, close this as INVALID. This is not a Wine bug. (It was a fine
report, though.)

Reply at:

On 2008-03-08T09:34:12+00:00 Henrik Danielsson wrote:

I think I should have added to my previous post that I'm running the
exact same .exe and settings in Vista, without any problems at all, and
before that I was using XP, all with atleast the three/four latest
versions of µTorrent. The links to µTorrent's forum above suggests
problems with SSDP and related services in XP, which I do have active in
Vista, and had active in XP without problems. They also suggest troubles
with user switching. I don't have multiple accounts in Vista, so I can't
confirm it there, but in XP I did.

The problem with disappearing windows and icons under Wine also applies
to other programs I'm running, such as Steam. (Don't run any others than
those regulary.)

The programs' systray icon is either random garbage or "stolen" from
another program also running in the systray. The context menues for them
seem to work most of the time though, but not always. The menu for
µUtorrent's systray icon sometimes appear on my left screen's bottom
right corner, instead of my right screen's bottom right corner, but I'm
assuming that's unrelated as it was positioned correctly before I got my
other screen (same problems otherwise with a single screen).

First time I used Steam/µTorrent their systray icons were fine and their
windows minimized/maximized/updated correctly. But soon after they
failed to work properly in the ways described here before. And they do
still work in Vista with the exact same files.

So this might indeed a problem with Wine! I'm not saying it's just Wine' having 
issues tho, but it's definately something wrong with it since none of the 
problems I'm having have ever appeared for me in Windows.

And even if "Wine is just copying Windows' behavior 'bug-for-bug'", wouldn't it 
be futile to do that without knowing why or how? If there's a definite bug in 
Windows to point at and say "That is what we're copying correctly." Wine users 
could atleast be reassured that's the way it's "supposed to be (until fixed in 
Windows)". But now it's just (IMHO) "Works in Windows for everyone but a few, 
but not at all in Wine, and is it even actually related reasons for not doing 

IMHO, copying a bug "by accident" and then saying "it's how it's
supposed to be and we've [intentionally] replicated it that way." is
taking the easy way out.

Sorry for making the tone of this post a bit harsh, it's not my
intention to upset anyone over this small matter. These issues have just
been annoying me so long now, and with every new version of Wine, µT or
Steam I hope there's been improvement, but nothing. And the post about
flagging this as invalid kinda felt like the last drop... I think we've
gathered enough intel in this report to know that something is going on,
and there's a good chance it's in Wine somewhere.

I'd be glad to help digging through the code (to actually do something
other than whine about things not working), had I not already had too
many projects going on atm. So, unless this issue has been resolved once
and for all when I get more spare time, I promise to personally do my
best at it.

Reply at:

On 2008-03-08T13:08:02+00:00 Imaxfun wrote:

Sorry, if I upset you, Henrik. I did try to understand all the
conflicting opinions here, and those bug reports really gave me an
impression of this not being in Wine at all. However, now you are
clearly telling you disagree. Ok... Let's find out the truth.

You tell things work right on Vista. Are you using the exact same
version of uTorrent then? If no, then uTorrent might have fixed things.
If yes, then there might be a countering fix in Vista. (I'm not sure,
but I think I've heard of something such.)

Now, the much more interesting case for fixing this bug are those who
ran uTorrent on Windows and still fail. Which version of uTorrent do
they have when failing and when not? They can show, if it was a
regression in uTorrent. (my theory)

And for Wine, people here say they've had uTorrent working before, but
not anymore. Is that REALLY a regression in Wine? If it is, then it can
be found out by running a regression test - keeping the uTorrent version
unchanged and changing Wine until there will be a culprit found.

Please, someone having this problem, do run one:

Reply at:

On 2008-04-09T20:11:31+00:00 aaron wrote:

I too have this bug. But I don't think it's just a wine bug.
For me it started happening not when I updated wine, but when I updated gnome.
But the icon has also disappeared in KDE since I updated wine, so that may not 
be the only cause.
As a workaround, try running utorrent in a virtual desktop, it works for me.

Reply at:

On 2008-04-10T02:35:17+00:00 Henrik Danielsson wrote:

(In reply to comment #24)

You didn't really upset me, so no need to appologize there. I really
appreciate you, and everyone else, actually taking time to do something
about this, no matter where the problem is. To not drag this even more
off topic, I'll get to the point:

I mentioned I have two screens before, some time ago I had disconnected
one of my screens and went back to a regular setup (single monitor at
1280x1024 instead of 3600x1200 stretched across two, using the nvidia
gfx tool and virtual resolutions). The thing is that when I had done
this and bootet up, µTorrent sat there nicely in the systray and
minimize/maximize both to systray and normal "programs list" worked
fine! Behaviour was concistent after reboots and ending/starting µT as
well, until I hooked up another screen again and µT got buggy again.
This was with version 1.7.7 of µTorrent and 0.9.57 of wine I think.
(Don't remember exactly cause I was only using that setup for about a
week while back home at my parents' place.)

Yes these are the exact same .exe files and config files used under XP,
Vista and Ubuntu (folder symlinked), ranging from wine 1.7.4 to 1.7.7.
Also tested briefly with 1.8 alpha, which seemed to work better, but I
had to remove it fast or get banned from trackers. :(

I'm not definatley sure this is a regression in Wine, but I think it
might be unwise to close this discussion before it's been determined
what the cause really is.

Sorry for not being able to give more detailed info about this, or
running a regression test yet, but I simply don't have the time. :(

Reply at:

On 2008-04-10T16:44:07+00:00 Henrik Danielsson wrote:

I just got yet another kernel panic freeze and booted up with the last kernel 
on my grub list to test that instead.
For some reason, my gfx drivers weren't activated here, so my desktop was 
cloned (800x600 looks really bad on a 24" widescreen, btw...).

Guess what, uTorrent auto-started and now lies comfortably in the
systray. I can mini-/maximize/open/close/restart it without any
problems. Too bad it won't last as I have to get the drivers working

uT version 1.7.7, Wine 0.9.59.

Reply at:

On 2008-04-18T13:30:56+00:00 Sky-demony wrote:

I'm using Gentoo with wine-0.9.59

Systray icon does not appears on KDE nor on Gnome. But, the window shows

I had this problem after upgrading wine to 0.9.59. So far, I've never
had any of these problems (I was using wine 0.9.56 before the upgrade).

Reply at:

On 2008-04-19T12:50:53+00:00 Jaime Rave wrote:

(In reply to comment #28)
> I'm using Gentoo with wine-0.9.59
> Systray icon does not appears on KDE nor on Gnome. But, the window shows fine.
> I had this problem after upgrading wine to 0.9.59. So far, I've never had any
> of these problems (I was using wine 0.9.56 before the upgrade).

This was a regresion in Wine 0.9.59. Try with latest version that is

Reply at:

On 2008-06-12T11:58:12+00:00 Toni Ruottu wrote:

I've noticed similar behavior with Progress Quest on Ubuntu.
See the following url for closer analysis.

Reply at:

On 2008-06-12T12:05:31+00:00 Ben Hodgetts wrote:

Latest uTorrent with current Wine (RC4) works fine. Window displays
fine, shows in Gnome panel happily, the systray icon works as it should.
everything is peachy. Marking WFM as I can't reproduce it.

Reply at:

On 2008-06-13T05:58:07+00:00 Henrik Danielsson wrote:

I am still able to reproduce this behavior at any time with Wine RC4 and
µTorrent 1.7.7.

With one monitor active, at say 1920x1200, everything does work fine.
But as soon as I switch resolution to 3200x1600 causing my second
monitor to switch on, the systray icon disappears and loses all
functionality. The space where the icon was is now empty, as if it was
simply invisible, but sometimes the icons of other systray apps appear
there. It stays that way until I switch back to 1920x1600, left monitor
turns off, I restart wine, and systray is back and working again.

I also noted this behavior when testing Serious Samurize in Wine. The
program works but the output (an image overlayed on the desktop) is
gray. Same problem with Samurize's systray icon.

Everything also works fine if I run in virtual desktop mode.

Tested what was suggested at
but without result.

Reply at:

On 2008-06-13T07:12:17+00:00 Alexandre Julliard wrote:

(In reply to comment #32)
> With one monitor active, at say 1920x1200, everything does work fine. But as
> soon as I switch resolution to 3200x1600 causing my second monitor to switch
> on, the systray icon disappears and loses all functionality. The space where
> the icon was is now empty, as if it was simply invisible, but sometimes the
> icons of other systray apps appear there. It stays that way until I switch 
> back
> to 1920x1600, left monitor turns off, I restart wine, and systray is back and
> working again.

Resizing the desktop window on the fly is not supported at the moment,
it's not specific to systray. This is bug 13034.

Reply at:

On 2008-06-13T19:19:02+00:00 Henrik Danielsson wrote:

(In reply to comment #33)
> Resizing the desktop window on the fly is not supported at the moment, it's 
> not
> specific to systray. This is bug 13034.
The problem is unrelated to the actual resizing action. It doesn't matter if I 
have µTorrent/Wine running or not when resizing, once I try using it with dual 
monitors the systray icon breaks and I can't get it back unless I run with a 
single monitor. This of course includes tests with restarting the computer etc 
after switching resolutions, to make sure it's not the actual resizing breaking 

And yes, I do experience bug 13034 too if I have µTorrent running when
switching resolutions. And just to be sure, I moved the systray to the
other monitor (and other panels) as well, same problem there.

Reply at:

On 2008-06-14T03:02:35+00:00 Alexandre Julliard wrote:

(In reply to comment #34)
> (In reply to comment #33)
> > Resizing the desktop window on the fly is not supported at the moment, it's 
> > not
> > specific to systray. This is bug 13034.
> The problem is unrelated to the actual resizing action. It doesn't matter if I
> have µTorrent/Wine running or not when resizing, once I try using it with dual
> monitors the systray icon breaks and I can't get it back unless I run with a
> single monitor. This of course includes tests with restarting the computer etc
> after switching resolutions, to make sure it's not the actual resizing 
> breaking
> things.

Then it's a different problem. Please file a new bug for this.

Reply at:

On 2008-08-18T05:21:22+00:00 Henrik Danielsson wrote:

(In reply to comment #35)
> Then it's a different problem. Please file a new bug for this.

I'm not sure what makes it a different problem except for 1 vs 2

Anyways, I'd just like to say that the systray icons and everything else
that I had problems with works in Wine 1.1.2 both for µTorrent 1.7.7 &
1.8 as well as Steam.

Thank you, Wine Devs!

Reply at:

On 2008-09-18T14:54:47+00:00 austin_is wrote:


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main window disappears from the Window list
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