Like Geoff Mitchell, I had to remove all other reps to make this happen. 
Well, in the end, it fails the seamless test for me. It crashed on reboot and I 
had to roll it back to kernel 2.6.10 in order for it to boot up again.  It 
failed to recognize my hard disk.  Scary. Once I got it back up and running I 
did "dpkg --configure -a" and it loaded everything it was supposed to.  

I also lost binding to eth0 but uninstalling Knetworkmanager and
reinstalling fixed that.  Doing the upgrades now and all seems just fine
and stable.

I think that it be very pertinent that only the necessary repositories
be active for the dist-upgrade.  Having too much going on except what is
absolutely necessary may help smoothen things out.

Thank for all the hard work.  This seems pretty rock solid so far.

SRU: updates necessary for Kubuntu Upgrade Tool in Edgy

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