there seems to be a race condition in my case:

r...@boxen:~# ntop
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  NOTE: Interface merge enabled by default
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  Initializing gdbm databases
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  ntop will be started as user nobody
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  ntop v.3.3
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  Configured on Jun 15 2010 19:46:19, built on Jun 15 
2010 19:46:40.
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  Copyright 1998-2007 by Luca Deri <>
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  Get the freshest ntop from
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  NOTE: ntop is running from 'ntop'
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  NOTE: (but see warning on man page for the --instance 
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  NOTE: ntop libraries are in '/usr/lib'
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  Initializing ntop
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  **WARNING** Truncated network size (device eth0) to 
1024 hosts (real netmask
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  Checking eth0 for additional devices
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  Resetting traffic statistics for device eth0
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  Initializing device eth0 (0)
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  DLT: Device 0 [eth0] is 1, mtu 1514, header 14
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  Initializing gdbm databases
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  VENDOR: Loading MAC address table.
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  VENDOR: Checking for MAC address table file
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  VENDOR: File '/etc/ntop/specialMAC.txt' does not need 
to be reloaded
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  VENDOR: ntop continues ok
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  VENDOR: Checking for MAC address table file
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  VENDOR: File '/etc/ntop/oui.txt' does not need to be 
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  VENDOR: ntop continues ok
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  Fingerprint: Loading signature file
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  Fingerprint: Checking for Fingerprint file... file
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  Fingerprint: Loading file '/etc/ntop/etter.finger.os'
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  Fingerprint: ...loaded 1765 records
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  ASN: Checking for Autonomous System Number table file
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  ASN: Loading file '/etc/ntop/AS-list.txt'
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  ASN: ...found 111435 lines
Mon Nov 22 18:11:28 2010  ASN: ....Used 7560 KB of memory (24 per entry)
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  I18N: Default language (from ntop host) is 'en_AU'
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  I18N: This instance of ntop supports 0 additional 
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  IP2CC: Checking for IP address <-> Country Code 
mapping file
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  IP2CC: Loading file '/etc/ntop/p2c.opt.table'
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  IP2CC: ...found 52395 lines
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  Database support not compiled into ntop
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  Initializing external applications
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287450130192]: NPA: network packet 
analyzer (packet processor) thread running [p2467]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287450130192]: NPA: Started thread 
for network packet analyzer (eth0)
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287441737488]: SFP: Started thread 
for fingerprinting
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287433344784]: SIH: Started thread 
for idle hosts detection
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287424952080]: DNSAR(1): Started 
thread for DNS address resolution
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287416559376]: DNSAR(2): Started 
thread for DNS address resolution
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287408166672]: DNSAR(3): Started 
thread for DNS address resolution
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  Calling plugin start functions (if any)
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  SSL is present but https is disabled: use -W 
<https port> for enabling it
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  INITWEB: Initializing web server
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  INITWEB: Initializing TCP/IP socket connections 
for web server
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  INITWEB: Initialized socket, port 3000, address 
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  INITWEB: Waiting for HTTP connections on port 3000
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  INITWEB: Starting web server
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287399773968]: INITWEB: Started 
thread for web server
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  Listening on [eth0]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  Loading Plugins
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  Searching for plugins in /usr/lib/ntop/plugins
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  NETFLOW: Welcome to NetFlow.(C) 2002-07 by Luca 
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  LASTSEEN: Welcome to Host Last Seen. (C) 1999 by 
Andrea Marangoni
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  PDA: Welcome to PDA. (C) 2001-2005 by L.Deri and 
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  SFLOW: Welcome to sFlow.(C) 2002-04 by Luca Deri
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  Remote: Welcome to Remote. (C) 2006-07 by L.Deri
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  ICMP: Welcome to ICMP Watch. (C) 1999-2005 by 
Luca Deri
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD: Welcome to Round-Robin Databases. (C) 
2002-07 by Luca Deri.
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  Calling plugin start functions (if any)
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  NETFLOW: Welcome to the netFlow plugin
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  NETFLOW: initializing '3' devices
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  NETFLOW: createNetFlowDevice(3)
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  Creating dummy interface, 'NetFlow-device.3'
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  NETFLOW: initializing deviceId=1
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  NETFLOW: White list initialized to ''
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  NETFLOW: Black list initialized to ''
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  NETFLOW: Created a UDP socket (12)
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  NETFLOW: Collector listening on port 2055
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287358277392]: NETFLOW: Started 
thread for receiving flows on port 2055
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  Initializing device NetFlow-device.3 (1)
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  **WARNING** NETFLOW: Truncated network 
size(device NetFlow-device.3) to 1024 hosts(real netmask
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  NETFLOW: createNetFlowDevice created device 1
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD: Welcome to the RRD plugin
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD: Mask for new directories is 0700
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD: Mask for new files is 0066
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD_DEBUG: Parameters:
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpInterval 300 seconds
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpShortInterval 10 seconds
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpHours 72 hours by 300 seconds
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpDays 90 days by hour
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpMonths 36 months by day
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpDomains no
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpFlows no
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpHosts no
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpInterfaces yes
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpASs yes
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpMatrix no
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpDetail high
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     hostsFilter 
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     rrdPath /var/lib/ntop/rrd
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     umask 0066
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     DirPerms 0700
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT: RRD: Started thread 
(t140287341491984) for data collection
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287433344784]: SIH: Idle host scan 
thread starting [p2467]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287424952080]: DNSAR(1): Address 
resolution thread running
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  INIT: Created pid file (/var/run/
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287416559376]: DNSAR(2): Address 
resolution thread running
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287408166672]: DNSAR(3): Address 
resolution thread running
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287399773968]: WEB: Server 
connection thread starting [p2467]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  Note: SIGPIPE handler set (ignore)
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287399773968]: WEB: Server 
connection thread running [p2467]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  WEB: ntop's web server is now processing requests
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287358277392]: NETFLOW: thread 
starting [p2467]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287441737488]: SFP: Fingerprint 
scan thread starting [p2467]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:28 EST  THREADMGMT[t140287341491984]: RRD: Data 
collection thread starting [p2467]
Segmentation fault

--> run it again

r...@boxen:~# ntop
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  NOTE: Interface merge enabled by default
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  Initializing gdbm databases
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  ntop will be started as user nobody
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  ntop v.3.3
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  Configured on Jun 15 2010 19:46:19, built on Jun 15 
2010 19:46:40.
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  Copyright 1998-2007 by Luca Deri <>
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  Get the freshest ntop from
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  NOTE: ntop is running from 'ntop'
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  NOTE: (but see warning on man page for the --instance 
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  NOTE: ntop libraries are in '/usr/lib'
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  Initializing ntop
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  **WARNING** Truncated network size (device eth0) to 
1024 hosts (real netmask
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  Checking eth0 for additional devices
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  Resetting traffic statistics for device eth0
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  Initializing device eth0 (0)
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  DLT: Device 0 [eth0] is 1, mtu 1514, header 14
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  Initializing gdbm databases
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  VENDOR: Loading MAC address table.
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  VENDOR: Checking for MAC address table file
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  VENDOR: File '/etc/ntop/specialMAC.txt' does not need 
to be reloaded
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  VENDOR: ntop continues ok
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  VENDOR: Checking for MAC address table file
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  VENDOR: File '/etc/ntop/oui.txt' does not need to be 
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  VENDOR: ntop continues ok
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  Fingerprint: Loading signature file
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  Fingerprint: Checking for Fingerprint file... file
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  Fingerprint: Loading file '/etc/ntop/etter.finger.os'
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  Fingerprint: ...loaded 1765 records
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  ASN: Checking for Autonomous System Number table file
Mon Nov 22 18:11:30 2010  ASN: Loading file '/etc/ntop/AS-list.txt'
Mon Nov 22 18:11:31 2010  ASN: ...found 111435 lines
Mon Nov 22 18:11:31 2010  ASN: ....Used 7560 KB of memory (24 per entry)
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  I18N: Default language (from ntop host) is 'en_AU'
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  I18N: This instance of ntop supports 0 additional 
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  IP2CC: Checking for IP address <-> Country Code 
mapping file
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  IP2CC: Loading file '/etc/ntop/p2c.opt.table'
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  IP2CC: ...found 52395 lines
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  Database support not compiled into ntop
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  Initializing external applications
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258685572880]: NPA: Started thread 
for network packet analyzer (eth0)
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258677180176]: SFP: Started thread 
for fingerprinting
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258668787472]: SIH: Started thread 
for idle hosts detection
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258660394768]: DNSAR(1): Started 
thread for DNS address resolution
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258652002064]: DNSAR(2): Started 
thread for DNS address resolution
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258643609360]: DNSAR(3): Started 
thread for DNS address resolution
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  Calling plugin start functions (if any)
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  SSL is present but https is disabled: use -W 
<https port> for enabling it
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  INITWEB: Initializing web server
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  INITWEB: Initializing TCP/IP socket connections 
for web server
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  INITWEB: Initialized socket, port 3000, address 
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  INITWEB: Waiting for HTTP connections on port 3000
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  INITWEB: Starting web server
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258635216656]: INITWEB: Started 
thread for web server
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  Listening on [eth0]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  Loading Plugins
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  Searching for plugins in /usr/lib/ntop/plugins
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  NETFLOW: Welcome to NetFlow.(C) 2002-07 by Luca 
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  LASTSEEN: Welcome to Host Last Seen. (C) 1999 by 
Andrea Marangoni
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  PDA: Welcome to PDA. (C) 2001-2005 by L.Deri and 
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  SFLOW: Welcome to sFlow.(C) 2002-04 by Luca Deri
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  Remote: Welcome to Remote. (C) 2006-07 by L.Deri
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  ICMP: Welcome to ICMP Watch. (C) 1999-2005 by 
Luca Deri
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD: Welcome to Round-Robin Databases. (C) 
2002-07 by Luca Deri.
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  Calling plugin start functions (if any)
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  NETFLOW: Welcome to the netFlow plugin
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  NETFLOW: initializing '3' devices
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  NETFLOW: createNetFlowDevice(3)
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  Creating dummy interface, 'NetFlow-device.3'
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  NETFLOW: initializing deviceId=1
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  NETFLOW: White list initialized to ''
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  NETFLOW: Black list initialized to ''
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  NETFLOW: Created a UDP socket (12)
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  NETFLOW: Collector listening on port 2055
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258593720080]: NETFLOW: Started 
thread for receiving flows on port 2055
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  Initializing device NetFlow-device.3 (1)
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  **WARNING** NETFLOW: Truncated network 
size(device NetFlow-device.3) to 1024 hosts(real netmask
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  NETFLOW: createNetFlowDevice created device 1
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD: Welcome to the RRD plugin
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD: Mask for new directories is 0700
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD: Mask for new files is 0066
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD_DEBUG: Parameters:
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpInterval 300 seconds
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpShortInterval 10 seconds
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpHours 72 hours by 300 seconds
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpDays 90 days by hour
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpMonths 36 months by day
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpDomains no
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpFlows no
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpHosts no
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpInterfaces yes
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpASs yes
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpMatrix no
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     dumpDetail high
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     hostsFilter 
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     rrdPath /var/lib/ntop/rrd
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     umask 0066
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  RRD_DEBUG:     DirPerms 0700
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT: RRD: Started thread 
(t140258576934672) for data collection
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258685572880]: NPA: network packet 
analyzer (packet processor) thread running [p2477]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258677180176]: SFP: Fingerprint 
scan thread starting [p2477]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258668787472]: SIH: Idle host scan 
thread starting [p2477]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258660394768]: DNSAR(1): Address 
resolution thread running
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258652002064]: DNSAR(2): Address 
resolution thread running
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258643609360]: DNSAR(3): Address 
resolution thread running
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258635216656]: WEB: Server 
connection thread starting [p2477]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  Note: SIGPIPE handler set (ignore)
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258635216656]: WEB: Server 
connection thread running [p2477]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  WEB: ntop's web server is now processing requests
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258593720080]: NETFLOW: thread 
starting [p2477]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  INIT: Created pid file (/var/run/
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258576934672]: RRD: Data 
collection thread starting [p2477]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258832664640]: ntop RUNSTATE: 
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  Now running as requested user 'nobody' 
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  Note: Reporting device initally set to 0 [eth0]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258832664640]: ntop RUNSTATE: 
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258568541968]: NPS(1): Started 
thread for network packet sniffing [eth0]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258568541968]: NPS(eth0): 
pcapDispatch thread starting [p2477]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258593720080]: NETFLOW: (port 
2055) thread running [p2477]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258668787472]: SIH: Idle host scan 
thread running [p2477]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258677180176]: SFP: Fingerprint 
scan thread running [p2477]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:31 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258568541968]: NPS(eth0): 
pcapDispatch thread running [p2477]
^CMon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:32 EST  CLEANUP[t140258832664640]: ntop caught signal 2
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:32 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258832664640]: ntop RUNSTATE: 
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:32 EST  CLEANUP[t140258832664640] catching thread is 
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:32 EST  CLEANUP: Running threads SFP SIH WEB DNSAR1 
DNSAR2 DNSAR3 NPS(eth0) NF1 NPA(eth0)
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:32 EST  Joining thread DNSAR1
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:32 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258643609360]: DNSAR(3): Address 
resolution thread terminated [p2477]
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:32 EST  THREADMGMT[t140258568541968]: NPS(eth0): 
pcapDispatch thread terminated [p2477]
^CMon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:33 EST  CLEANUP[t140258685572880]: ntop caught signal 2
Mon 22 Nov 2010 18:11:33 EST  ntop is now quitting...

(the last time it didn't crash).

error 4 in
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