I'm beginning to suspect this is something to do with Debian based
distros, as I switched to Slackware-current and am currently running with the proprietary drivers and am not having this issue at
all now. Perhaps my modules list is missing something that was causing
the lockup, or there was something added in whatever versions of
libraries the stuff got compiled against that's causing it in
Ubunutu/Mepis. This has worked with the latest three sets of drivers
from ATI, with only one lockup total in the last month that I suspect
had to do with something I was doing in wine and opengl.

I hope that doesn't muddy the waters too much. If you have any questions
about my current setup please let me know and I'll provide as much
information as I can to help pinpoint the difference.

[FGLRX] kernel drivers kills USB subsystem

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