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On 2000-10-30T19:44:01+00:00 Laurel wrote:

Using 2000-10-30-08 mn6 commercial branch build Mac OS 9.0
mac only, works with Win32 build and linux build

I can only drag once from address book name/card list to a mailing list window,
sometimes can't drag any.

1.  From mail window, Tasks|Address Book.
2.  Click New List, give list a name.
3.  Drag a name/card from the address book to the mail list window.
    Note:  this first address drag & drop sometimes works, sometimes doesn't
4.  Drag another name from the address book to the mail list window.
    Result:  Doesn't work.

Note:  typing names in the mail list window works and you can add

Actual result:  can only us Drag&Drop from address book maximum of once,
sometimes none.

Expected:  can drag&drop as many names as I want from address book to
mail list.

This is a regression.

Reply at:

On 2000-10-31T18:35:53+00:00 Selmer wrote:

Odds are low that this will make the release.  If we can identify the change 
that regressed this and come up with a very small and safe fix, we might get 
 It's worth a look to see if that can happen, so [rtm need info]

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On 2000-10-31T19:11:05+00:00 Chuang wrote:

cc Pinkerton since this only happened on Mac.  I'll take a look first.

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On 2000-10-31T19:17:04+00:00 Chuang wrote:

Laurel, did it work if you Drag&Drop from address book to another
address book?

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On 2000-10-31T19:21:23+00:00 Laurel wrote:

Yes, drag from AB to another AB works. Drag from AB to mail list dialog

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On 2000-11-02T16:16:05+00:00 Selmer wrote:

Any status?

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On 2000-11-02T17:04:09+00:00 Chuang wrote:

No luck so far.  I found one js error but it doesn't fix it.  I'm still

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On 2000-11-02T21:56:48+00:00 Chuang wrote:

It looks like the ondragdrop(DropOnAddressListTree()) is never been called. I
can't figure out why since it is working fine on NT.  Need help from Drag&Drop

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On 2000-11-02T23:15:39+00:00 Selmer wrote:

Alec, I saw your name in another DND bug.  Can you help Candice find out why her
handler is not being called?

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On 2000-11-03T18:27:52+00:00 Phil-formerly-netscape wrote:

PDT marking [rtm-]. There are other ways to build a mailing list, and this
doesn't crash.

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On 2000-12-20T01:55:32+00:00 Laurel wrote:

nominatge for 6.5

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On 2001-01-04T22:41:31+00:00 Scottputterman wrote:

marking nsbeta1+ and moving to mozilla0.8

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On 2001-01-12T06:54:50+00:00 Scottputterman wrote:

moving to mozilla0.9

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On 2001-02-13T08:30:19+00:00 Scottputterman wrote:

marking nsbeta1- and moving to future milestone.

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On 2001-02-14T19:31:08+00:00 Mikepinkerton wrote:

what i see in the 2/12 build is that i can drag as many addresses as I want 
a mail compose widget as long as I don't drop on the text field. If i drop 
"between" the text areas for typing the address or in an area of the addressing 
widget that is empty, it works just dandy. It seems that the text field is 
accepting the drop, but not correctly processing it.

Reply at:

On 2001-02-14T19:39:36+00:00 Chuang wrote:

Mike,  Dragging into compose window is working.  Dragging into a Mailing list 
dialog is broken here.  You should go to address book window and click on New 

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On 2001-02-14T19:49:32+00:00 Mikepinkerton wrote:

ok, now that i know what i'm doing ;), I tried this and it works perfectly for
me. is there still a bug here? 2/12/01 mac opt bits.

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On 2001-02-14T19:55:29+00:00 Chuang wrote:

I tried on my mozilla debug build, it doesn't work.  I'll try again after my 
tree compiled.   Laurel,  can you try it on your machine?

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On 2001-02-14T20:04:13+00:00 Mikepinkerton wrote:

tried this again with my 2/13/01 afternoon moz debug build and it worked just
dandy. i must be doing something wrong. ;)

chuang, can you drag _anything_ on your mac? maybe your mac is wedged somehow
and dragndrop is just broken. I've seen that state before.

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On 2001-02-14T20:28:16+00:00 Chuang wrote:

Well,  I can't drag over compose window, mailing list dialog and mail window.  
But I can drag into bookmark window on my Mac.  This is using 2-14 commercial 
build.  I was able to drag into compose window but not mailing list dialog 2 
month ago.   I think we need QA to verify if it's working or not.

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On 2001-03-21T11:56:43+00:00 Gilles Durys wrote:

Isn't this one a dup of bug 45064 ?

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On 2001-03-21T13:03:06+00:00 Peter-lairo wrote:

This *doesn't* work for me on the very latest build on winNT

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On 2001-03-25T22:26:41+00:00 Verbal-myrealbox wrote:

*** Bug 72790 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2001-11-01T08:12:53+00:00 Scottputterman wrote:

reassigning to racham.

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On 2001-11-01T21:17:41+00:00 Nbaca wrote:

Branch build 2001-10-22: Mac 9.1
It appears to be working now. Laurel, is it working for you?

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On 2002-01-26T23:54:33+00:00 Mas17 wrote:

I'm using build ID 2002012408 with MacOS 8.6 and the problem is still here.
I've only been using Mozilla since last spring, and never noticed this problem
before now, which seems odd considering the previous posts to this bug.
I went back to some older builds I still have on my HD, and they won't work
properly either, although I'm sure at one point this was working.


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On 2002-02-25T04:22:45+00:00 Bromontisahole wrote:

using all recent nightly builds this happens.  I could drag all the names i
wanted to the mailing list save one.  this one name refuses to be transfered. 
These are all imported from outlook express.  I wonder if this has anything to
do with anything.  I also cannot create new cards because the input fields will
not allow me to place my cursor within them or type in the, though this is
another bug.  Has anyone else experienced this.  I will start a clean profile
and see if i can create cards in it.

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On 2002-03-06T16:40:59+00:00 Jamesrome-alum wrote:

This is totally broken now. I think it might be due to the fixes for list 
When one opens the list editor on the 2002030508 win2k release, the box is
MODAL!!!! If you click on the main address book to get an address, it beeps.

So mailing lists are impossible to create now.

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On 2002-05-01T23:01:09+00:00 Trudelle wrote:

Nominating for MachV, this is a very visible regression that basically breaks a
major feature.  The text in the window even tells you to drag addresses into it,
but that is impossible. Shipping with this broken will be sufficient reason for
mailing list users to shun the entire product.  On Mac it is worse, because it
is application-modal (not just window-modal), so you are prevented from using
the entire browser.  On MacOS X, you can't even *see* the addresses, because the
modal dialog pane drops down on top of them.  That means you have to type the
addresses from memory, or close it until you can get back in with an external
list.  We should consider allowing copy/paste, and prefilling the new list with
the selection in the future, but can't we fix this basic funcationality for 

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On 2002-05-02T00:15:50+00:00 Jamesrome-alum wrote:

Isn't it as easy as making the box non-modal again? I have been complaining
about this since they ruined it, and to NO avail.

I pointed out in the "can't import mailing list" bug (62084) exactly when this

In that bug I got several responses that claimed that it was easy to edit lists,
but it is in fact impossible. 

At the time the box went modal, there were still a bunch of bugs concerning the
editing box. It would not scroll properly and also put in blank lines.

In my opinion, this is a blocker for a release.

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On 2002-05-15T17:48:00+00:00 Scottputterman wrote:

marking nsbeta1- per mail triage.

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On 2002-05-16T05:47:25+00:00 Trudelle wrote:

Adding helpwanted keyword.  I suspect that Netscape will never have any
motivation to fix this because we have an easy way to create server-side mailing
lists, so nobody here depends on this feature to work.

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On 2002-05-16T12:47:15+00:00 Jamesrome-alum wrote:

Sol Spitzer@Netscape is dead set against making the address list window
non-modal. In that case, the solution is to add a second pane to the modal
window that has the address book list available for dragging into the list 

In this way, Sol's objection (that people could go and muck things up in the
main window while the address list editor was open) and mine (that you HAVE to
see and access both the list and the address book at once) would both be 

I also feel that this is essential to the 1.0 release. People rely upon mailing
lists, and they must be createable and editable in a nice manner.

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On 2002-06-07T11:23:29+00:00 Kador wrote:

I have thsi bug on Win2k : I create a list, and CAN't drag / drop

This is a blocker for me !!!!!

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On 2002-06-08T18:25:14+00:00 Gandalf-aviary wrote:

Still unresolved??? Any targets for this??? It reduce sens of Mozilla 1.0 if it
doeasnt gives ppl effective way to organize mailbook. Any targets for this???

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On 2002-08-09T18:49:56+00:00 Greg-bugzilla wrote:

See also bug 161901.

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On 2002-08-09T19:16:44+00:00 Jamesrome-alum wrote:

Coming back to my comment #32, it is not clear what evil will occur if the "add
names" dialog is non-modal. And is it the lesser of the evils?

In the meanwhile, the users suffer from unworkable mailing lists.

I do note that before the dialog was made modal, it had severe problems. The
scrolling didnt work properly, and there would often be blank places in the 

I propose turning off the modal switch until a better solution is found.

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On 2003-05-08T17:16:18+00:00 Sspitzer wrote:

mass re-assign.

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On 2003-08-15T00:10:53+00:00 Bugzilla-babylonsounds wrote:

confirmed for MacOS X as well

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On 2003-08-15T00:17:39+00:00 Jamesrome-alum wrote:

This bug needs to have a higher priority. Mailing lists just plain do not work.
I can drag names to the list until I am blue in the face, but then they
disappear or are replaced by the user's name (as opposed to his e-mail).

Why is there no one working on it? It needs to be fixed for 1.5b!!

This all used to work wonderfully.

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On 2003-09-17T06:29:03+00:00 Mkreyche wrote:

I am new to Bugzilla so please pardon any gaffes I make.

I'm having this problem with Mozilla 1.21 which I've been using pretty much ever
since it came out on a variety of machines mostly with Win98. At different times
I've had problems with the address book drag and drop, and other times I've had
problems with Mozilla locking up, or refusing to load at all, or refusing to
start mail or the AB after the browser is running. I've come to the conclusion
that this is no coincidence, that the AB problems are at the root of all of
this. Every time I run into the problem it seems to get more severe. 

I recently uninstalled Mozilla, deleted old profiles (saving the data), and made
a clean install. I didn't import the old AB for a while to make sure everything
was stable; I just added names to the clean AB as needed. After a few weeks of
stable operation I imported the AB with lists and everything was fine; I even
sent out a message to various lists. Then tonight I tried to drag/drop a new
name into a mailing list. After a few attempts Mozilla locked up, and though I
can start up the browser I can't start up Mail from the Start menu, a shortcut
on the desktop, or the button on the bottom of the browser window. Ditto with
the AB button. So I guess I will try a clean reinstall again. This is a Win98
box, the one where my lists are the largest and the most dynamic and the one
with the most problems.

I was hoping that moving up to 1.4 or 1.5b or Thunderbird would fix things, but
judging from the many, many bug reports I've seen about D&D in the AB, this
problem has been around for a long time on all platforms and there has been no
progress fixing it. Most of the bugs get reported as duplicates and most of the
others get closed with the "works for me" treatment.

Obviously this is a subtle and/or intermittent bug and I'm frustrated enough
that I'm ready to do some methodical debugging, but I'm not sure how to proceed.
If anyone can give me some suggestions, I'd appreciate it.

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On 2003-12-18T01:29:37+00:00 Mozilla-06 wrote:

Bug 97854 looks related, but I'm note completely sure this is a dupe.

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On 2005-04-20T19:21:41+00:00 Mcow wrote:

This bug morphed, unacceptably in my view, starting at comment 27.  That 
is/was entirely different from the (Mac-only) problem originally reported here. 

The "new" problem, brought on by the "fix" for bug 128124, is that the mailing 
list dialog is modal (and is present on all platforms); the actual bug for 
fixing that problem is bug 135126 (and see also bug 115904).  Everyone who is 
watching this bug thinking it's about that issue is advised to watch 135126 

Since the modal dialog effectively prevents anyone from testing if the original 
bug still exists, I'll be adding a dependency.

Reply at:

On 2007-07-10T15:27:11+00:00 Robert-allen-noaa wrote:

I am reporting that this is an issue in Thunderbird and a very
big issue for our enterprise here.

Reply at:

On 2007-07-10T15:44:12+00:00 Robert-allen-noaa wrote:

(In reply to comment #43)
> I am reporting that this is an issue in Thunderbird and a very big
> issue for our enterprise here.  

Sorry - this is not Mac-based, it's Windows.  And apparently the
solution is to hold CTRL while dragging.

Mea culpa.

Reply at:

On 2007-07-12T19:54:05+00:00 Bienvenu wrote:

this should be fixed in, iirc - you can try a build

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On 2007-09-30T21:45:54+00:00 Mileschap wrote:

Still cannot drag from PAB to a list in in WinXP.  Have tried
dragging, control/drag, shift/drag, and alt/drag.  Have restarted TB,
have rebooted, and have tried safe mode.

This is a major annoyance causing duplicate card creation in lieu of
simply dragging.  And a dupe card causes a dupe entry in the PAB.

Reply at:

On 2007-10-03T20:23:03+00:00 Vseerror wrote:

(In reply to comment #46)
> Still cannot drag from PAB to a list in in WinXP.  

Miles, both click and shift+click drag WFM in windows XP.  (ctrl is no
longer needed

Does AB entry you drag have both an email address and display name? (bug 248786)
Is mailing list in the same address book as the card?
Are you dragging more than one address at a time?
Are there any special characters in the name or email address?
Do you see any errors in the console?  (tools>error console)

Reply at:

On 2007-10-03T21:02:31+00:00 Mileschap wrote:

Click and shift+click usually are not working.  Sometimes I can drag
from the PAB or a list under the PAB to another AB, but that's a move,
not a copy. Then can drag it back and it's sometimes recognized as a

Yes, have both email address & display name
The mailing list may be in the PAB or it may be in another AB.
Only dragging one address at a time.
No special characters
There were multitudes of entries in the error console, so I've deleted all and 
will try again tomorrow and will post results here.

Reply at:

On 2007-10-03T21:18:08+00:00 Vseerror wrote:

MAC users - let's clarify, is an open mailing list window on MAC just
modal to AB?  Or is it modal to the entire application as noted in bug

Miles, just realized your problem might not be related to this bug.  If your 
problem is not about dragging to an open mailing list _window_ then you need to 
file a new bug. 

- thunderbird relative of this bug is bug 282841
- Bug 381276 enabled click drag without needing ctrl starting version

Reply at:

On 2007-12-19T06:40:46+00:00 Mileschap wrote:

Is my problem related or different?  Using TB2.0.0.9, WinXP,SP2, cannot
always drag an entry from the list of address books (and mailing lists)
to another address book or mailing list.  And this is still driving me

Have discovered that if an entry does not contain an email address, it
probably will not copy, although it may.  For instance today attempted
to drag XXX entry from the PAB to a mailing list below it.  When it did
not contain an email address it would not drag.  If an email address
were added, it would drag.   The same occurred when dragging from the
PAB to another address book.

It must be said that this is not as it occurs 100% of the time, but
mostly.  Have also found that frequently if drag from PAB to another AB,
it is moved, not copied.  However, if Control/Drag it is copied.

Reply at:

On 2008-03-19T12:47:45+00:00 Vseerror wrote:

Can anyone reproduce a hang that I was able to some times cause during testing?
Bug 391839 – click address book hangs thunderbird high CPU

I haven't tested this lately

Reply at:

On 2008-04-10T23:39:53+00:00 Mileschap wrote:

Have found that when addresses refuse to drag, restarting TB fixes it.
But this refusal to drag is without warning and the average user would
simply give up using Mozilla's AB!

Reply at:

On 2008-04-11T19:59:56+00:00 Mileschap wrote:

This bug shows as being MAC only, but it also pertains to WinXP
Home,sp2.  How can that be changed, or need I add another bug?

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On 2008-08-31T21:24:30+00:00 Bugzilla-standard8 wrote:

*** Bug 445423 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2010-03-07T02:37:08+00:00 Vseerror wrote:

Miles in comment #50:
> Is my problem related or different?  Using TB2.0.0.9, WinXP,SP2, cannot always
> drag an entry from the list of address books (and mailing lists) to another
> address book or mailing list.  And this is still driving me buggy.
> Have discovered that if an entry does not contain an email address, it 
> probably
> will not copy, although it may. 

this issue is bug 248786

(In reply to comment #7)
> It looks like the ondragdrop(DropOnAddressListTree()) is never been called. I
> can't figure out why since it is working fine on NT.  Need help from Drag&Drop
> team.

can someone determine if that still happens?

(In reply to comment #42)
> Since the modal dialog effectively prevents anyone from testing if the 
> original 
> bug still exists, I'll be adding a dependency.

as a result of the blocker, as a practical matter, I don't see much
value to keeping this open, because prior to comment 27 there is no
testcase, let alone a reduced testcase, and no clear steps that others
can replicate. And no one from that era (except James I think) seems
interested enough to speak up.

Unless we want this to be the cesspool for all drag and drop bugs with
no testcases or poorly formed reports - in which case the currently
vague summary needs improvement. But given this bug's ragged long
history I'd sooner pick a newer, shorter, more clearly worded bug.

Reply at:

On 2010-03-07T15:47:44+00:00 Jamesrome-alum wrote:

The address book functionality is STILL much worse than on Netscape.
Now, to add names to a list, you have to know the name and start typing
it. Previously, the list box was in a separate window, and you could
drag names from the main list. It would seem to me to be easy to restore
this functionality.

In addition, the mailing lists are not exported when you export the
address book!

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On 2010-12-07T13:13:59+00:00 Ulysse wrote:

Changed OS and platform because here there are dupes on Windows and

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On 2010-12-07T13:15:27+00:00 Ulysse wrote:

*** Bug 343304 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2010-12-07T13:16:59+00:00 Ulysse wrote:

*** Bug 595084 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2010-12-07T17:06:50+00:00 Mileschap wrote:

WinXP, TB 3.1.6, this 10-year old bug persists.  Believe it was OK a
couple of versions back, but then regressed. Cannot copy or move from
PAB to a list or another AB, or back from another AB to the PAB or a
list under the PAB.  Have tried dragging, cntrl/drag, cntrl/shift/drag,

What does it take to have this bug assigned?

Reply at:

On 2010-12-17T22:41:35+00:00 Mileschap wrote:

Evidently the upgrade to TB3.1.7 somehow partially cleaned it up.  Today
using the full screen AB I could copy (cntrl/drag) several cards from
the PAB to a list under the PAB and to other AB's.

However, out of about 12, 2 will not copy or move (cntrl/drag or drag) from the 
PAB to a list under the PAB, but they did copy to other AB's.  Tried several 
times including rebooting, but no change for those 2.   One has a valid email 
address & the other has a dummy email address --  There 
may be may more of these difficulties, but I ran out of time before checking 
all addresses.

Could this be caused by a bug in those cards?  I'll try making a new
duplicate card in the PAB & see if that works, unless someone has
another suggestion.

Reply at:

On 2010-12-17T23:21:17+00:00 Jamesrome-alum wrote:

Actually, on a Mac, it is impossible to drag and drop because the list
is attached to the address book header. This makes lots of things hard.
The list should be in its own window. Forget about the Mac look and feel
guidelines. It kills the functionality.

Reply at:

On 2010-12-17T23:25:34+00:00 Mileschap wrote:

In WinXP copied the 2 address cards that would not copy earlier today
and one would now copy from PAB to a PAB list and the other would not.
Both will copy to another AB.  Also added a new card to the PAB and it
will copy to another AB, but not to a list under PAB.  Apparently
drag/copy remains broken.

Reply at:

On 2011-02-01T19:02:21+00:00 komputes wrote:

I can confirm this as still being an issue in the latest stable version
(3.1.7) as well as Mozilla Daily's Thunderbird "shredder"

Bug has been reported downstream (Ubuntu):

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  Address Book - Can't drag and drop contacts to list

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