Granted I am new to Ubuntu and Linux but this had been driving me crazy.
The sound works; the Volume Control preferences show the correct Intel
ICH5 (Alsa mixer) default card; but for no apparent reason, system sound
preferences default to usb device ox46d:ox8b2, even when the volume
control preferences show Intel ICH5.

No manner of trying to change the default in the systems sound
preferences works.  Then on another boot, it reverts back to ICH5.

When usb is the default, I cannot use Audacity.  When ich5 defaults I
can use Audacity.

It drove me nuts until I read this.  It is definitely a bug.

default sound card is randomly set on boot, settting default sound card through 
gnome-sound-properties did not work correctly, changing volume through hotkeys 
(on logitech multimedia keyboard) is bind with card0, not with default card

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