I installed at 16th of August 2006 to another (desktop) PC also Kubuntu
6.06 LTS and there I installed at first network printer in the
beginning. I did not make any updates before - just clean Kubuntu. Then
I enabled universe, multiverse repositories and made dist-upgrade as
always. After restart I still could access to the CUPS. Then I enabled
also KDE 3.5.4 repository and also KOffice and Amarok repositories from
kubuntu.org/packages, made again dist-upgrade and after restart I still
could access to CUPS! Amazing! I could also print to this network
printer (HP LaserJet 6P with TrendNet printserver using ipp protocol and
9100 port as always).

But KDE started already at version 3.5.2 to announce me, that it could not 
create mcop folder (artsmessage). It's quite boring to see at each login this 
error message...
I checked at ~/.mcop and everything seemed to fine. Also sound worked. Even 
with 2.6.15-26-386 (26.46) kernel! I just don't understand...

Printing broken by Updates of 2006 Aug 1

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