# apt-get install devscripts
Segmentation faultsts... 0%

No i can not give you more info.
I first had 8 hours of memtest86 to make sure it wasn't the hardware.

# procinfo
Linux 2.6.17-6-386 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc [can't parse]) #???  1CPU 

Memory:      Total        Used        Free      Shared     Buffers      
Mem:        117980      112052        5928           0        2128
Swap:       249912       18140      231772

Bootup: Tue Aug 22 21:35:13 2006    Load average: 0.10 0.32 0.36 1/54

user  :       0:04:14.20   3.7%  page in :   523641  disk 1:    47132r   22386w
nice  :       0:24:42.73  21.8%  page out:   377928
system:       0:02:45.65   2.4%  page act:    77446
IOwait:       0:07:37.90   6.7%  page dea:    65009
hw irq:       0:00:09.88   0.1%  page flt:  5373322
sw irq:       0:00:09.09   0.1%  swap in :       63
idle  :       1:13:37.82  65.0%  swap out:     4584
uptime:       1:53:19.44         context :   493033

irq  0:   1699222 timer                 irq  9:         1                      
irq  1:         2                       irq 10:    142598 eth1                 
irq  2:         0 cascade [4]           irq 11:     98987 acpi, uhci_hcd:usb1, 
irq  7:         1 parport0              irq 12:         0 VIA686A              
irq  8:         3 rtc                   irq 14:     69531 ide0                 

It's a VIA C3 with 128meg of memory and a 6 gig hd
It's not equipped to do any kind of compiling etc.
It's acting as a firewall for my cable connection
||/ Name                 Version              Description
ii  apt                  0.6.45ubuntu5        Advanced front-end for dpkg
ii  libc6                2.4-1ubuntu9         GNU C Library: Shared libraries

How to continue ?


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