I must say I totally disagree that kubuntu meeting decision.
To me there is no point calling this "privacy respect".

This is probably more "paranoia" and honnestly, goes against simplicity and 
Would you like everyone, including noobs and non-geek users to manually set 
their status everytime they come in front off the computer ? First, they won't, 
but they'll probably think kopete simply sucks because it doesn't support 
something that is a common setting in all IM arround the world.

If providing the status is a privacy violation, it is probably better to
unplug any network cable, since even an IP address gives more
informations than this with ICMP...

Concerning problems A or B, MSN, ICQ, YIM or AIM are already supporting this 
kind of functionnalities and that globally feets with the needs of the masse.
Why are they so successfull while Google Talk isn't ? Because of those 

The purpose of an instant messenger is to be simple, almost automatic,
and give informations "instantly".

Beeing informed that the remove guy is typing something (problem B) is
very usefull cause it makes the discussion more interactive. I will wait
in that case to post again since my next message could depend what the
guy is saying.

Those functions can be deactivated for the *rare* personns who
appreciate to control everything on their machine and that are concerned
by any kind of informations their software can provide.

But reguarding making that a default setting is a simplicity regression
and functionnalities regression.

I would really appreciate this to be re-discussed during the next
meeting, since I really think changing those settings would be a very
critisized decission when edgy is out.

Default "privacy" settings don't respect privacy

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