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On 2008-02-25T02:59:22+00:00 Thiago Jung Bauermann wrote:

Version:           0.9.3 (using KDE 3.5.8)
Installed from:    Debian testing/unstable Packages
OS:                Linux

When digikam is not able to download an image from the SD card at first
(red X is shown in the image), I selected the failed images and used
"download selected" to try to get them again. Digikam then says that it
was able to download those, but in the process it also overwrote
neighbour images with the downloaded ones!

I will upload some screenshots to illustrate the problem.

I was able to consistently reproduce the problem with the current images
in my SD card, but at each time the set of images which digikam can't
download is different. When started from the command line, no error is
displayed by digikam, just this:

Found dcraw version: 8.81
Exif Orientation: 1
Exif Orientation: 1
Exif Orientation: 1
Exif Orientation: 1
Exif Orientation: 8
Exif orientation tag set to: 1
Exif Orientation: 1
Exif Orientation: 1
Exif Orientation: 1
Exif Orientation: 1
Exif Orientation: 1
Exif Orientation: 1
Exif Orientation: 1

For now, I will keep the SD card as it is to guarantee I can reproduce
the problem later if needed. But if I need to use it for some reason,
I'll have to erase the card and thus loose my ability to reproduce the

Reply at:

On 2008-02-25T03:22:52+00:00 Thiago Jung Bauermann wrote:

Created attachment 23704
digikam window showing duplicated images

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On 2008-02-25T03:24:25+00:00 Thiago Jung Bauermann wrote:

Created attachment 23705
download dialog with images for retry selected

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On 2008-02-25T03:29:53+00:00 Thiago Jung Bauermann wrote:

In the attached dialog screenshot, I had to retry downloading the
selected images (img_3494.jpg and img_3497.jpg).

In the attached digikam screenshot, you can see that img_3492.jpg was
overwritten with the contents of img_3494.jpg, and img_3496.jpg was
overwritten with the contents of img_3497.jpg. You can see in the dialog
screenshot that those images are originally very different.

Another weird thing is that what should be img_3496.jpg is called in
digikam img_3495.jpg. And the real img_3495.jpg is missing. In the case
of img_3492.jpg there was no such mess. It is img_3492.jpg itself that
is missing.

I hope you realise how serious this bug is.

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On 2008-02-25T11:23:20+00:00 9ani wrote:

this is the same bug as 157681
it is a serious problem, I had to downgrade to 0.9.2

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On 2008-02-25T16:07:40+00:00 Klaus-weidenbach wrote:

I mentioned this problem some time ago in digikam-devel mailinglist. The
red cross marks the wrong image as failed. In fact that picture got
downloaded successfully, but it is stored with the image name right
before it and that one is silenty overwritten, or maybe that failed
downloading. So when you redownload the red cross image it looks as
everything is all right, but it is not. Didn't had time to investigate
more on this, but it is a really nasty bug that really results in image

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On 2008-03-01T05:46:24+00:00 David Fraser wrote:

I have lost photos on this bug and now it's happened again. I have kept
Digikam open with the current situation to try and debug this...

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On 2008-03-01T07:36:14+00:00 Arnd-baecker wrote:

Bumping up priority and severity - data loss should not happen
(However I can't help, because I don't see the problem ..)

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On 2008-03-01T16:40:35+00:00 YIP Wai Peng wrote:

It is happening to me too, since I upgraded. To replicate this, get a
card of images (not need to be full, but at least >50).

1. Open up the media in Camera - Browse Media - <your media>.
2. In Settings - File rename options - Camera file name - Leave as is.
3. In On the Fly Operation - Auto-rotate / Flip image
4. Select Download All.
5. Wait for the download to finish.
6. Look for the Red Cross / X. for a file (e.g. 317.jpg)
7. Take note of the file name of the previous file. Look for it in the 
downloaded folder. (e.g. 316.jpg)
8. Open that. You will find that it is actually 317.jpg. 316.jpg is not 
downloaded at all.

I hope this helps. If you need anything, please let me know!

I am running Fedora 8, Digikam 0.9.3 from package.

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On 2008-03-02T23:15:27+00:00 Iroxk-di-0o6vs wrote:

I have the same problem here. The messages in the terminal window were (I added 
some debug messages in cameracontroler.cpp):
digikam: Exif autorotate: pict7096.jpg using 
digikam: mimetype = JPEG
Minolta Makernote Orientation: 72
digikam: ExifRotate: no rotation to perform: 
digikam: File downloaded: pict7096.jpg using 
digikam: Downloading: pict7097.jpg using 
digikam: Exif autorotate: pict7097.jpg using 
digikam: ExifRotate: file do not exist: 
digikam: File downloaded: pict7097.jpg using 

pict7097.jpg was downloaded and replaced pict7096.jpg. pict7097.jpg had
the wrong download icon. What is strange is that ExifRotate does not
find the temporary file. I'll try to have a longer loog tomorrow if I
have time.


Reply at:

On 2008-03-03T08:09:00+00:00 Caulier-gilles-9 wrote:

To be able to reproduce this problem, i need to see a screenshot of all
pages from Camera GUI "Settings" right sidebar tab with all download

Also, let's me hear which camera driver is used in your case. Go to
"Help" button and select "Camera Information".

Thanks in advance

Gilles Caulier

Reply at:

On 2008-03-03T09:41:23+00:00 Caulier-gilles-9 wrote:

I cannot reproduce this problem with current svn implementation. In all
cases, a confirmation dialog is launch to ping users about a possible
overwriting in target album.

If in "File Renaming Options", "Camera Filenames" is used to download
items, no items are overwrited by differents pictures. The same file
name is used in target album than camera file name.

If "Customize" option is used instead, digiKam use KDE rename dialog to
ping user about a possible overwritting. digiKam detect properly than a
file with the same name already exist in target album (a preview of
existing image and camera image is displayed), and propose to rename
target file to download...

Gilles Caulier

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On 2008-03-03T09:45:33+00:00 Caulier-gilles-9 wrote:

Created attachment 23769
file name rename dialog during download from camera to prevent overwritting

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On 2008-03-03T15:32:09+00:00 YIP Wai Peng wrote:

I feel that the problem is less with the overwriting files then of files
being silently failing and renamed.

To help with you reproducing the problem

1. In Settings - File rename options - Camera file name - Leave as is. 
2. In On the Fly Operation - Auto-rotate / Flip image 

As for "Camera Information":

Mounted Camera driver for USB/IEEE1394 mass storage cameras and Flash
disk card readers.

Title: Images found in media:/sdb1
Model: directory browse
Port: Fixed
Path: /media/NIKON D50

Reply at:

On 2008-03-03T15:41:20+00:00 Caulier-gilles-9 wrote:


I use the same config here, using a mounted point on my HDD, not a real
UMS camera connected to my computer (it's more easy to test).

Of course, the problem still un-reproductible...


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On 2008-03-03T15:43:08+00:00 Caulier-gilles-9 wrote:


When i said "un-reproductible... ", i want mean than pictures are never
silently overwritten. I have always a dialog to rename pictures when
it's necessary...


Reply at:

On 2008-03-03T16:05:56+00:00 David Fraser wrote:

I think I have traced what the problem is, by inspecting the source code.
The actual sequence (the important parts):
 A) Download to temporary file (ALWAYS WITH THE SAME NAME, based on the pid)
 B) send event saying download complete
 C) When event is received, rename temporary file to destination name

A) and B) take place in the CameraThread::run method. C) is handled in
the CameraController::customEvent method.

Since these happen in separate threads, if the event handler ever gets behind 
the downloader, what will happen is:
 img1 step A) Download to temporary file
 img1 step B) Send event
 img2 step A) Download to temporary file (OVERWRITING img1 in the temporary file
 img2 step B) Send event
 img1 step C) Rename temporary file to dest/img1, CONTAINING img2!!!
 img2 step C) Try rename temporary file to dest/img2, FAILING, since temporary 
file is missing

The reason that I am sure that this is the problem, is that we know that
a GPItemInfo::DownloadFailed must have been issued for img2, since the
icon shows as a cross. Of the places emitting this signal, one is when
the CameraEvent::gp_downloadFailed is issued. But this creates a dialog
(as Gilles said), and no dialog is displayed. The other is if the file
renaming fails (which it will if the temporary file has disappeared). In
this case, no dialog is displayed - the signal is simply sent.

Simplest fix would be to generate a unique temporary file name for each
file. Patch to follow...

Reply at:

On 2008-03-03T16:22:36+00:00 David Fraser wrote:

Created attachment 23770
Patch to include the filename in the source

Added patch that tries to include the filename in the source. Haven't tested
yet :-)

Reply at:

On 2008-03-03T16:59:15+00:00 David Fraser wrote:

Tested and it at least works... I would recommend that this be used as a 
band-aid patch though.
The problem with the current system is that if the final rename fails, the 
picture has not been copied correctly, but there is no good way to recover this.
It seems that the rename was moved into the event handling section so that 
there could be GUI interaction to change the name.
Things that would improve this:
 * If the rename fails, a dialog should be created just like if the copy 
fails.(It is not expected to fail because the target file is checked, but as 
this error shows it can fail in other ways)
 * If the rename fails, then using "Download/Delete" should NOT delete images 
that weren't copied successfully... so the deleteAfter in slotDownload should 
ignore failed images
 * There should be options to "Select Failed" images and to "Delete 
successfully copied images"
 * There should be at least a sanity check when deleting to ensure that the 
target deleted image is the same file size etc as the source image, and big 
error dialogs should pop up if this is not the case :-)

Reply at:

On 2008-03-03T17:16:32+00:00 David Fraser wrote:

OK I've tested a successful download of 362 photos and movie files - on
the previous run only 323 files copied successfully, replicating the
behaviour above.

Spec file, Source RPM and FC8 i386 RPM for Fedora 8 i386 users at:

Reply at:

On 2008-03-03T18:19:44+00:00 Caulier-gilles-9 wrote:

To David, #18,

First, thanks to hack this problem and to provide a patch.

I'm agree with gui interaction when downloading failed. 
Are you interested to patch again camera gui in this way ? It's not very 
difficult to implement and there are few existing similar code in camera gui to 
get inspiration...

Gilles Caulier

Reply at:

On 2008-03-03T19:26:30+00:00 Arnd-baecker wrote:

*** Bug 157681 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2008-03-07T09:16:34+00:00 Caulier-gilles-9 wrote:

Created attachment 23818
digiKam 0.9.4 try to reproduce the dysfunction into camera gui


Look my fresh screenshot. I have tried to reproduce the problem here using a
local path on my computer to simule a camera folder.

On the left, album icon view with donwloaded image from camera.
On the middle, camera interface, with the current selected items which have
been downloaded.
On the right, my camera interface settings.

This is how i have processed to reproduce the dysfunction :

1/ i start camera interface using location /mnt/data/camera.
2/ all icon item are displayed properlly in camera interface.
3/ I make a selection to prepare downloading.
4/ i open konqueror in /mnt/data/camera and i remove 3 files that i would to
download (currently "car.jpg", "cicada.jpg", and "flower.jpg")
5/ now i return to Camera inteface and i use "Download Selection".
6/ For each items previously deleted, digiKam open a dialog to ask than item
cannot be donwloaded and propose to continue or to cancel operation.
7/ When downloading is complete all item are properlly annoted with the right
icons on the top/right conner. Look like nothing is overwritted in target album
after downloading.

This test have been done without to apply your patch.

Of course, applying your patch is not a problem for me...

Let's me hear if i have forget something here in my test.


Gilles Caulier

Reply at:

On 2008-03-07T09:49:59+00:00 Caulier-gilles-9 wrote:

SVN commit 783150 by cgilles:

digiKam from KDE3 branch: Cameragui fixes:
- prepend filename to temp files generated during camera download.
- remove properlly temp files if convert to lossless format is used.
CCBUGS: 158377

 M  +7 -2      cameracontroller.cpp  
 M  +5 -5      cameracontroller.h  

WebSVN link:

Reply at:

On 2008-03-11T17:27:18+00:00 David Fraser wrote:

Hi Gilles,

Thanks for the detailed testing of this. Sorry I haven't had time to
look into this more and only got to look at the bug again today!

Testing this exact problem (before the patch) is difficult as it's a
threading problem. Basically you would need to replicate more than one
download completing in the background thread before the foreground
thread does the rename. You could try and overload the machine during
the transfer but that may still not replicate it - I think it's very
clear from the code that this can happen, and that my patch fixes the
problem, so I'm glad you committed it - thanks!

I'll see when I next get a chance if I can do any more on this.

In the mean time if anyone else can test (especially on Fedora 8 i386 as
I've provided RPMs - Yip Wai Peng could you run these?) then that would
be great.

Reply at:

On 2008-03-11T17:32:35+00:00 Julien wrote:

Hi all,

It seems to me that the patch solved the problem. I can not reproduce it
anymore with the svn version.



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On 2008-03-11T19:01:07+00:00 Caulier-gilles-9 wrote:

Thanks for the reports.

I close this file now...

Gilles Caulier

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On 2008-03-13T03:35:57+00:00 Thiago Jung Bauermann wrote:

Cool, thanks for working on this!

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On 2008-03-14T11:58:05+00:00 Caulier-gilles-9 wrote:

Fixed in svn

Gilles Caulier

Reply at:

On 2008-04-14T07:07:33+00:00 Thiago Jung Bauermann wrote:


I just verified that version 0.9.4-beta2 doesn't have the problem
anymore, the bug is fixed.

I'm sorry to take so long to test this. Having to download all build
dependencies to compile digikam (especially in this case since I needed
to get two libraries directly from subversion repo) is cumbersome.

By the way, maybe I'm being picky but: with the current fix, the problem
can still occur if you have two files of the same name in different
directories, right? Or is this too infrequent to be relevant?

Reply at:

On 2008-04-22T16:15:47+00:00 David Fraser wrote:

Re Comment #29:
> By the way, maybe I'm being picky but: with the current fix, the problem can 
> still occur if you have two files of the same name in different directories, 
> right? Or is this too infrequent to be relevant? 

The current code creates the temporary file in the target directory, not
in a temporary directory, and then renames it. So same filename in
different directories should be fine.

Reply at:

On 2008-04-22T20:01:42+00:00 Thiago Jung Bauermann wrote:

Great! Thanks for the explanation (and for the fix, of course!). I am
completely happy then. :-)

2008/4/22 David Fraser <>:

[ quoted mail]

Great! Thanks for the explanation (and for the fix, of course!). I am 
completely happy then. :-)<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">2008/4/22 David 
Fraser &lt;<a 
class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 
0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
<div class="Ih2E3d">------- You are receiving this mail because: -------<br>
You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.<br>
<a href=""; 
</div>------- Additional Comments From davidf sjsoft com &nbsp;2008-04-22 16:15 
Re Comment #29:<br>
<div class="Ih2E3d">&gt; By the way, maybe I&#39;m being picky but: with the 
current fix, the problem can still occur if you have two files of the same name 
in different directories, right? Or is this too infrequent to be relevant?<br>

</div>The current code creates the temporary file in the target directory, not 
in a temporary directory, and then renames it. So same filename in different 
directories should be fine.<br>
</blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>[]&#39;s<br>Thiago Jung 

Reply at:

On 2008-04-22T21:42:20+00:00 Thiago Jung Bauermann wrote:

oh, man. what a mess. sorry about the html in the post above.

Reply at:

On 2008-07-22T16:22:31+00:00 David Fraser wrote:

For reference, this has been fixed on Fedora by backporting the patch to
0.9.3 - see (of
course, the recently released 0.9.4 will replace that)

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** Bug watch added: Red Hat Bugzilla #448235

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  [Hardy] digikam duplicates downloaded images while overwriting
  existing ones

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