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On 2003-03-10T18:18:50+00:00 Mi+kde wrote:


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On 2004-01-01T20:55:27+00:00 Adriaan de Groot wrote:

Not FreeBSD specific.

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On 2005-09-17T11:00:41+00:00 2-nicolasg wrote:

See also bug #58950 (for tar KIO slave)

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On 2005-09-18T02:57:30+00:00 2-nicolasg wrote:

See also bug #89377 (for fish KIO slave)

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On 2005-09-18T03:00:27+00:00 2-nicolasg wrote:

See also bug #24443 (remove/copy in Konqy, probably a duplicate)

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On 2005-09-18T03:19:04+00:00 2-nicolasg wrote:

See also bug #112375 (media KIO slave)

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On 2006-02-27T13:12:00+00:00 David Faure wrote:

#24443 is fixed, i.e. mtime is preserved for local files and directories.
For this bug, let's not forget to preserve mtime with other protocols for both 
files and dirs (can't be done before KDE4).

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On 2006-11-28T02:13:31+00:00 Marco Cimmino wrote:

Any news?

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On 2008-03-16T17:31:57+00:00 X-wstephenson wrote:

Ping.  I'm going through the fish:// bugs and from David references this
one.  Can we fix this now or is it deferred til KDE5?

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On 2008-03-17T13:40:09+00:00 David Faure wrote:

For all slaves that implement ::copy(), like FTP or FISH, they have to
preserve timestamps on their own using something like

            KDE_struct_stat dest_statbuf;
            if (KDE_stat(, &dest_statbuf ) == 0) {
                struct utimbuf utbuf;
                utbuf.actime = dest_statbuf.st_atime; // access time, unchanged
                utbuf.modtime = dt.toTime_t(); // modification time
                utime(, &utbuf );
(as used unconditionally in kio_file, so it compiles on Windows too)

For other slaves it should work already in KDE 4.

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On 2008-11-10T22:26:54+00:00 Kde-2011-08 wrote:

I can confirm that in Konqueror in KDE 4.1, when files are copied via
ssh from a remote host to local, the file's date is the date that the
original file was created on the remote host. However, if the file is
then copied from local to a different remote host, the new file's date
is today.

In instances where file creation times are critical this is a dataloss
bug, and therefore very severe.

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On 2008-12-04T22:42:51+00:00 Kde-2011-08 wrote:

*** Bug 56213 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2009-02-08T19:02:08+00:00 Kde-2011-08 wrote:

*** Bug 56213 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2009-02-08T19:17:53+00:00 Thorsten Staerk wrote:

I agree that this is severe. If I MOVE (not copy) files from a fish://
location to local, the time data gets lost as well.

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On 2009-02-11T08:09:40+00:00 Kde-2011-08 wrote:

I just tested Konquerer 3.5.10, Dolphin 1.2 (KDE 4.2), and the system's
cp/mv commands to determine behaviour under different copy/move
circumstances (local->local, local->remote, remote->local). I found that
Dolphin and Konqueror both behaved identically. However, neither of them
behaved consistently from circumstance to circumstance, and none of them
were consistent with the system's cp/mv behaviour!

I made a monospace table here but it looks terrible, so please see the HTML 
table at this page to see the results of my test:

As there is no consistency between Konqi/Dolphin's own behaviour, nor
between the behaviour of the cp/mv commands, I feel that this bug should
be addressed quickly. File timestamps mean nothing on KDE systems so
long as this bug is open.

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On 2009-02-11T11:36:52+00:00 David Faure wrote:

The goal of KIO is to emulate cp -a, not cp.
Thanks for the rest of the analysis -- but please be more precise when you say 
"remote". The implementations of fish, ftp, sftp, and smb are all different and 
might all need fixing for this (well assuming that they support changing a 
file's timestamp, which IIRC at least FTP doesn't support).

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On 2009-02-11T11:48:07+00:00 Kde-2011-08 wrote:

Thank you. By "remote" I mean SSH via Konqueror's fish://

When I have a chance I will test the other protocols and update the
table. I will then report back here. If there is anything else related
that you would like me to triage, just ask.

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On 2009-02-14T14:11:38+00:00 Thorsten Staerk wrote:

When I move 
the timestamp gets changed.

When I move
the timestamp does not get changed.

This indicates that the file:// kioslave is the instance that forgets to
set the timestamp in case the file comes from a fish:// location.

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On 2009-02-28T19:41:07+00:00 Thorsten Staerk wrote:

There is a comment in the code:

// TODO set modification time on url.path() somehow
// see FileProtocol::put if using utime() to do that.

see kdebase/runtime/kioslave/fish/fish.cpp

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On 2009-04-26T23:10:21+00:00 Kde-2011-08 wrote:

The sftp put command can have the -P flag used to preserve timestamps
and permissions. Furthermore, bug 56213 states that the command MDTM (or
MTDM?) is supposed to preserve timestamps as well.

I am updating the title of this bug to better describe the issue.
Furthermore, I am changing this from wishlist to bug, because that is
what this is.

For those who need convincing that this is a bug, read on. Others stop

1) Dataloss. I have voice recordings of my daughter as a baby, and
because they were moved with KDE I have lost the dates of those
recordings. Some of them are very sensitive to her age, and not knowing
her age at the time of recording makes the recording worthless. Any kid
will tell you that water is made of hydrogen and oxygen. Hearing a 16
month old say that is precious. Now, I don't remember and don't have the
date to be sure any more.

2) See comment #17 and comment #18

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On 2009-12-02T19:31:27+00:00 Kde-2011-08 wrote:

KDE 4.3.2: Both Konqueror and Dolphin set the timestamp as NOW for files
copied from remote to local over sftp:// protocol.

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On 2009-12-02T19:35:44+00:00 Kde-2011-08 wrote:

Bug 169326 is a possible dupe, with regard to Bluetooth.

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On 2009-12-10T18:28:04+00:00 Frank78ac wrote:

*** Bug 218133 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2010-02-01T14:08:14+00:00 David Faure wrote:

Copying from file to sftp preserves the modification time for me.
libssh-0.4.0, kde 4.4.0.

The code that calls sftp_utimes in kio_sftp::put() comes from r1010049, i.e. 
from the initial rewrite of kio_sftp to use libssh in August 2009.
Ah, that's after 4.3.0 was released, so 4.4 is indeed the first release with 
this new kio_sftp.

-> FIXED for kio_sftp.

No idea how to fix for kio_fish, I don't know the protocol.

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On 2010-02-01T14:34:45+00:00 Kde-2011-08 wrote:

On my 4.3.5 machine, all operations via SFTP result in NOW timestamp for
both Modified and Accessed time:

* Copy/Paste
- local->remote: Modified NOW Accessed NOW
- remote->local: Modified NOW Accessed NOW

- local->remote: Modified NOW Accessed NOW
- remote->local: Modified NOW Accessed NOW

I will fire up a 4.4 prerelease version and test there.

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On 2010-02-01T15:45:25+00:00 Kde-2011-08 wrote:

Tested on Kubuntu 9.10 with KDE SC 4.4 RC2, libssh-4 0.4.0, connected
via SFTP in Dolphin and using the mouse:

* Copy/Paste
- local->remote: Modified THEN Accessed NOW
- remote->local: Modified THEN Accessed NOW

* Cut/Paste
- local->remote: Modified NOW Accessed NOW
- remote->local: Modified NOW Accessed NOW

That is the exact _opposite_ of what one would expect to find.
Copy/Paste should be NOW as the user is creating a new file. Cut/Paste
should be THEN as the user is merely moving a file form one place to
another. In fact, the Copy/Paste operation should be optionally THEN as
I can think of quite a few use cases for that.

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On 2010-02-01T16:56:11+00:00 David Faure wrote:

I agree, moving a file should preserve its mtime, I'll take a look at
that. Surprising...

But I disagree that copying a file should change its mtime; this is what this 
whole report is about, preserving the mtime on copy ;-)
You didn't create a new file from scratch or modify a file, this is a copy of a 
file that was modified long ago. Well you seem to hint at that too, but I don't 
see a use case for making it optional. The goal is to always preserve the mtime.

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On 2010-02-01T17:13:31+00:00 Kde-2011-08 wrote:

> But I disagree that copying a file should change its mtime; this is what
> this whole report is about, preserving the mtime on copy ;-)

No, the report is that the mtime is wrong. As per the common unix tool
cp, mtime is NOW. That is in contrst to mv, which uses THEN.

However, I have no problem with the mtime on copied files being THEN.
The critical issue is that the mtime on a moved file should never be
NOW. If you make both move and copy operations THEN, then I agree that
this long-standing dataloss bug can finally be closed! Thanks!

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On 2010-02-02T18:13:05+00:00 Mi+kde wrote:

As the original reporter, I'd like to opine, that the mtime should
always be preserved -- whether the operation is move (rename), or copy
(the equivalent of `cp -p').

There are other timestamps maintained by the filesystem, from which the
time of copying (or moving) can be discerned, if needed. But, if the two
files are identical (one is the copy of the other), the timestamps on
them should be identical too -- copying does not modify the file, even
if `cp' (without the `-p' flag) thinks, that it does...

BTW, on certain filesystems, such as FreeBSD's default FFS, there are
also flags (such as append-only, no-dump, undeletable, etc.), which
should be preserved too, whenever possible.

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On 2010-02-02T23:47:14+00:00 David Faure wrote:

Dotan: KDE emulates cp -a, not cp, by choice.

Back to the bug: I confirm that kde-mv loses the mtime. Testcase for
fast bug reproduction:

touch -r /boot /tmp/myfile ; kde-mv /tmp/myfile
sftp://localhost/$HOME/tmp ; ll ~/tmp/myfile

Debugging now.

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On 2010-02-02T23:48:17+00:00 David Faure wrote:

SVN commit 1084346 by dfaure:

Preserve modification time when moving files [and when the kioslave's put() 
supports it, like kio_sftp, but unlike kio_fish]
This was already working for copying, but not for moving (across protocols).
Fixed for: 4.4.0, hopefully
CCBUG: 55804

 M  +4 -0      copyjob.cpp  

WebSVN link:

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On 2010-02-02T23:54:46+00:00 David Faure wrote:

This commit also fixed  kde-mv from fish to local.

Only kde-mv/kde-cp from local to fish is still broken, due to the not
implemented use of "modificationtime" in fish's put(). Reassigning.

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On 2010-02-03T00:05:28+00:00 Kde-2011-08 wrote:

Thank you David! This bug was a showstopper for me, I cannot wait to get
this on production systems. Thanks!

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On 2010-03-06T23:24:30+00:00 Kde-2011-08 wrote:

Has there been any progress for local to fish? I don't mean to push, but
I would like to see the issue resolved :)


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On 2010-11-06T18:59:43+00:00 Kde-2011-08 wrote:

I'm not sure if this is a new issue or not, so I'll ask:
In KDE 4.5.1 it turns out that copying (copy-paste) from remote to local via 
FTP in Dolphin gives a timestamp of NOW. Is that this same issue, or should I 
file another issue?


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On 2012-09-06T06:34:59+00:00 D-nl-k wrote:

How comes that a 9 year old bug is not fixed? 
Are the kiddies too busy programming wobbling windows and other nonsense stuff?
It's a shame.
Solution suggest: If ther's no one smart enough to program a working sftp in 
the KDE team why not just utilise the working scp that comes with any Linux 
distribution? No need to re invent the wheel.

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On 2012-09-06T10:23:23+00:00 Christoph-maxiom wrote:

Paul, that sounds like a suggestion you could try. Please add the patch
to reviewboard.

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On 2012-09-06T12:50:59+00:00 David Faure wrote:

Hmm? This bug is already fixed for kio_sftp, see comment #30.

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On 2012-09-06T13:18:05+00:00 Kde-2011-08 wrote:

Hi David. This bug is not resolved for uploading local files to remote
servers via the fish:// pseudo-protocol, see comment 33. This actually
just bit me this week and got someone very mad at me! Paul, do you also
go by another name and live in Beersheba? :)

As for comment 34 (remote to local via FTP in Dolphin) I'll have to
triage a bit later when I have access to an FTP server. I'll also test
via SSH to be complete.

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On 2012-09-06T16:42:32+00:00 D-nl-k wrote:

As far as I can say neither upload nor download is fixed (tried sftp with 
konqueror and krusader under Kubuntu precise). It's a real showstopper as no 
directory sync is possible that way. One can copy back and forth 'till eternity.
Christoph, if I was able to provide a patch I would have done years before. 
Unfortunately I'm not in Linux development, just some perl. 
...and no, Dotan. I don't even know what Beersheba is.

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  Wrong timestamp on files copied over SSH

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