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On 2012-08-15T09:03:30+00:00 Justdave-mozilla wrote:

Created attachment 652043
Process sample via Activity Manager while hung

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:17.0) Gecko/17.0 
BuildID: 20120814030529

For the last few weeks, typing a string in the filter box at the top of
a folder message list pane, and the selecting multiple items in the
results and attempting to delete them results in Daily immediately
consuming multiple GB of RAM and hanging until it's force-quit.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-15T09:11:14+00:00 Ludovic-mozilla wrote:

Confirming,; just having multiple selection kills the ponies.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-15T10:01:57+00:00 Ludovic-mozilla wrote:

Dave is mail.operate_on_msgs_in_collapsed_threads set to true ?

Reply at:

On 2012-08-15T11:59:23+00:00 Vseerror wrote:

perhaps same as bug 753502

Reply at:

On 2012-08-16T03:44:20+00:00 Justdave-mozilla wrote:

(In reply to Ludovic Hirlimann [:Usul] from comment #2)
> Dave is mail.operate_on_msgs_in_collapsed_threads set to true ?

It is set to the default value, which is true, yes,  I also have
threading disabled in most of my folders (including the ones I've run
into this in) in case it matters)

Reply at:

On 2012-08-16T05:41:34+00:00 Ludovic-mozilla wrote:

Dave do these emails have attachments ?

Reply at:

On 2012-08-16T11:44:05+00:00 Justdave-mozilla wrote:

They are "page changed" notifications from Confluence, which are
multipart/html with embedded pics and css, so yes.

I've also discovered that simply opening one of these can cause the RAM
usage explosion.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-16T13:51:54+00:00 Vseerror wrote:

(In reply to Dave Miller [:justdave] from comment #6)
> They are "page changed" notifications from Confluence, which are
> multipart/html with embedded pics and css, so yes.
> I've also discovered that simply opening one of these can cause the RAM
> usage explosion.

how much memory per message?

Reply at:

On 2012-08-16T15:09:51+00:00 Justdave-mozilla wrote:

(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #7)
> (In reply to Dave Miller [:justdave] from comment #6)
> > They are "page changed" notifications from Confluence, which are
> > multipart/html with embedded pics and css, so yes.
> > 
> > I've also discovered that simply opening one of these can cause the RAM
> > usage explosion.
> how much memory per message?

It usually immediately jumps to around 3.5 GB to 4.0 GB physical in use,
and then starts swapping.  It continually grabs more memory once it
starts, until I force quit.

> regression?

Yes.  I could read these without getting this problem a few weeks ago.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-16T15:27:27+00:00 Vseerror wrote:

the oldest regression report I find is Bug 759092 - though I'm not
convinced it's the same issue.

justdave, could you hunt the regression range?
Bug 759092 cites failure using 2012-05-25 build

Reply at:

On 2012-08-23T18:57:28+00:00 Mike Conley wrote:

Profiling this shows us spending an inordinate amount of time in
jsmimeemitter.js, in the writeBody function:

Profile posted here:

Cc'ing asuth and protz because this is Gloda stuff.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-23T19:09:48+00:00 Joshua Cranmer wrote:

This is the function in question:

455   writeBody: function mime_emitter_writeBody(aBuf, aSize, 
aOutAmountWritten) {
456     if (this._writeBody &&
457         (!this._saneBodySize ||
458          this._curPart.body.length < MAX_SANE_BODY_PART_SIZE))
459       this._curPart.body += aBuf;
460   },

If memory is leaking like crazy, then probably this accumulation is
where it's going. Likely that means that either the sane body part size
isn't being checked, or there are a lot of not-quite-max-size parts
getting added.

It sounds like there's a specific message (or set of messages) that's
causing this issue; can this be posted?

Reply at:

On 2012-08-23T20:01:23+00:00 Jonathan Protzenko wrote:

Shot in the dark: it may be a message with an insane amount of parts, or
many such messages.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-23T20:17:15+00:00 Ludovic-mozilla wrote:

Created attachment 654764

(In reply to Jonathan Protzenko [:protz] from comment #12)
> Shot in the dark: it may be a message with an insane amount of parts, or
> many such messages.

NO not more than 3. Message coming up. Can't save it from tb so you'll
get the untouched message eg without the mbox headers.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-23T21:43:21+00:00 Joshua Cranmer wrote:

(In reply to Ludovic Hirlimann [:Usul] from comment #13)
> Created attachment 654764
> testcase
> (In reply to Jonathan Protzenko [:protz] from comment #12)
> > Shot in the dark: it may be a message with an insane amount of parts, or
> > many such messages.
> NO not more than 3. Message coming up. Can't save it from tb so you'll get
> the untouched message eg without the mbox headers.

52 parts. It looks like it's basically of the form:

      ... Several cid: images ...

Each image averages about 1/3KB of de-base64'd size. Oh, and the images
are all Content-Disposition: attachment too, fwiw.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-24T00:22:35+00:00 Bugmail-asutherland wrote:

I see MultiMessageSummary in the profile; not a lot, but a little.  I
assume this is a case where MultiMessageSummary is either overwhelmed by
what it is streaming to provide a useful summary and/or it is making
things worse by re-computing things.  I think the summaries have some
logic to wait for quiescence based on a timer; if the system has become
overwhelmed, it is conceivable that things appear to quiesce to pour
some gasoline on the fire.  It's been long enough that I don't recall
the exact event sequence for the summaries so I don't know how possible
that is.

I doubt gloda's indexer is involved because all types of deletion should
appear to gloda as either a fast-pathed move or an actual deletion.
(gloda does show up in the profile a teeny bit, but that could just be

Reply at:

On 2012-08-24T00:25:23+00:00 Bugmail-asutherland wrote:

It's worth noting that because of the way XPConnect works, even if the
emitter has stopped concatenating the strings because saturation has
been reached, all those calls still happen and those tiny strings will
still generate tons of garbage.  And I think in the case of HTML, those
calls may not be lined-based, but tag-based, in which case the garbage
generation could be a ridiculous multiplier since HTML e-mails can
include a ridiculous number of tags.  I suspect Joshua may know more
about that (and his MIME parser may not have this pathological problem).

Reply at:

On 2012-08-24T02:54:06+00:00 Ludovic-mozilla wrote:

FWIT before I came back from vacation , I could read these emails
without any issues.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-24T13:02:16+00:00 Irving wrote:

I have this reproduced, so I'll dig in with debugger and tracing. If
someone else can find a regression window by testing old Daily builds
that would be great.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-27T14:15:54+00:00 Irving wrote:

Oh now this is interesting (and annoying...) The Aug 1 nightly build
-comm-aurora/) beachballs and consumes a big chunk of CPU when I select
several messages in a folder including the test message, but it
*doesn't* consume gigabytes of memory - whereas trunk as of last
Thursday eats both CPU and memory.

That means we get to bisect two problems - the CPU load before Aug 1 and
the memory bloat after.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-27T15:20:13+00:00 Bugmail-asutherland wrote:

Could be massive garbage generation in both cases, but the GC is just
running more frequently (and/or running full cycle collecting GC's more
frequently), so we don't actually bloat as much.  The profiler should
label GC's, so if that's the case now, it should be pretty obvious
pretty fast.  (Based on the previous profile, I would expect the I/O
should still be very obvious.)

It's probably also worth checking with gdb that the I/O hasn't stopped
being buffered or something like that. Specifically, check the length of
the strings to make sure they are not 1 character long...

Reply at:

On 2012-08-27T16:25:02+00:00 Irving wrote:

Parts of the problem seem to have come and gone. The basic regression
window is:



so the problem seems to have been introduced May 14. The May 15 build
has both CPU load and memory bloat; the May 30 build has CPU load but
not memory bloat, and the memory reappears some time after Aug 1.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-27T16:45:56+00:00 Irving wrote:

Bah, I messed up and mixed Aurora and Nightly builds in my bisection.
The problem is earlier than May 14 in nightlies. Bisect bisect bisect.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-28T01:42:37+00:00 Irving wrote:

OK, this time for sure ;->

Good nightly:

Bad nightly:

Looking at the changes, there's nothing obvious in comm-central;
unfortunately I can't get a successful build of either the good or bad
revision to test/bisect further.

I haven't read all the mozilla-central changes during that time frame

Reply at:

On 2012-08-28T04:10:43+00:00 Mozilla-ex wrote:

I've always suspected the compartment changes in moz-central that landed
around that time.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-28T13:05:13+00:00 Irving wrote:

David, good catch - compartment-per-global for XPConnect landed that
day. If I recall correctly, mconley's profiler runs showed a bunch of
time spent in the cross-compartment JS call path.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-28T19:40:39+00:00 Irving wrote:

OK, so it's a combination of things:

1) the message summary generator uses Gloda's mime structure builder to
parse content out of messages, in order to get the first couple of lines
to summarize:

2) libmime splits messages into text lines and calls the mime "emitter"
with the message content line-by-line

3) Gloda's builder reassembles that content into a single string for
plaintext and html parts:

Unfortunately the string building at step 3 happens in a way that
interacts terribly with compartment-per-global; for some reason the
string assignment is happening across a compartment boundary and among
other things this forces the JS string to be flattened, so there is
insane amounts of memory allocation going on inside a tight loop that
doesn't have any GC pauses - so we both burn huge amounts of CPU copying
strings, and we blow out the heap by keeping all the copies.

The quick fix is to make selectionsummaries.js pass the
"saneBodySize:true" flag to MsgHdrToMimeMessage() - this stops the gloda
builder from reassembling the entire string.

This still leaves behind a cruel trap for anyone else who uses the Gloda
mime engine, we need to fix the underlying problem as well.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-28T19:56:44+00:00 R-luke-h wrote:

(In reply to Irving Reid (:irving) from comment #26)
Any number of things can cause a string to be flattened so, in general, code 
should not rely on strings not being flattened.  However, part of comment 26 
sounded worrying so I'd like to ask for a clarification: are all these huge 
strings live (i.e., they are in some array or other object structure that is 
reachable) or should they be garbage that, for some reason, isn't being 
collected?  If it is the latter, this may be a GC scheduling bug, independent 
but exacerbated by bug 650353.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-28T19:59:38+00:00 Bugmail-asutherland wrote:

Ah, the flattening... good investigatory find!  As a simple
horribleness-reducer, we could change to just putting the strings in a
list and calling join at the end.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-28T20:19:36+00:00 Joshua Cranmer wrote:

(In reply to Irving Reid (:irving) from comment #26)
> Unfortunately the string building at step 3 happens in a way that interacts
> terribly with compartment-per-global; for some reason the string assignment
> is happening across a compartment boundary and among other things this
> forces the JS string to be flattened, so there is insane amounts of memory
> allocation going on inside a tight loop that doesn't have any GC pauses - so
> we both burn huge amounts of CPU copying strings, and we blow out the heap
> by keeping all the copies.

This may be caused by how the gloda mimemsg.js architecture works.
mimemsg.js is a JS module that is imported by Cu.import, while the code
that appends body parts is a JS component called back by libmime. The
this._curPart is synthesized from a function in mimemsg.js, so it
generates a cross-compartment wrapper, so most of our manipulation from
the JS emitter is going through cross-compartment calls (and

Reply at:

On 2012-08-28T20:23:57+00:00 Irving wrote:

Luke: I agree that we don't want to rely on flattener and GC behaviour;
in fact, while the CPU burn on this bug has been constant since CPG
landed the memory bloat has come and gone a few times so it could very
well be related to GC scheduling.

Step one of my preferred approach would be to figure out a way to have
all the objects in the mime message assembler be inside the same
compartment so that we don't need to proxy any of the calls; then we can
look at fixing the inefficient way we assemble the big string.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-28T20:53:33+00:00 Irving wrote:

Created attachment 656201
Don't accumulate the entire message body in MIME emitter when creating message 

Passing this option prevents the gloda MIME emitter from building extra-
large strings containing MIME part contents, which reduces the impact of
string copying and CPG enough to get by.

asuth: Should we also pass partsOnDemand:true to avoid further
downloading, or does aAllowDownload=false already avoid problems with
getting MIME parts from the server?

callek: mxr didn't find any other non-test calls to
MsgHdrToMimeMessage(), but someone should check SM to make sure it
doesn't have a similar problem if it uses the gloda MIME emitter.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-28T21:05:15+00:00 Bugspam-callek wrote:

Comment on attachment 656201
Don't accumulate the entire message body in MIME emitter when creating message 

redirecting to Neil for SeaMonkey "OMG will this break us, or do we need
to port" Q, since I know very little about this part of our code.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-28T21:10:19+00:00 Mike Conley wrote:

FWIW, I just tried this patch on a collection of messages that the TB
generally chokes on when multi-selecting.

There is a significant improvement to performance - it's still a little
sticky, but it certainly doesn't send TB into a tailspin like it did

Great detective work, Irving!

Reply at:

On 2012-08-28T21:20:23+00:00 Neil-httl wrote:

Comment on attachment 656201
Don't accumulate the entire message body in MIME emitter when creating message 

I'm looking at newsblogOverlay.js because I think that's the only shared
code (we don't have the code that summarises message selections). Is
there no way to get just the headers, or better still, just the content-
base header from the message, and no body at all?

Reply at:

On 2012-08-28T21:28:58+00:00 Jonathan Protzenko wrote:

> asuth: Should we also pass partsOnDemand:true to avoid further downloading, or
does aAllowDownload=false already avoid problems with getting MIME parts from
the server?

aAllowDownload=false means: "if the message is not available locally
(offline sync or message cache), don't download it over the internet,
and use the very little information we have from the headers in the .msf

partsOnDemand=true means: "if fetching the message remotely (because it
isn't fully available locally), and the server is IMAP, and the server
supports BODYSTRUCTURE, use it to not download parts too big, but still
create a complete Mime structure for the message"

I think aAllowDownload=false takes precedence.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-28T22:14:18+00:00 Bugmail-asutherland wrote:

Comment on attachment 656201
Don't accumulate the entire message body in MIME emitter when creating message 

As protz says, the default (which is now being explicitly set) for allow
download (=false) should avoid any network traffic anyways.  I think
setting saneBodySize is definitely a good stop-gap.

I don't think there's any way to avoid the JS component being in its own
compartment without changes to the way the emitter is instantiated,
which leaves us moving all of the representation gunk from mimemsg.js to
jsmimeemitter.js and leaving the calls that trigger the streaming in

Specifically, gloda.manifest lists the category manage entry: "category
mime-message;1" which is how it gets
instantiated  We could have the streaming process take a pre-constructed
XPConnect-looking object and have all the MIME helper stuff operate by
using the subscript loader inside the same context as whatever wants to
consume it.  We would probably want to use a RequireJS-type idiom (with
'use strict' to avoid global pollution).  This would likely want to
entail a change to similarly most of the gloda modules in a similar

Having said that, I think just having the representation classes loaded
in the emitter compartment should be sufficient to stop the worst of the
pain.  That and maybe encouraging the C++ shim that defines the emitter
layer to perform a little more internal batching so the XPConnect
wrapping is not quite so over-the-top.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-30T13:47:53+00:00 Ludovic-mozilla wrote:

*** Bug 753502 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Reply at:

On 2012-08-31T08:17:52+00:00 Ludovic-mozilla wrote:

*** Bug 787121 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Reply at:

On 2012-08-31T12:50:20+00:00 Vseerror wrote:

several potentially matching topics taggged

TB15.0.1 coming?? :)

Reply at:

On 2012-08-31T14:37:18+00:00 Irving wrote:

Checked in:

but see Bug 784286 to track further work necessary...

Reply at:

On 2012-08-31T15:42:05+00:00 Acelists wrote:

Is this specific to TB17 or can it be in TB15 too?
Here are some bugs like this: bug 787348, bug 787321.

Reply at:

On 2012-08-31T16:19:14+00:00 Matt Dorn wrote:

@aceman: yes, I believe the bug is in TB15 official release.  Here's my
experience after upgrading: bug 787121

@:wsmwk -- I agree that a TB 15.0.1 release containing this fix is
needed -- I actually had to roll back to TB14, and am happily productive

Reply at:

On 2012-09-05T11:27:54+00:00 Acelists wrote:

There are potential reports that may be a dupe of this. Will this patch
be backported to some branches?

Reply at:

On 2012-09-05T21:29:48+00:00 Mbanner wrote:

Comment on attachment 656201
Don't accumulate the entire message body in MIME emitter when creating message 

[Triage Comment]
Taking this onto beta so we can get some testing.

Reply at:

On 2012-09-05T21:45:57+00:00 Mbanner wrote:

Checked in:

Reply at:

On 2012-09-06T12:16:29+00:00 Acelists wrote:

Is this going into 15.0.1 please? So we can see if the tons of similar
bugs are dupes.

Reply at:

On 2012-09-06T14:15:09+00:00 Acelists wrote:

*** Bug 789019 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Reply at:

On 2012-09-07T14:57:18+00:00 Mbanner wrote:

Comment on attachment 656201
Don't accumulate the entire message body in MIME emitter when creating message 

[Triage Comment]
The general feedback so far has been that this and bug 784286 are fixing 
issues, so taking onto the release branch.

Reply at:

On 2012-09-07T15:00:06+00:00 Mbanner wrote:

Checked in:

Reply at:

On 2012-09-09T00:37:54+00:00 Vseerror wrote:

*** Bug 789722 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Reply at:

** Changed in: thunderbird
       Status: Unknown => Fix Released

** Changed in: thunderbird
   Importance: Unknown => High

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  Selecting multiple messages in a folder with a lot of messages causes
  CPU to spike, application to become unresponsive

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