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On 2011-03-19T23:24:50+00:00 Brian Visel wrote:

This is a severe issue, that prevents me (and a decent number of others) from 
using accelerated graphics.  
This bug has the following behaviors:

* Corrupts the displayed graphics of every running program (as far as I can 
* Often corrupts the pointer graphics
* Corrupts fonts
* Corrupts the terminal display with noise from X, if you switch to a terminal
* Exists in accelerated and unaccelerated modes, but is marginal when not 
* Is made worse by KMS
* Is made worse by Compositing.
* Affects a rather large number of users (many with the rs690/x1200/x1250 
cards, which are common in netbooks)

The previous workaround has been to disable KMS, which I believe somehow caused 
the radonhd driver to be used (uncertain about this).  Either way, it brought 
the garbage to a usable level, and still allowed acceleration.  However, that 
is not the case now.  Using nomodeset results in a non-accelerated desktop.

Please let me know what pieces of information I should supply, and how I
can be of assistance regarding this.

Note that glxinfo currently (with kms disabled) reports me to be using
SGI and Mesa.  Direct Rendering is "Yes", but it's actually using
software, yes?.  Even with this totally different driver set, I still
sometimes get the corruptions (particularly after a long time running).

Is it possible that some fundamental thing (like a base memory address,
or how much shared memory is to be used, or something) is being
misreported and causing all these issues?   This seems to be a very
difficult bug to sort out, as it has been around a while.

Reply at:

On 2011-03-19T23:30:11+00:00 Brian Visel wrote:

Created attachment 44628
A screenshot that clearly displays corruption between program visuals

Reply at:

On 2011-03-19T23:40:35+00:00 Airlied-freedesktop wrote:

/var/log/Xorg.0.log and dmesg with KMS enabled.

Does your bios have an option for sideport RAM, do you know if you have

Reply at:

On 2011-03-20T08:05:49+00:00 Brian Visel wrote:

Yes, I believe I do have sideport ram.  In discussion in bug #25469, (A
duplicate of bug #27529, which got marked 'resolved--fixed'), someone
stated they have the same issue, and that they have the same model of
laptop as myself, and that the sideport ram can't be disabled in the
bios (which is true in my case as well).

I am currently running xorg 1.10.0, with ati drivers from the git repo
(xf86-video-ati), pulled yesterday.

Reply at:

On 2011-03-20T08:07:25+00:00 Brian Visel wrote:

Created attachment 44638
dmesg with KMS enabled

Reply at:

On 2011-03-20T08:08:21+00:00 Brian Visel wrote:

Created attachment 44639
Xorg.0.log, KMS enabled

Reply at:

On 2011-03-20T08:51:36+00:00 agd5f wrote:

Option "ColorTiling" "False"
in the device section of your xorg.conf fix the issue?  This might be a 
duplicate of bug 33929.

Reply at:

On 2011-03-20T11:11:05+00:00 Brian Visel wrote:

No, that appears to have no effect.
(thanks for taking time to troubleshoot this with me)

Reply at:

On 2011-03-21T09:38:40+00:00 Brian Visel wrote:

read the 'severity' description in 'help', and updated this to a

Reply at:

On 2011-03-21T09:53:31+00:00 agd5f wrote:

The gart table buffer needs to be aligned to size (table address needs
to be 512k aligned for 512 MB GART).  I'm not sure if the Linux DMA API
provides any mechanism to request that.

Reply at:

On 2011-03-21T10:16:24+00:00 agd5f wrote:

Created attachment 44674
check gart table align

Can you try this patch and see if it prints an error when you load the

Reply at:

On 2011-03-21T14:43:07+00:00 Brian Visel wrote:

Unfamiliar with working with compiling the kernel, so it took me a

The module loads without complaint, either to the terminal or to dmesg.
I checked the strings in radeon.ko to make sure I had installed the right .ko 
file, and it's the right one.

Reply at:

On 2011-03-26T16:22:20+00:00 Brian Visel wrote:

Just to clarify, since there's been no activity on the bug, in case
there was a misunderstanding:

by "The module loads without complaint," I didn't mean that it was
working properly, just that the module loaded.

Reply at:

On 2011-04-15T21:43:52+00:00 krmolot wrote:

It's a same problem?

p.s. My computer is crash whis screen cooruption when GDM is start when KMS is 
enable (kernel 2.6.37). Together with kernel 2.6.38 in gxgears i see black 
screen. When KMS is disable it's switch to the software 3d rendering. Tested 
distros: Ubuntu 11.04, Arch
notebook: eMachines D620, video: x1250

Reply at:

On 2011-04-22T02:22:31+00:00 axel wrote:

Hi Guys,
       do not know if you are aware but this issue affects a lot of netbooks 
built by the same company Gateway,Acer,Packard Bell.

Its been plaguing me for over 2 years, like most people I disabled KMS
to get it working in the interim or just did not use compiz.

Problem is now Ubuntu is launching 11.4 next week ....with as you are aware 
Unity.  Unity and any desktop affects will no no longer work because of this 
as will all compix desktop effects!!

We are about to get a "lot" of bad Ubuntu user experience with Unity next week.

Is this going to be another argument for Wayland and justifies MS's 
controversial move?
Can I assist in any way ? Lets prove him wrong.

I have pulled in the latest main git repo and compiled the latest

Its an  holiday in the UK I can dedicate a few days of my time to this
if it helps?

I can compile and add patches at your disposal.

Reply at:

On 2011-05-08T08:30:54+00:00 André Oliva wrote:

I also have this problem. In my case, the corruption is not in the form
of horizontal lines; simply the area inside any window that requires 3d
graphics is black or frozen. I use Ubuntu 11.04. Compiz simply doesn't
start, and the same behavior for programs like Stellarium or the visual
module in Python (that I use very often). This behavior was **not
present** a year ago in Ubuntu < 10.04. 2D acceleration works well (as a
workaround, I can use `export LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1`, but of course
that is not a solution because graphics are extremelly slow).

The issue does not occur always. "Sometimes" I have an slow 3d
acceleration (that I suspect it's really software rendering), and
"sometimes" I have normal 3d acceleration (fast, smooth, as expected). I
really don't understand when it works and when it doesn't work. If you
give me instructions, I can help to clarify this. /var/log/Xorg.0.log
has nothing strange.

Reply at:

On 2011-05-28T05:20:28+00:00 André Oliva wrote:

The bug that I reported in Launchpad was incorrectly marked as a
duplicate of this bug. I filed bug 37679 here in Freedesktop about this

Reply at:

On 2011-06-02T13:07:01+00:00 Brian Visel wrote:

>From Launchpad:

Setting VBLANK_MODE=0 seems to delay the appearance of corruption.

Starting a regular, non-accelerated gnome-session, and then running:
VBLANK_MODE=0 glxgears takes a while (and some dragging of glxgears around the screen)
before the corruption appears, whereas normally it would appear rather

As noted before, the corruption isn't limited to the accelerated areas,
and can happen when running a non-composited desktop under normal usage.
Running openGL programs or compositing makes it appear very readily,

I believe it was mentioned in the Launchpad bug, but not here -- Once
corruption begins, changes in an X-Session can affect other virtual
consoles (e.g., once corruption begins, start a slow-loading program,
switch to a virtual console, and as the program maps its graphical
components, the console graphics get corrupted).

Hope this helps..

Reply at:

On 2012-02-25T01:20:16+00:00 Stillcompiling wrote:

I am a long-time sufferer of this problem.
I have the Gateway LT3103u, which is 

I have not yet applied Alex's patch, but I recently tried playing with the 
gartsize and vramlimit options.
gartsize seems to have no effect.
However, setting the vramlimit to 64 seems (2 reboots later) to clear up the 
vramlimit of 128, 256, and 0 (0 is ignored) each result in corruption

The card normally reports 384 MB of vram and 512 MB of gtt memory.

Is it possible this computer is misreporting the amount of sideport ram?
I read someplace that th x1270 can only have up to 128, but that there
is some "Hypermemory" mumbo jumbo going on that adds some of your system
ram to the mix.

Unfortunately, the Gateway LT3103u has a terrible bios config. you can't
change anything, and you can't see much of anything either.

So, for the record: adding "radeon.vramlimit=64" to the kernel
parameters in grub seems to alleviate the problem.

I'm running gentoo amd64, kernel 3.2.6-gentoo and git mesa

Reply at:

On 2012-03-10T05:26:27+00:00 Stillcompiling wrote:

Experienced my first bit of corruption since adding "radeon.vramlimt=64" to my 
kernel params.
When switching from tuxracer back to the native desktop mode 1366x768, the 
pointer was corrupted.

One of the striking characteristics of this problem has always been that
the pointer and character glyphs would always get clobbered. Only the
pointer was affected this time

Happily the first time a popup happened that covered the cursor for a
moment it was restored.

Other than that my experience has been great with the vramlimit in

One more observation:
It does not look to me like the problem is an byte alignment issue. When 
vramlimit is disabled, I can trigger the issue very quickly by going to a 
google image search page in firefox and scrolling down through the images.
I can see what looks to me like linear versions of the images filling up the 
display from top to bottom. If I correctly guess where firefox tabs are the 
tabs will usually repaint that part of the window correctly, though there is 
competition between (I'm guessing) the image cache and the screen, with one 
overwriting the other, until you restart the X session. I would speculate that 
either the size or location of the shared "hypermemory" vram is being 
miscalculated, or that some of that 384 the bios reports as vram should be 
treated as gtt memory.

BTW, I am a C programmer... If I knew where to start, I'd love to work
on this problem from a code angle. I've looked at the code somewhat, but
even in the code specific to my driver there is a lot of code in
different places.

Reply at:

On 2012-03-12T05:32:06+00:00 Michel-daenzer wrote:

(In reply to comment #18)
> I have not yet applied Alex's patch, [...]

Have you been able to test it in the meantime? It doesn't seem very
likely it'll help, but...

> However, setting the vramlimit to 64 seems (2 reboots later) to clear up the
> corruption.
> vramlimit of 128, 256, and 0 (0 is ignored) each result in corruption

Can others affected by the problem confirm this?

Can you attach the dmesg output from with and without the working

(In reply to comment #19)
> When switching from tuxracer back to the native desktop mode 1366x768, the
> pointer was corrupted.
> Happily the first time a popup happened that covered the cursor for a moment
> it was restored.

Sounds like that was just intermittent corruption of the hardware cursor
memory buffer then, e.g. due to a 3D driver bug causing it to be
accidentally overridden. Probably not the same problem this report is

> BTW, I am a C programmer... If I knew where to start, I'd love to work on this
> problem from a code angle. I've looked at the code somewhat, but even in the
> code specific to my driver there is a lot of code in different places.

See e.g. rs690_mc_init() in drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/rs690.c .

Reply at:

On 2012-03-12T06:39:06+00:00 agd5f wrote:

Might also be related to bug 37679 (interrupt problems).  Can you try a
similar patch to the ones on that bug?

Reply at:

On 2012-03-14T14:43:19+00:00 Cboulte wrote:

I have a packard bell dot m/a (radeon x1270) and have the issue described in 
this bug. My setup:
 * kernel 3.2
 * libdrm 2.4.30
 * mesa 7.11.2

I replaced the bios with a modded one that allow tweaking of video ram
type. I tried two settings: uma only and uma+sideport.

 * UMA (256M)
   * No graphic corruption
   * No laggy window movement
   * glxgear fps ~= 360

 * UMA+sideport (256M+64M)
   * Massive graphic corruption
   * Laggy window movement
   * glxgears fps ~= 200

A diff between dmesg output:
$ diff dmesg.uma dmesg.uma+sideport 
< [drm] Detected VRAM RAM=256M, BAR=256M
> [drm] Detected VRAM RAM=384M, BAR=256M
< [drm] radeon: 256M of VRAM memory ready
> [drm] radeon: 384M of VRAM memory ready
< [drm] PCIE GART of 512M enabled (table at 0x000000006C180000).
> [drm] PCIE GART of 512M enabled (table at 0x000000006B800000).
> [drm] radeon: power management initialized

Hope it can help. I can make more test if needed.

Reply at:

On 2012-03-15T19:33:58+00:00 Stillcompiling wrote:

(In reply to comment #20)
> (In reply to comment #18)
> > I have not yet applied Alex's patch, [...]
> Have you been able to test it in the meantime? It doesn't seem very likely
> it'll help, but...
I did finallly try the gart alignment patch (required a minor tweak, 
gart.table.ram.ptr changed to gart.ptr) 
No change and no line in dmesg. 

> > BTW, I am a C programmer... If I knew where to start, I'd love to work on 
> > this
> > problem from a code angle. I've looked at the code somewhat, but even in the
> > code specific to my driver there is a lot of code in different places.
> See e.g. rs690_mc_init() in drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/rs690.c .

Thanks! I am poking around in drm/radeon. I wonder if it is possible to
step through loading radeon.ko in gdb... There is no serial port on this

(In reply to comment #21)
> Might also be related to bug 37679 (interrupt problems).  Can you try a 
> similar
> patch to the ones on that bug?

The quirks in bug 37679 seem to just force msi.
Thesymtos do not seem to apply. interrup count steadily rises with glxgears. I 
also booted with radeon.msi=1 (which has the same effect). No difference other 
than being assigned a different irq
(In reply to comment #22)
> I have a packard bell dot m/a (radeon x1270) and have the issue described in
> this bug. My setup:
>  * kernel 3.2
>  * libdrm 2.4.30
>  * mesa 7.11.2
> I replaced the bios with a modded one that allow tweaking of video ram type. I
> tried two settings: uma only and uma+sideport.
>  * UMA (256M)
>    * No graphic corruption
>    * No laggy window movement
>    * glxgear fps ~= 360
>  * UMA+sideport (256M+64M)
>    * Massive graphic corruption
>    * Laggy window movement
>    * glxgears fps ~= 200
> A diff between dmesg output:
> $ diff dmesg.uma dmesg.uma+sideport 
> 9c9
> < [drm] Detected VRAM RAM=256M, BAR=256M
> ---
> > [drm] Detected VRAM RAM=384M, BAR=256M
> 11c11
> < [drm] radeon: 256M of VRAM memory ready
> ---
> > [drm] radeon: 384M of VRAM memory ready
> 15c15
> < [drm] PCIE GART of 512M enabled (table at 0x000000006C180000).
> ---
> > [drm] PCIE GART of 512M enabled (table at 0x000000006B800000).
> 31a32
> > [drm] radeon: power management initialized
> Hope it can help. I can make more test if needed.

That 384 number seems like the most likely suspect.
I see indications several places that theres only 64M of sideport VRAM, but 384 
== 128 + 256

I'm not sure where that specific piece of data (the 128M of internal vram) is 
coming from, or whether it can be "fixed" by poking 64 * 1024 * 1024 into some 
I tried arbitrarily setting rdev->mc.real_vram_size to 320M as soon as it was 
set, but that had no effect

Reply at:

On 2012-03-28T13:06:20+00:00 Carl Fink wrote:

Just another user reporting the same bug. Experienced with both Debian
(Unstable) and Knoppix on a Gateway LT3119u netbook.

Reply at:

On 2012-04-09T20:06:52+00:00 Carl Fink wrote:

Created attachment 59703
Another screenshot showing corruption

I'm uploading two more screenshots taken from my Gateway LT3119u
netbook, running Debian Unstable. I've also duplicated the phenomenon on
Knoppix. I hope this additional information will both prove useful and
prod the team to fix this long-ago-reported bug.

Reply at:

On 2012-04-09T20:07:41+00:00 Carl Fink wrote:

Created attachment 59704
Second attachment showing corruption.

Reply at:

On 2012-04-12T07:32:13+00:00 agd5f wrote:

Do either of these help?

(as root):

radeonreg regset 0x6564 0xffffffff
radeonreg regset 0x6568 0xffffffff
radeonreg regset 0x656c 0xffffffff
radeonreg regset 0x6570 0xffffffff


radeonreg regset 0x6acc 0x00000000

You can grab radeonreg here:

Reply at:

On 2012-04-12T18:58:27+00:00 Stillcompiling wrote:

archaeopteryx radeontool # ./radeonreg regset 0x6564 0xffffffff
OLD: 0x6564 (6564)      0x7fff7fff (2147450879)
NEW: 0x6564 (6564)      0x7fff7fff (2147450879)
archaeopteryx radeontool # ./radeonreg regset 0x6568 0xffffffff
OLD: 0x6568 (6568)      0x7fff7fff (2147450879)
NEW: 0x6568 (6568)      0x7fff7fff (2147450879)
archaeopteryx radeontool # ./radeonreg regset 0x656c 0xffffffff
OLD: 0x656c (656c)      0x7fff7fff (2147450879)
NEW: 0x656c (656c)      0x7fff7fff (2147450879)
archaeopteryx radeontool # ./radeonreg regset 0x6570 0xffffffff
OLD: 0x6570 (6570)      0x7fff7fff (2147450879)
NEW: 0x6570 (6570)      0x7fff7fff (2147450879)
archaeopteryx radeontool # ./radeonreg regset 0x6acc 0x00000000
OLD: 0x6acc (6acc)      0x00000000 (0)
NEW: 0x6acc (6acc)      0x00000000 (0)
archaeopteryx radeontool # 

It did not prevent the corruption. I don't know if the 0x7ff7fff resultant 
value is significant.

Reply at:

On 2012-04-12T20:06:52+00:00 Carl Fink wrote:

Your radeontool package is different from the radeontool package that
comes with Debian-name collision?

After running and then make ... there is still no radeonreg
program, making it impossible to test your suggested commands.

Reply at:

On 2012-04-12T20:29:13+00:00 agd5f wrote:

you can use avivotool as well.  same syntax.

Reply at:

On 2012-04-13T19:43:42+00:00 Carl Fink wrote:

Thanks to Alex's tip on avivotool, I was able to try the suggested
settings. According to the output, those were already the values stored
in the registers and the commands had no effect.

FWIW, I discovered that I can reliably cause the corruption to happen in
seconds by loading the game "Secret Maryo Chronicles" (smc).

Reply at:

On 2012-04-27T13:50:55+00:00 Brian Visel wrote:

I've installed (and since deinstalled) the modified bios, but it enabled me to 
do some testing.  The system was unstable, and would freeze hard every 3-5 
minutes or so when in either sideport-only or uma-only modes.  However:
Graphics *seem* to work fine (either way, work much better) with things set 
either to Sideport only or UMA-only.  Using sideport+uma caused massive 
corruption, as 'normal'.

Interestingly, although the BIOS states that there are 64mb of sideport
ram, the system thinks I have 128mb when sideport-only is set in the

This seems to correlate with d4ddio's observation:
> I see indications several places that theres only 64M of sideport VRAM, but 
> 384 == 128 + 256

Reply at:

On 2012-04-28T05:41:07+00:00 axel wrote:

Hi Brian,
       I have been a bit quiet on this bug because of work commitments. I too 
flashed my Packard Bell dot ma with the Gateway v1.3302 BIOS (Although I have 
lost VT support which is a pain)

I initially achieved graphics stability by changing the UMA+Sideport to
just UMA in the Advanced Northbridge Options.

In Sideport only Mode it indicates that there is only 64MB of video
memory and when I try to boot with sideport only the laptop hangs on

Have you tried the following?

Internal Video Mode:  UMA+Sideport
Video Memory:   Auto
Dual Mode Interleaving: Enabled
Dual Mode Non-Interleaving SP Size: 0MB
Dual Mode Interleav Ratio: 1:7 

In theory this should allocate 512 MB of video ram (UMA=448 + 64 Sideport) 
Ratio of 1x64  Sideport to 7x64 UMA.  
If you look up the specs of the RS690 this is its theoretical MAX addressable 
memory and so they back each other up.

As such it suggest that the main BIOS Page is incorrect in reporting 384 MB
video RAM (256MB Max UMA + 128MB Sideport) as Sideport is probably only 64MB as 
reported accurately by the "Advance NB Options Page". Also note if Main page of 
the BIOS is correct why when you set the UMA Memory manually to e.g. 32MB does 
the value reported in that page not drop ?

It all looks to me like sideport is only 64MB.

Since I have been running the settings above I cannot recreate the problem
with UMA+Sideport and Graphics performance has massively improved. I can now 
play iPlayer full screen with the standard un-accelerated ati driver.

>> I would like somebody else to test these settings because I suspect that 
I may not be seeing the corruption because Unity has defaulted to 2d mode 
regardless of what I choose on the login screen. 

For those that want the background as to what these BIOS options mean see the 
link below;

I will also attach some BIOS Developers guides for the chipsets for

Reply at:

On 2012-04-28T05:47:44+00:00 axel wrote:

Created attachment 60735
RS690 BIOS Developers Requster guide

RS690 BIOS Developers Register guide

Reply at:

On 2012-04-28T05:51:25+00:00 axel wrote:

Created attachment 60736
RS780G BIOS Developers Guide

RS780G BIOS Developers Guide
Not the same as the RS690 but this doc seems to have many similarities with 
gateway bios and provide some interesting insights to the chip-sets 

Reply at:

On 2012-04-28T05:59:11+00:00 axel wrote:

by the way I should also point out .... that despite me setting the
values above ....the 2048 MB System Memory and theoretical 512MB Video
Memory allocation..... I only see the total system memory drop by 256K
not 512MB.

So perhaps with this BIOS you can not allocate more that 256K

Reply at:

On 2012-04-28T13:48:49+00:00 mattocompleto wrote:

I confirm also to have similar problems on my laptop.It's a Samsung P200
with an ATI X1250, the chipset should be the R600 chipset with installed
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

In Unity I can see weird lines below the bar

and also I can see font corruptions on the bars of gnome-shell.

$ lspci -nn | grep VGA
01:05.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI 
Radeon Xpress 1250 [1002:7942]

see this on ubuntuforums

Reply at:

On 2012-05-06T05:39:04+00:00 Carl Fink wrote:

Since this bug was reported over a year ago and no real progress has
been made in fixing it, may I ask a knowledgeable person what the last
working version of the code was, before this bug was introduced? Is
there any way to create a "radeon-unsupported" module for those of us
who have chipsets doesn't plan to support with their newer

Reply at:

On 2012-05-06T11:36:54+00:00 Stillcompiling wrote:

(In reply to comment #38)
> Since this bug was reported over a year ago and no real progress has been made
> in fixing it, may I ask a knowledgeable person what the last working version 
> of
> the code was, before this bug was introduced? Is there any way to create a
> "radeon-unsupported" module for those of us who have chipsets doesn't
> plan to support with their newer versions?

The simple answer is that (afaik) this particular hardware set of
hardware has had trouble since kernel mode-setting was introduce. There
is not going to be a git bisect-able place where the problem started


I do have a question for devs... I have been all over the initialization code 
and I cannot find a place where the sideport RAM is treated as distinct from 
the UMA "vram".  Is this stuff set up by the atombios? Is there a way to see 
what hardware addresses ranges are assigned? Is there a way to fix the GART 
(table) if the bios is setting up overlapping or otherwise broken addresses for 
GTT, UMA and sideport vram?

Reply at:

On 2012-05-07T18:09:56+00:00 Brian Visel wrote:

There has never been a working version of the radeon driver -- last
working version
was radeonhd, which is a different driver.

Reply at:

On 2012-05-07T18:19:59+00:00 Brian Visel wrote:

Sorry, comment #40 was in response to comment #38 -- I did not see that
d4dd10 had responded (accurately and in more specific detail) already.

Note -- I'm out of the running on this for now, I've bricked my laptop
with a modified bios, and it'll probably take a bit of work to undo.

Reply at:

On 2012-05-09T06:48:46+00:00 agd5f wrote:

(In reply to comment #39)
> I do have a question for devs... I have been all over the initialization code
> and I cannot find a place where the sideport RAM is treated as distinct from
> the UMA "vram".  Is this stuff set up by the atombios? Is there a way to see
> what hardware addresses ranges are assigned? Is there a way to fix the GART
> (table) if the bios is setting up overlapping or otherwise broken addresses 
> for
> GTT, UMA and sideport vram?

It's not treated separately from UMA from the driver's perspective (or
the HW for that matter).  The hw as an FB aperture that points to stolen
system memory (for UMA only) or some combination of sideport and stolen
system memory for (sideport+UMA or sideport only).  The bios normally
sets up the sideport and UMA as interleaved if both are enabled for
maximum performance.  GART is a separate aperture and has nothing to do
with sideport or the stolen system memory block.

Reply at:

On 2012-07-23T02:37:48+00:00 Carl Fink wrote:

So this bug looks as if it will not be fixed. Who should I bribe^Wdonate
money to in order to revive radeonhd?

Reply at:

On 2012-07-23T06:20:41+00:00 Brian Visel wrote:

It's disappointing, but I think there are just too many bugs and not
enough coders to fix them, and they've got to prioritize. -- on top of
that, there's not a *really* good method out there of evaluating the
impact of a problem.  This is obviously a high-impact problem,
considering how common the card is, but it's slipped between the cracks.

As to your idea -- I think that radeonhd drivers are incompatible with
the newer versions of X -- which is why they were phased out anyways.
Unfortunately, the newer drivers obviously don't work right for a lot of

The best bet to getting a fix is probably emailing the maintainers of
the new driver -- getting on mailing lists and discussing it.  I long
ago gave up on fighting this particular fight.

If it helps, this is definitely a sideport ram issue, and disabling 
sideport ram in the BIOS fixes the problem -- however, many BIOSes do
not allow you to do this.

Reply at:

On 2012-07-24T01:58:45+00:00 Carl Fink wrote:

Replying to #44: I know that RadeonHD is not compatible with the current
version. Thus my suggestion it be "revived" as a project. If it were
compatible I'd just compile it.

I'm short of time these days. Rather than making huge efforts to have
X.Org fix the bug, I'll just remove the Debian partition from my
netbook. Windows 7 works fine ....

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On 2012-07-24T07:34:48+00:00 Josselin Mouette wrote:

Note that it can be worked around by disabling RENDER acceleration.

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On 2012-07-24T10:15:36+00:00 Carl Fink wrote:

(In reply to comment #46)
> Note that it can be worked around by disabling RENDER acceleration.

Can you be more specific?

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On 2012-09-10T13:03:22+00:00 agd5f wrote:

*** Bug 54704 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2012-09-10T13:04:26+00:00 agd5f wrote:

Does this patch help?;a=commitdiff;h=4a2b6662c3632176b4fdf012243dd3751367bf1f

Reply at:

On 2012-09-10T13:59:10+00:00 Nicolas Delvaux wrote:

I will try this patch later but, AFAIK, dma32 is only used on 64 bits systems, 
isn't it?
I have the same problem (having to disable modeseting) with both 32 and 64 bits 
kernels (Ubuntu 12.04).

Reply at:

On 2012-09-12T08:02:07+00:00 Nicolas Delvaux wrote:

Unfortunately, this patch changed nothing here.
I'm still enable to start unity/gnome-shell and I have some graphic corruptions 
when using a fallback such as Unity 2D.

This is on a Acer Emachine e625 laptop. I tested the patch on both 32
and 32-pae kernels from Ubuntu 12.04 (3.2.0-31.50).

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  gnome-shell weird lines

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