On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 23:45:04 +0200, Isak Savo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> towolf: Are you using X11 screensaver? (autoaway prints which
> screensaver it found when it starts up) If not, I doubt it's autoaways
> fault, since all it does in the callback for gnome-screensaver is check
> the state of a local boolean variable.

I started xchat-gnome in a shell but it outputs nothing. There is also
noverbose toggle. Where would I read that output?
gnome-screensaver is running but it is set to inactive, i.e., I just blank
the screen with g-p-m.
Again, pretty clearly the peaks stop when I toggle the plugin.

[it seems i can’t attach stuff when I reply by mail, has been 15min since  
having sent the earlier reply]

Causes repetitive dropouts in playing music

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