** Description changed:

  When installing mnogosearch-mysql for the first time, the database
  initialization fails because the database does not exist.  If the user
  has elected to initialize the database, the setup scripts (perhaps
  mnogosearchconfig?) should create the database if it does not already
+ This problem can be fixed with "mysql -u root -e 'create database
+ mnogosearch'" before attempting to install mnogosearch.
  (Note: this may actually be a problem with mnogosearch-common.  It
  occurred to me when I attempted "apt-get install mnogosearch-common
  mnogosearch-mysql".  Since it's database-related I assume it's a
  mnogosearch-mysql issue.)
+ Ubuntu Dapper Server (6.06)
+ mnogosearch-common 3.2.33-1ubuntu1
+ mnogosearch-mysql 3.2.33-1ubuntu1

mnogosearch database not created on initial install

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