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If you reply to an imported comment from within Launchpad, your comment
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On 2009-01-05T03:05:56+00:00 Gerry JJ wrote:

I'm on 64-bit Linux, server 1.5.3, KDE 4, using "evdev-managed"
keyboard layout.  The keyboard has a norwegian layout and a bunch of
extra multimedia keys like play/pause, mute, back, forward, etc.  The
keys work fine in KDE/GTK/etc.

I recently discovered that the extra multimedia keys on my keyboard no
longer generates any events at all with SDL 1.3 (testing with the
checkkeys program in test).  The ¨/^/~ key (a dead key) also doesn't
generate any press events, though it does generate text input.  Since I
remembered these keys generating events before, I checked out a couple
revisions and found out where things got broken.

I did notice that the svn log for revision 4176 acknowledges the dead
keys missing keypress events bug, but I couldn't find a bug report for
it and there's no mention of multimedia key issues, so I figured it was
worth reporting this anyway.

The extra multimedia keys used to at least generate events before
revision 3568, but with a warning that the key was unrecognized and that
the layout should be mailed to the SDL mailinglist (I think I did send a
mail back then with the reported layout, but can't find the mail now for
some reason, so perhaps I forgot?).  Anyway, this was how it worked up
to revision 3567.  In revision 3568, most of the extra keys stopped
working (with the exception of "Stop"), but some debug output shows that
the keys were still detected but not processed(?).  In revision 3569 the
debug output was removed.  Revision 4176 broke the "Stop" key as well.
(Also, dead keypress events stopped working in 3568, but text
composition started working in that revision.)

To clarify a bit, here's the results of running the checkkeys program in
revision 3567, 3568, 3569, 4175 and 4176, and pressing first the key
identified as "XF86Back", then "Stop", then the ¨ key (a dead key), and
finally the e key (to compose into ë).  Added key names in brackets to
show what keypress generated what output, and snipped output that
occured before I started pressing keys

- 3567 -
The key you just pressed is not recognized by SDL. To help get this fixed, 
please report this to the SDL mailing list <> X11 KeyCode 166 
(158), X11 KeySym 0x1008FF26 (XF86Back).
Key pressed :  scancode 120 = Stop, keycode 0x40000078 = Stop  modifiers: (none)
Key released:  scancode 120 = Stop, keycode 0x40000078 = Stop  modifiers: (none)
The key you just pressed is not recognized by SDL. To help get this fixed, 
please report this to the SDL mailing list <> X11 KeyCode 35 
(27), X11KeySym 0xFE57 (dead_diaeresis).
Sending text event �
Text: �
Sending text event e
Key pressed :  scancode 8 = E, keycode 0x00000065 = E  (e) modifiers: (none)
Text: e
Key released:  scancode 8 = E, keycode 0x00000065 = E  modifiers: (none)

- 3568 -
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0xA6)                                                   
KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0xA6)                                                 
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0x88)                                                   
Key pressed :  scancode 120 = Stop, keycode 0x40000078 = Stop  modifiers: (none)
KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0x88)
Key released:  scancode 120 = Stop, keycode 0x40000078 = Stop  modifiers: (none)
Filtered event of type = 0x2
KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0x23)
Filtered event of type = 0x2
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0x0)
Sending text event ë
Text: ë
KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0x1A)

- 3569/4175 -
Key pressed :  scancode 120 = Stop, keycode 0x40000078 = Stop  modifiers: (none)
Key released:  scancode 120 = Stop, keycode 0x40000078 = Stop  modifiers: (none)
Sending text event ë
Text: ë

- 4176/current -
Sending text event ë
Text: ë

Also, here's my keyboard layout as reported by checkkeys in revision
4175 (as of revision 4176, checkkeys no longer prints this).  It
includes a bunch of keys that's not on my keyboard for some reason, but
the ones it does have are correct:

$ ./checkkeys
Keyboard layout unknown, please send the following to the SDL mailing list 
code = 1, sym = 0xFF1B (Escape) scancode = 41 (Escape)                          
code = 2, sym = 0x31 (1) scancode = 30 (1)                                      
code = 3, sym = 0x32 (2) scancode = 31 (2)                                      
code = 4, sym = 0x33 (3) scancode = 32 (3)                                      
code = 5, sym = 0x34 (4) scancode = 33 (4)                                      
code = 6, sym = 0x35 (5) scancode = 34 (5)                                      
code = 7, sym = 0x36 (6) scancode = 35 (6)                                      
code = 8, sym = 0x37 (7) scancode = 36 (7)                                      
code = 9, sym = 0x38 (8) scancode = 37 (8)                                      
code = 10, sym = 0x39 (9) scancode = 38 (9)                                     
code = 11, sym = 0x30 (0) scancode = 39 (0)                                     
code = 12, sym = 0x2B (plus) scancode not found                                 
code = 13, sym = 0x5C (backslash) scancode = 49 (\)                             
code = 14, sym = 0xFF08 (BackSpace) scancode = 42 (Backspace)                   
code = 15, sym = 0xFF09 (Tab) scancode = 43 (Tab)                               
code = 16, sym = 0x71 (q) scancode = 20 (Q)                                     
code = 17, sym = 0x77 (w) scancode = 26 (W)                                     
code = 18, sym = 0x65 (e) scancode = 8 (E)                                      
code = 19, sym = 0x72 (r) scancode = 21 (R)                                     
code = 20, sym = 0x74 (t) scancode = 23 (T)                                     
code = 21, sym = 0x79 (y) scancode = 28 (Y)                                     
code = 22, sym = 0x75 (u) scancode = 24 (U)                                     
code = 23, sym = 0x69 (i) scancode = 12 (I)                                     
code = 24, sym = 0x6F (o) scancode = 18 (O)                                     
code = 25, sym = 0x70 (p) scancode = 19 (P)                                     
code = 26, sym = 0xE5 (aring) scancode not found                                
code = 27, sym = 0xFE57 (dead_diaeresis) scancode not found                     
code = 28, sym = 0xFF0D (Return) scancode = 40 (Return)                         
code = 29, sym = 0xFFE3 (Control_L) scancode = 224 (Left Ctrl)                  
code = 30, sym = 0x61 (a) scancode = 4 (A)                                      
code = 31, sym = 0x73 (s) scancode = 22 (S)                                     
code = 32, sym = 0x64 (d) scancode = 7 (D)                                      
code = 33, sym = 0x66 (f) scancode = 9 (F)                                      
code = 34, sym = 0x67 (g) scancode = 10 (G)                                     
code = 35, sym = 0x68 (h) scancode = 11 (H)                                     
code = 36, sym = 0x6A (j) scancode = 13 (J)                                     
code = 37, sym = 0x6B (k) scancode = 14 (K)                                     
code = 38, sym = 0x6C (l) scancode = 15 (L)                                     
code = 39, sym = 0xF8 (oslash) scancode not found                               
code = 40, sym = 0xE6 (ae) scancode not found                                   
code = 41, sym = 0x7C (bar) scancode not found                                  
code = 42, sym = 0xFFE1 (Shift_L) scancode = 225 (Left Shift)                   
code = 43, sym = 0x27 (apostrophe) scancode = 52 (')                            
code = 44, sym = 0x7A (z) scancode = 29 (Z)                                     
code = 45, sym = 0x78 (x) scancode = 27 (X)                                     
code = 46, sym = 0x63 (c) scancode = 6 (C)                                      
code = 47, sym = 0x76 (v) scancode = 25 (V)                                     
code = 48, sym = 0x62 (b) scancode = 5 (B)                                      
code = 49, sym = 0x6E (n) scancode = 17 (N)                                     
code = 50, sym = 0x6D (m) scancode = 16 (M)                                     
code = 51, sym = 0x2C (comma) scancode = 54 (,)                                 
code = 52, sym = 0x2E (period) scancode = 55 (.)                                
code = 53, sym = 0x2D (minus) scancode = 45 (-)                                 
code = 54, sym = 0xFFE2 (Shift_R) scancode = 229 (Right Shift)                  
code = 55, sym = 0xFFAA (KP_Multiply) scancode = 85 (Keypad *)                  
code = 56, sym = 0xFFE9 (Alt_L) scancode = 226 (Left Alt)                       
code = 57, sym = 0x20 (space) scancode = 44 (Space)                             
code = 58, sym = 0xFFE5 (Caps_Lock) scancode = 57 (CapsLock)                    
code = 59, sym = 0xFFBE (F1) scancode = 58 (F1)                                 
code = 60, sym = 0xFFBF (F2) scancode = 59 (F2)                                 
code = 61, sym = 0xFFC0 (F3) scancode = 60 (F3)                                 
code = 62, sym = 0xFFC1 (F4) scancode = 61 (F4)                                 
code = 63, sym = 0xFFC2 (F5) scancode = 62 (F5)                                 
code = 64, sym = 0xFFC3 (F6) scancode = 63 (F6)                                 
code = 65, sym = 0xFFC4 (F7) scancode = 64 (F7)                                 
code = 66, sym = 0xFFC5 (F8) scancode = 65 (F8)                                 
code = 67, sym = 0xFFC6 (F9) scancode = 66 (F9)                                 
code = 68, sym = 0xFFC7 (F10) scancode = 67 (F10)                               
code = 69, sym = 0xFF7F (Num_Lock) scancode = 83 (Numlock)                      
code = 70, sym = 0xFF14 (Scroll_Lock) scancode = 71 (ScrollLock)                
code = 71, sym = 0xFF95 (KP_Home) scancode not found                            
code = 72, sym = 0xFF97 (KP_Up) scancode not found                              
code = 73, sym = 0xFF9A (KP_Prior) scancode not found                           
code = 74, sym = 0xFFAD (KP_Subtract) scancode = 86 (Keypad -)                  
code = 75, sym = 0xFF96 (KP_Left) scancode not found                            
code = 76, sym = 0xFF9D (KP_Begin) scancode not found                           
code = 77, sym = 0xFF98 (KP_Right) scancode not found                           
code = 78, sym = 0xFFAB (KP_Add) scancode = 87 (Keypad +)                       
code = 79, sym = 0xFF9C (KP_End) scancode not found                             
code = 80, sym = 0xFF99 (KP_Down) scancode not found                            
code = 81, sym = 0xFF9B (KP_Next) scancode not found                            
code = 82, sym = 0xFF9E (KP_Insert) scancode not found                          
code = 83, sym = 0xFF9F (KP_Delete) scancode not found                          
code = 84, sym = 0xFE03 (ISO_Level3_Shift) scancode not found                   
code = 85, sym = 0xFF2A (Zenkaku_Hankaku) scancode not found                    
code = 86, sym = 0x3C (less) scancode not found                                 
code = 87, sym = 0xFFC8 (F11) scancode = 68 (F11)                               
code = 88, sym = 0xFFC9 (F12) scancode = 69 (F12)                               
code = 90, sym = 0xFF26 (Katakana) scancode not found                           
code = 91, sym = 0xFF25 (Hiragana) scancode not found                           
code = 92, sym = 0xFF23 (Henkan_Mode) scancode not found                        
code = 93, sym = 0xFF27 (Hiragana_Katakana) scancode not found                  
code = 94, sym = 0xFF22 (Muhenkan) scancode not found                           
code = 96, sym = 0xFF8D (KP_Enter) scancode = 88 (Keypad Enter)                 
code = 97, sym = 0xFFE4 (Control_R) scancode = 228 (Right Ctrl)                 
code = 98, sym = 0xFFAF (KP_Divide) scancode = 84 (Keypad /)                    
code = 99, sym = 0xFF61 (Print) scancode = 70 (PrintScreen)                     
code = 100, sym = 0xFE03 (ISO_Level3_Shift) scancode not found                  
code = 101, sym = 0xFF0A (Linefeed) scancode not found                          
code = 102, sym = 0xFF50 (Home) scancode = 74 (Home)                            
code = 103, sym = 0xFF52 (Up) scancode = 82 (Up)                                
code = 104, sym = 0xFF55 (Prior) scancode = 75 (PageUp)                         
code = 105, sym = 0xFF51 (Left) scancode = 80 (Left)                            
code = 106, sym = 0xFF53 (Right) scancode = 79 (Right)                          
code = 107, sym = 0xFF57 (End) scancode = 77 (End)                              
code = 108, sym = 0xFF54 (Down) scancode = 81 (Down)                            
code = 109, sym = 0xFF56 (Next) scancode = 78 (PageDown)                        
code = 110, sym = 0xFF63 (Insert) scancode = 73 (Insert)                        
code = 111, sym = 0xFFFF (Delete) scancode = 76 (Delete)                        
code = 113, sym = 0x1008FF12 (XF86AudioMute) scancode not found                 
code = 114, sym = 0x1008FF11 (XF86AudioLowerVolume) scancode not found          
code = 115, sym = 0x1008FF13 (XF86AudioRaiseVolume) scancode not found          
code = 116, sym = 0x1008FF2A (XF86PowerOff) scancode not found                  
code = 117, sym = 0xFFBD (KP_Equal) scancode = 103 (Keypad =)                   
code = 118, sym = 0xB1 (plusminus) scancode not found                           
code = 119, sym = 0xFF13 (Pause) scancode = 72 (Pause)                          
code = 121, sym = 0xFFAC (KP_Separator) scancode = 133 (Keypad ,)               
code = 122, sym = 0xFF31 (Hangul) scancode not found                            
code = 123, sym = 0xFF34 (Hangul_Hanja) scancode not found                      
code = 125, sym = 0xFFEB (Super_L) scancode not found                           
code = 126, sym = 0xFFEC (Super_R) scancode not found                           
code = 127, sym = 0xFF67 (Menu) scancode = 118 (Menu)                           
code = 128, sym = 0xFF69 (Cancel) scancode = 120 (Stop)                         
code = 129, sym = 0xFF66 (Redo) scancode = 121 (Again)                          
code = 130, sym = 0x1005FF70 (SunProps) scancode not found                      
code = 131, sym = 0xFF65 (Undo) scancode = 122 (Undo)                           
code = 132, sym = 0x1005FF71 (SunFront) scancode not found                      
code = 133, sym = 0x1008FF57 (XF86Copy) scancode not found                      
code = 134, sym = 0x1005FF73 (SunOpen) scancode not found                       
code = 135, sym = 0x1008FF6D (XF86Paste) scancode not found                     
code = 136, sym = 0xFF68 (Find) scancode = 126 (Find)                           
code = 137, sym = 0x1008FF58 (XF86Cut) scancode not found                       
code = 138, sym = 0xFF6A (Help) scancode = 117 (Help)                           
code = 139, sym = 0x1008FF65 (XF86MenuKB) scancode not found                    
code = 140, sym = 0x1008FF1D (XF86Calculator) scancode not found                
code = 142, sym = 0x1008FF2F (XF86Sleep) scancode not found                     
code = 143, sym = 0x1008FF2B (XF86WakeUp) scancode not found                    
code = 144, sym = 0x1008FF5D (XF86Explorer) scancode not found                  
code = 145, sym = 0x1008FF7B (XF86Send) scancode not found                      
code = 147, sym = 0x1008FF8A (XF86Xfer) scancode not found                      
code = 148, sym = 0x1008FF41 (XF86Launch1) scancode not found                   
code = 149, sym = 0x1008FF42 (XF86Launch2) scancode not found                   
code = 150, sym = 0x1008FF2E (XF86WWW) scancode not found                       
code = 151, sym = 0x1008FF5A (XF86DOS) scancode not found                       
code = 152, sym = 0x1008FF2D (XF86ScreenSaver) scancode not found               
code = 154, sym = 0x1008FF74 (XF86RotateWindows) scancode not found             
code = 155, sym = 0x1008FF19 (XF86Mail) scancode not found                      
code = 156, sym = 0x1008FF30 (XF86Favorites) scancode not found                 
code = 157, sym = 0x1008FF33 (XF86MyComputer) scancode not found                
code = 158, sym = 0x1008FF26 (XF86Back) scancode not found                      
code = 159, sym = 0x1008FF27 (XF86Forward) scancode not found                   
code = 161, sym = 0x1008FF2C (XF86Eject) scancode not found                     
code = 162, sym = 0x1008FF2C (XF86Eject) scancode not found                     
code = 163, sym = 0x1008FF17 (XF86AudioNext) scancode not found                 
code = 164, sym = 0x1008FF14 (XF86AudioPlay) scancode not found                 
code = 165, sym = 0x1008FF16 (XF86AudioPrev) scancode not found                 
code = 166, sym = 0x1008FF15 (XF86AudioStop) scancode not found                 
code = 167, sym = 0x1008FF1C (XF86AudioRecord) scancode not found               
code = 168, sym = 0x1008FF3E (XF86AudioRewind) scancode not found               
code = 169, sym = 0x1008FF6E (XF86Phone) scancode not found                     
code = 171, sym = 0x1008FF81 (XF86Tools) scancode not found                     
code = 172, sym = 0x1008FF18 (XF86HomePage) scancode not found                  
code = 173, sym = 0x1008FF29 (XF86Refresh) scancode not found                   
code = 174, sym = 0x1008FF56 (XF86Close) scancode not found                     
code = 177, sym = 0x1008FF78 (XF86ScrollUp) scancode not found                  
code = 178, sym = 0x1008FF79 (XF86ScrollDown) scancode not found                
code = 179, sym = 0x28 (parenleft) scancode not found                           
code = 180, sym = 0x29 (parenright) scancode not found                          
code = 181, sym = 0x1008FF68 (XF86New) scancode not found                       
code = 182, sym = 0xFF66 (Redo) scancode = 121 (Again)                          
code = 195, sym = 0xFF7E (Mode_switch) scancode = 257 (ModeSwitch)              
code = 200, sym = 0x1008FF14 (XF86AudioPlay) scancode not found                 
code = 201, sym = 0x1008FF31 (XF86AudioPause) scancode not found                
code = 202, sym = 0x1008FF43 (XF86Launch3) scancode not found                   
code = 203, sym = 0x1008FF44 (XF86Launch4) scancode not found
code = 205, sym = 0x1008FF10 (XF86Standby) scancode not found
code = 206, sym = 0x1008FF56 (XF86Close) scancode not found
code = 207, sym = 0x1008FF14 (XF86AudioPlay) scancode not found
code = 208, sym = 0x1008FF27 (XF86Forward) scancode not found
code = 210, sym = 0xFF61 (Print) scancode = 70 (PrintScreen)
code = 212, sym = 0x1008FF8F (XF86WebCam) scancode not found
code = 215, sym = 0x1008FF19 (XF86Mail) scancode not found
code = 217, sym = 0x1008FF1B (XF86Search) scancode not found
code = 219, sym = 0x1008FF3C (XF86Finance) scancode not found
code = 221, sym = 0x1008FF36 (XF86Shop) scancode not found
code = 223, sym = 0xFF69 (Cancel) scancode = 120 (Stop)
code = 224, sym = 0x1008FF03 (XF86MonBrightnessDown) scancode not found
code = 225, sym = 0x1008FF02 (XF86MonBrightnessUp) scancode not found
code = 226, sym = 0x1008FF32 (XF86AudioMedia) scancode not found
code = 227, sym = 0x1008FF59 (XF86Display) scancode not found
code = 228, sym = 0x1008FF04 (XF86KbdLightOnOff) scancode not found
code = 229, sym = 0x1008FF06 (XF86KbdBrightnessDown) scancode not found
code = 230, sym = 0x1008FF05 (XF86KbdBrightnessUp) scancode not found
code = 231, sym = 0x1008FF7B (XF86Send) scancode not found
code = 232, sym = 0x1008FF72 (XF86Reply) scancode not found
code = 233, sym = 0x1008FF90 (XF86MailForward) scancode not found
code = 234, sym = 0x1008FF77 (XF86Save) scancode not found
code = 235, sym = 0x1008FF5B (XF86Documents) scancode not found

$ Xorg -version

X.Org X Server 1.5.3
Release Date: 5 November 2008
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.27-ARCH x86_64
Current Operating System: Linux lighthouse 2.6.27-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Dec 
21 09:13:30 UTC 2008 x86_64
Build Date: 17 December 2008  10:46:49PM

        Before reporting problems, check
        to make sure that you have the latest version.

Reply at:

On 2009-01-05T03:33:44+00:00 Sam Lantinga wrote:

What's the output of xev for the affected keys?

Reply at:

On 2009-01-05T03:48:14+00:00 Gerry JJ wrote:

Copied the output of xev below.  Also, I found out that the Print
Screen/SysRq key ("Print") and the Pause/Break key ("Pause") also
stopped working in revision 4176, so I included those here as well.  The
key I called "Stop" above is called "Cancel" here, and dead_diaeresis is
the dead ¨ key.  Removed the KeyRelease events for brevity =)

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33711830, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 172 (keysym 0x1008ff14, XF86AudioPlay), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:                                               
    XFilterEvent returns: False                                                

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33712408, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 121 (keysym 0x1008ff12, XF86AudioMute), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:                                               
    XFilterEvent returns: False                                                

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33712912, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 174 (keysym 0x1008ff15, XF86AudioStop), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:                                               
    XFilterEvent returns: False                                                

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33713869, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 173 (keysym 0x1008ff16, XF86AudioPrev), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:                                               
    XFilterEvent returns: False                                                

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33714253, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 122 (keysym 0x1008ff11, XF86AudioLowerVolume), 
same_screen YES,                                                                
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:                                                
    XFilterEvent returns: False                                                 

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33714646, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 123 (keysym 0x1008ff13, XF86AudioRaiseVolume), 
same_screen YES,                                                                
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:                                                
    XFilterEvent returns: False                                                 

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33715143, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 171 (keysym 0x1008ff17, XF86AudioNext), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:                                               
    XFilterEvent returns: False                                                

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33716852, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 166 (keysym 0x1008ff26, XF86Back), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:                                          
    XFilterEvent returns: False                                           

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33717269, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 167 (keysym 0x1008ff27, XF86Forward), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:                                             
    XFilterEvent returns: False                                              

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33717704, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 136 (keysym 0xff69, Cancel), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:                                    
    XFilterEvent returns: False                                     

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33718074, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 181 (keysym 0x1008ff29, XF86Refresh), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:                                             
    XFilterEvent returns: False                                              

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33719304, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 180 (keysym 0x1008ff18, XF86HomePage), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:                                              
    XFilterEvent returns: False                                               

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33719704, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 163 (keysym 0x1008ff19, XF86Mail), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:                                          
    XFilterEvent returns: False                                           

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33720503, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 225 (keysym 0x1008ff1b, XF86Search), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:                                            
    XFilterEvent returns: False                                             

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33720993, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 164 (keysym 0x1008ff30, XF86Favorites), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:                                               
    XFilterEvent returns: False                                                

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33721672, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 150 (keysym 0x1008ff2f, XF86Sleep), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:                                           
    XFilterEvent returns: False                                            

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33723154, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 35 (keysym 0xfe57, dead_diaeresis), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:                                           
    XFilterEvent returns: False                                            

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33724598, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 107 (keysym 0xff61, Print), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:
    XFilterEvent returns: False

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x3c00001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 33725356, (-584,89), root:(906,118),
    state 0x0, keycode 127 (keysym 0xff13, Pause), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:
    XFilterEvent returns: False

Reply at:

On 2009-01-05T03:51:16+00:00 Gerry JJ wrote:

One more: The keypad enter key also stopped working in revision 4176.

KeyPress event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x2000001,
    root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 34253593, (-407,622), root:(1083,651),
    state 0x0, keycode 104 (keysym 0xff8d, KP_Enter), same_screen YES,
"   XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (0d) "
    XFilterEvent returns: False

Reply at:

On 2009-12-16T02:37:22+00:00 Robert Ancell wrote:

Getting the volume keys to work (XF86AudioMute, XF86AudioLowerVolume and
XF86AudioRaiseVolume) is particularly useful as otherwise playing a full
screen game (in this case tuxracer) can be very loud and users
immediately try and reduce the volume by pressing the multimedia keys on
their keyboards.

SDL currently passes these events as SDLK_UNKNOWN

Reply at:

On 2009-12-17T22:25:25+00:00 Robert Ancell wrote:

Sorry, ignore that last comment - I didn't notice this bug was regarding
the development version of libsdl

Reply at:

On 2010-07-18T05:11:29+00:00 Sam Lantinga wrote:

This is mostly fixed in the current SDL 1.3 snapshot:

All the multimedia keys should be recognized.  The only thing I'm not
sure about is dead_diaeresis.  It'll currently be recognized as

Reply at:

On 2010-07-18T14:31:12+00:00 Gerry JJ wrote:

(In reply to comment #6)
> This is mostly fixed in the current SDL 1.3 snapshot:
> http://www.libsdl.orgdead_diaeresis/tmp/
> All the multimedia keys should be recognized.  The only thing I'm not sure
> about is dead_diaeresis.  It'll currently be recognized as

Hm, I'm still getting unrecognized keys here with that..  Here's some
checkkeys output

KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0xF2)
The key you just pressed is not recognized by SDL. To help get this fixed, 
please report this to the SDL mailing list <> X11 KeyCode 242 
(234), X11 KeySym 0x1008FF77 (XF86Save).
KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0xF2)

KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0xB3)
The key you just pressed is not recognized by SDL. To help get this fixed, 
please report this to the SDL mailing list <> X11 KeyCode 179 
(171), X11 KeySym 0x1008FF81 (XF86Tools).
KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0xB3)

There's also some unknown keys (removed release events):

KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0x6C)
Unknown Key (scancode 230 = Right Alt) pressed  modifiers: RALT
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0xA3)
Unknown Key (scancode 265 = Mail) pressed  modifiers: (none)
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0xB4)
Unknown Key (scancode 269 = AC Home) pressed  modifiers: (none)
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0xAC)
Unknown Key (scancode 261 = AudioPlay) pressed  modifiers: (none)
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0xAD)
Unknown Key (scancode 259 = AudioPrev) pressed  modifiers: (none)
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0xAB)
Unknown Key (scancode 258 = AudioNext) pressed  modifiers: (none)
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0x94)
Unknown Key (scancode 266 = Calculator) pressed  modifiers: (none)
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0xAE)
Unknown Key (scancode 260 = AudioStop) pressed  modifiers: (none)
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0xA6)
Unknown Key (scancode 270 = AC Back) pressed  modifiers: (none)
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0xA7)
Unknown Key (scancode 271 = AC Forward) pressed  modifiers: (none)
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0xB5)
Unknown Key (scancode 273 = AC Refresh) pressed  modifiers: (none)
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0xA3)
Unknown Key (scancode 265 = Mail) pressed  modifiers: (none)
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0xE1)
Unknown Key (scancode 268 = AC Search) pressed  modifiers: (none)

Also, volume up/down only generates release events, never press events:

KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0x7A)
KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0x7B)

The dead "/^/~ key generates only a release event on the first press,
and is unrecognized on the second press:

KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0x23)
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0x0)
The key you just pressed is not recognized by SDL. To help get this fixed, 
please report this to the SDL mailing list <> X11 KeyCode 0 
(-8), X11 KeySym 0x0 ((null)).
KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0x23)

Pressing that key once and then a key it modifies (eg e) makes the
second key be unrecognized as well.  Here I pressed e, ¨, e:

Key pressed :  scancode 8 = E, keycode 0x00000065 = E  (e) modifiers: (none)
Text: e
KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0x1A)
Key released:  scancode 8 = E, keycode 0x00000065 = E  modifiers: (none)
KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0x23)
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0x0)
The key you just pressed is not recognized by SDL. To help get this fixed, 
please report this to the SDL mailing list <> X11 KeyCode 0 
(-8), X11 KeySym 0x0 ((null)).
KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0x1A)

Other dead keys seem to behave in the same way.  For example, I can make
an é by pressing altgr+\ (the key left of backspace) and then e.  Here's
the same in checkkeys:

KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0x6C)
Unknown Key (scancode 230 = Right Alt) pressed  modifiers: RALT
KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0x15)
KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0x6C)
Unknown Key (scancode 230 = Right Alt) released  modifiers: (none)
KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0x0)
The key you just pressed is not recognized by SDL. To help get this fixed, 
please report this to the SDL mailing list <> X11 KeyCode 0 
(-8), X11 KeySym 0x0 ((null)).
KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0x1A)

Reply at:

On 2010-07-18T14:38:27+00:00 Gerry JJ wrote:

The \ key by itself works fine btw:

KeyPress (X11 keycode = 0x15)
Key pressed :  scancode 46 = =, keycode 0x0000005C = \  (\) modifiers: (none)
Text: \
KeyRelease (X11 keycode = 0x15)
Key released:  scancode 46 = =, keycode 0x0000005C = \  modifiers: (none)

It only misbehaves when combined with a modifier key that makes it dead
(shift or alt-gr here).

Reply at:

On 2013-07-12T22:52:52+00:00 Ryan C. Gordon wrote:

(Sorry if you get a lot of copies of this email, we're touching dozens of bug 
reports right now.)

Tagging a bunch of bugs as target-2.0.0, Priority 1.

This means we're in the final stretch for an official SDL 2.0.0 release!
These are the bugs we really want to fix before shipping if humanly

That being said, we don't promise to fix them because of this tag, we
just want to make sure we don't forget to deal with them before we bless
a final 2.0.0 release, and generally be organized about what we're
aiming to ship.

Hopefully you'll hear more about this bug soon. If you have more
information (including "this got fixed at some point, nevermind"), we
would love to have you come add more information to the bug report when
you have a moment.


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  Function keys wont work in fullscreen game

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