I think this is correct approach, except for one thing:

> Installing hplip-gui will then automatically also install python-qt3 and all 
> GUI 
> tools (and GUI parts of combined text/GUI tools) are accessible via menu 
> entries and work.

The GUI and text/non-GUI "parts" of the combined tools are not
"separatable" at this time. They are two modes within a single
file/command. I never envisioned installing a command with one mode but
not another.

Somebody suggested having the default mode for all the programs in the
/etc/hp/hplip.conf file - this would be a help here. For the base hplip
package, the mode could be set to "text", and if the hplip-gui package
is subsequently installed, the mode could be overwritten to "gui". This
would control which parameters are default (-u, or -i/-n) modes for all
the programs. I think this is a workable idea.

> tell us exactly, which programs are GUI-only and which are also usable on 
> the text console.

Right now, this is _only_ the toolbox ("Device Manager"). That would
include the "toolbox.py", "ui/devmgr4.py", "ui/devmgr4_base.py" files,
and a variety of dialog files (*.py, *_base.py, and *.ui files) in the
"ui" directory that are used by the toolbox (the list can be easily
determined by looking at the imports at the top of "ui/devmgr4.py").

All other programs have a -n (text/non-interactive) or -i
(text/interactive) mode in addition to a -u (gui) mode.

[Edgy] HPLIP Toolbox doesn't start from gnome menu

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