Please look at the diff below. I won't have much time till Tuesday. Will
read how to try to use early patching then. Thanks.

I've also send bug report to the It waits
approval from moderators. Will post the link to email as soon as it will
be approved.

--- alsa-info-3.10-rc7-358-gaa95d61-generic.txt 2014-05-31 22:51:48.464325741 
+++ alsa-info-3.10-rc7-359-g5ccc618-generic.txt 2014-05-31 19:58:01.352099733 
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 !!ALSA Information Script v 0.4.60
-!!Script ran on: Sun Jun  1 05:51:12 UTC 2014
+!!Script ran on: Sun Jun  1 02:56:49 UTC 2014
 !!Linux Distribution
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 !!Kernel Information
-Kernel release:    3.10-rc7-358-gaa95d61-generic
+Kernel release:    3.10-rc7-359-g5ccc618-generic
 Operating System:  GNU/Linux
 Architecture:      x86_64
 Processor:         x86_64
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 !!ALSA Version
-Driver version:     k3.10-rc7-358-gaa95d61-generic
+Driver version:     k3.10-rc7-359-g5ccc618-generic
 Library version:
 Utilities version:
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
  0 [Intel          ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel
-                      HDA Intel at 0xf8220000 irq 45
+                      HDA Intel at 0xf8220000 irq 46
  4 [ThinkPadEC     ]: ThinkPad EC - ThinkPad Console Audio Control
                       ThinkPad Console Audio Control at EC reg 0x30, fw 
@@ -153,18 +153,11 @@
   Power states:  D0 D3
   Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
 GPIO: io=3, o=0, i=0, unsolicited=1, wake=0
-  IO[0]: enable=0, dir=0, wake=0, sticky=0, data=1, unsol=0
+  IO[0]: enable=0, dir=0, wake=0, sticky=0, data=0, unsol=0
   IO[1]: enable=1, dir=0, wake=0, sticky=0, data=0, unsol=0
   IO[2]: enable=0, dir=0, wake=0, sticky=0, data=0, unsol=0
 Node 0x02 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x30311: Stereo Digital
-  Control: name="IEC958 Playback Con Mask", index=0, device=0
-  Control: name="IEC958 Playback Pro Mask", index=0, device=0
-  Control: name="IEC958 Playback Default", index=0, device=0
-  Control: name="IEC958 Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
-  Control: name="IEC958 Default PCM Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
-  Control: name="IEC958 Playback Source", index=0, device=0
-  Device: name="AD198x Digital", type="SPDIF", device=1
-  Converter: stream=8, channel=0
+  Converter: stream=0, channel=0
   Digital category: 0x0
   IEC Coding Type: 0x0
@@ -176,18 +169,21 @@
   Connection: 3
      0x01* 0x08 0x09
 Node 0x03 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x405: Stereo Amp-Out
+  Control: name="Headphone Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
+    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
+  Device: name="AD1984 Analog", type="Audio", device=0
+  Device: name="AD1984 Alt Analog", type="Audio", device=2
   Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x27, nsteps=0x27, stepsize=0x05, mute=0
-  Amp-Out vals:  [0x00 0x00]
+  Amp-Out vals:  [0x27 0x27]
   Converter: stream=0, channel=0
   Power states:  D0 D3
   Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
 Node 0x04 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x405: Stereo Amp-Out
-  Control: name="PCM Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
+  Control: name="Speaker Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
     ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
-  Device: name="AD198x Analog", type="Audio", device=0
   Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x27, nsteps=0x27, stepsize=0x05, mute=0
-  Amp-Out vals:  [0x27 0x27]
-  Converter: stream=8, channel=0
+  Amp-Out vals:  [0x00 0x00]
+  Converter: stream=0, channel=0
   Power states:  D0 D3
   Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
 Node 0x05 [Audio Input] wcaps 0x10050b: Stereo Amp-In
@@ -210,11 +206,11 @@
 Node 0x07 [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x200103: Stereo Amp-In
   Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
-  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00]
+  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00] [0x80 0x80]
   Connection: 2
      0x22 0x21
 Node 0x08 [Audio Input] wcaps 0x100501: Stereo
-  Device: name="AD198x Analog", type="Audio", device=0
+  Device: name="AD1984 Analog", type="Audio", device=0
   Converter: stream=0, channel=0
   SDI-Select: 0
   Power states:  D0 D3
@@ -230,7 +226,7 @@
 Node 0x0a [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x200103: Stereo Amp-In
   Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
-  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00]
+  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00] [0x80 0x80]
   Connection: 2
      0x04 0x21
 Node 0x0b [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x200103: Stereo Amp-In
@@ -243,37 +239,32 @@
     ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
   Control: name="Capture Switch", index=0, device=0
     ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
-  Control: name="Input Source", index=0, device=0
   Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x27, nsteps=0x36, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
   Amp-Out vals:  [0x28 0x28]
   Connection: 5
      0x14 0x15* 0x16 0x20 0x25
 Node 0x0d [Audio Selector] wcaps 0x30010d: Stereo Amp-Out
-  Control: name="Capture Volume", index=1, device=0
-    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
-  Control: name="Capture Switch", index=1, device=0
-    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
-  Control: name="Input Source", index=1, device=0
   Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x27, nsteps=0x36, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
   Amp-Out vals:  [0xa7 0xa7]
   Connection: 5
      0x14* 0x15 0x16 0x20 0x25
 Node 0x0e [Audio Selector] wcaps 0x300101: Stereo
   Connection: 2
-     0x03 0x04*
+     0x03* 0x04
 Node 0x0f [Audio Selector] wcaps 0x300101: Stereo
   Connection: 2
      0x03* 0x04
 Node 0x10 [Beep Generator Widget] wcaps 0x70000c: Mono Amp-Out
-  Control: name="Digital Beep Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
+  Control: name="Beep Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
     ControlAmp: chs=1, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
-  Control: name="Digital Beep Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
+  Control: name="Beep Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
     ControlAmp: chs=1, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
   Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x0f, nsteps=0x0f, stepsize=0x0b, mute=1
-  Amp-Out vals:  [0x8f]
+  Amp-Out vals:  [0x0f]
 Node 0x11 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40018d: Stereo Amp-Out
   Control: name="Headphone Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
     ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
+  Control: name="Headphone Jack", index=0, device=0
   Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
   Amp-Out vals:  [0x00 0x00]
   Pincap 0x0000001f: OUT HP Detect Trigger ImpSense
@@ -281,21 +272,22 @@
     Conn = 1/8, Color = Green
     DefAssociation = 0x1, Sequence = 0xf
   Pin-ctls: 0xc0: OUT HP
-  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
+  Unsolicited: tag=01, enabled=1
   Connection: 1
 Node 0x12 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40058d: Stereo Amp-Out
   Control: name="Speaker Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
     ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
+  Control: name="Speaker Phantom Jack", index=0, device=0
   Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
-  Amp-Out vals:  [0x00 0x00]
+  Amp-Out vals:  [0x80 0x80]
   Pincap 0x0001001f: OUT HP EAPD Detect Trigger ImpSense
-  EAPD 0x2: EAPD
+  EAPD 0x0:
   Pin Default 0x90170110: [Fixed] Speaker at Int N/A
     Conn = Analog, Color = Unknown
     DefAssociation = 0x1, Sequence = 0x0
     Misc = NO_PRESENCE
-  Pin-ctls: 0xc0: OUT HP
+  Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT
   Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
   Power states:  D0 D3
   Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
@@ -303,7 +295,7 @@
 Node 0x13 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40050c: Mono Amp-Out
   Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x1f, nsteps=0x1f, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
-  Amp-Out vals:  [0x80]
+  Amp-Out vals:  [0x9f]
   Pincap 0x00010010: OUT EAPD
   EAPD 0x0:
   Pin Default 0x511301f0: [N/A] Speaker at Int Rear
@@ -318,6 +310,7 @@
 Node 0x14 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40008b: Stereo Amp-In
   Control: name="Mic Boost Volume", index=0, device=0
     ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
+  Control: name="Mic Jack", index=0, device=0
   Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x27, mute=0
   Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
   Pincap 0x00003727: IN Detect Trigger ImpSense
@@ -326,10 +319,11 @@
     Conn = 1/8, Color = Red
     DefAssociation = 0x2, Sequence = 0x1
   Pin-ctls: 0x24: IN VREF_80
-  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
+  Unsolicited: tag=03, enabled=1
 Node 0x15 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40008b: Stereo Amp-In
   Control: name="Internal Mic Boost Volume", index=0, device=0
     ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
+  Control: name="Internal Mic Phantom Jack", index=0, device=0
   Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x27, mute=0
   Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
   Pincap 0x00003727: IN Detect Trigger ImpSense
@@ -379,10 +373,8 @@
     Misc = NO_PRESENCE
   Pin-ctls: 0x20: IN
 Node 0x1b [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40030d: Stereo Digital Amp-Out
-  Control: name="IEC958 Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
-    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
   Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x27, nsteps=0x27, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
-  Amp-Out vals:  [0x27 0x27]
+  Amp-Out vals:  [0xa7 0xa7]
   Pincap 0x00000010: OUT
   Pin Default 0x614411f0: [N/A] SPDIF Out at Sep Rear
     Conn = RCA, Color = Black
@@ -392,6 +384,7 @@
   Connection: 1
 Node 0x1c [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40018d: Stereo Amp-Out
+  Control: name="Dock Mic Jack", index=0, device=0
   Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
   Amp-Out vals:  [0x80 0x80]
   Pincap 0x00003737: IN OUT Detect Trigger ImpSense
@@ -400,7 +393,7 @@
     Conn = 1/8, Color = Red
     DefAssociation = 0x2, Sequence = 0x0
   Pin-ctls: 0x24: IN VREF_80
-  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
+  Unsolicited: tag=02, enabled=1
   Connection: 1
 Node 0x1d [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00100: Mono
@@ -408,41 +401,37 @@
      0x07* 0x19 0x0a 0x0b 0x0c 0x0d 0x0e 0x0f 0x1a 0x1c 0x11 0x12 0x13 0x14 
0x15 0x16 0x1e 0x1f 0x20 0x21 0x22 0x23 0x24 0x25 0x26
 Node 0x1e [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x200103: Stereo Amp-In
   Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
-  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00]
+  Amp-In vals:  [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80]
   Connection: 2
      0x0e 0x21
 Node 0x1f [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x200100: Mono
   Connection: 1
 Node 0x20 [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x20010b: Stereo Amp-In
-  Control: name="Mic Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
-    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
-  Control: name="Mic Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
-    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
   Control: name="Internal Mic Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
     ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=1, ofs=0
   Control: name="Internal Mic Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
     ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=1, ofs=0
-  Control: name="Beep Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
-    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=3, ofs=0
-  Control: name="Beep Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
-    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=3, ofs=0
   Control: name="Dock Mic Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
     ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=4, ofs=0
   Control: name="Dock Mic Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
     ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=4, ofs=0
+  Control: name="Mic Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
+    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
+  Control: name="Mic Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
+    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
   Amp-In caps: ofs=0x17, nsteps=0x1f, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
-  Amp-In vals:  [0x80 0x80] [0x9f 0x9f] [0x80 0x80] [0x17 0x17] [0x80 0x80]
+  Amp-In vals:  [0x80 0x80] [0x9f 0x9f] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80]
   Connection: 5
      0x14 0x15 0x16 0x1a 0x25
 Node 0x21 [Audio Selector] wcaps 0x30010d: Stereo Amp-Out
   Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x1f, nsteps=0x1f, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
-  Amp-Out vals:  [0x1f 0x1f]
+  Amp-Out vals:  [0x9f 0x9f]
   Connection: 1
 Node 0x22 [Audio Selector] wcaps 0x300101: Stereo
   Connection: 2
-     0x03 0x04*
+     0x03* 0x04
 Node 0x23 [Audio Selector] wcaps 0x300101: Stereo
   Connection: 2
      0x03* 0x04
@@ -467,21 +456,21 @@
 !!ALSA Device nodes
-crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  7 May 31 22:39 /dev/snd/controlC0
-crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  2 May 31 22:39 /dev/snd/controlC4
-crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  6 May 31 22:39 /dev/snd/hwC0D0
-crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  5 May 31 22:44 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c
-crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  4 May 31 22:44 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
-crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  3 May 31 22:44 /dev/snd/pcmC0D1p
-crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  1 May 31 22:39 /dev/snd/seq
-crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 33 May 31 22:39 /dev/snd/timer
+crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  7 May 31 18:02 /dev/snd/controlC0
+crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  2 May 31 18:02 /dev/snd/controlC4
+crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  6 May 31 18:02 /dev/snd/hwC0D0
+crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  5 May 31 18:07 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c
+crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  4 May 31 19:13 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
+crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  3 May 31 18:02 /dev/snd/pcmC0D2p
+crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116,  1 May 31 18:02 /dev/snd/seq
+crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 116, 33 May 31 18:02 /dev/snd/timer
 total 0
-drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  80 May 31 22:39 .
-drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 220 May 31 22:39 ..
-lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  12 May 31 22:39 pci-0000:00:1b.0 -> ../controlC0
-lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  12 May 31 22:39 platform-thinkpad_acpi -> ../controlC4
+drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  80 May 31 18:02 .
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 220 May 31 18:02 ..
+lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  12 May 31 18:02 pci-0000:00:1b.0 -> ../controlC0
+lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  12 May 31 18:02 platform-thinkpad_acpi -> ../controlC4
 !!Aplay/Arecord output
@@ -490,55 +479,56 @@
 **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
-card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: AD198x Analog [AD198x Analog]
-  Subdevices: 0/1
+card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: AD1984 Analog [AD1984 Analog]
+  Subdevices: 1/1
   Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
-card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: AD198x Digital [AD198x Digital]
+card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 2: AD1984 Alt Analog [AD1984 Alt Analog]
   Subdevices: 1/1
   Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
 **** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****
-card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: AD198x Analog [AD198x Analog]
-  Subdevices: 2/2
+card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: AD1984 Analog [AD1984 Analog]
+  Subdevices: 1/1
   Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
-  Subdevice #1: subdevice #1
 !!Amixer output
 !!-------Mixer controls for card 0 [Intel]
-Card hw:0 'Intel'/'HDA Intel at 0xf8220000 irq 45'
+Card hw:0 'Intel'/'HDA Intel at 0xf8220000 irq 46'
   Mixer name   : 'Analog Devices AD1984'
   Components   : 'HDA:11d41984,17aa20d6,00100400'
-  Controls      : 36
-  Simple ctrls  : 20
+  Controls      : 31
+  Simple ctrls  : 15
 Simple mixer control 'Master',0
   Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined pswitch pswitch-joined
   Playback channels: Mono
   Limits: Playback 0 - 39
   Mono: Playback 39 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
 Simple mixer control 'Headphone',0
-  Capabilities: pswitch
+  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch
   Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
+  Limits: Playback 0 - 39
-  Front Left: Playback [on]
-  Front Right: Playback [on]
+  Front Left: Playback 39 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
+  Front Right: Playback 39 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
 Simple mixer control 'Speaker',0
-  Capabilities: pswitch
+  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch
   Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
+  Limits: Playback 0 - 39
-  Front Left: Playback [on]
-  Front Right: Playback [on]
+  Front Left: Playback 0 [0%] [-58.50dB] [off]
+  Front Right: Playback 0 [0%] [-58.50dB] [off]
 Simple mixer control 'PCM',0
   Capabilities: pvolume
   Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
-  Limits: Playback 0 - 39
+  Limits: Playback 0 - 255
-  Front Left: Playback 39 [100%] [0.00dB]
-  Front Right: Playback 39 [100%] [0.00dB]
+  Front Left: Playback 255 [100%] [0.00dB]
+  Front Right: Playback 255 [100%] [0.00dB]
 Simple mixer control 'Mic',0
   Capabilities: pvolume pswitch
   Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
@@ -553,51 +543,27 @@
   Limits: 0 - 3
   Front Left: 0 [0%] [0.00dB]
   Front Right: 0 [0%] [0.00dB]
-Simple mixer control 'IEC958',0
-  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch pswitch-joined
-  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
-  Limits: Playback 0 - 39
-  Mono:
-  Front Left: Playback 39 [100%] [0.00dB] [off]
-  Front Right: Playback 39 [100%] [0.00dB] [off]
-Simple mixer control 'IEC958 Default PCM',0
-  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
-  Playback channels: Mono
-  Mono: Playback [on]
-Simple mixer control 'IEC958 Playback Source',0
-  Capabilities: enum
-  Items: 'PCM' 'ADC'
-  Item0: 'PCM'
 Simple mixer control 'Beep',0
-  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch
-  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
-  Limits: Playback 0 - 31
-  Mono:
-  Front Left: Playback 23 [74%] [0.00dB] [on]
-  Front Right: Playback 23 [74%] [0.00dB] [on]
+  Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined pswitch pswitch-joined
+  Playback channels: Mono
+  Limits: Playback 0 - 15
+  Mono: Playback 15 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
 Simple mixer control 'Capture',0
   Capabilities: cvolume cswitch
   Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
   Limits: Capture 0 - 54
   Front Left: Capture 40 [74%] [1.50dB] [on]
   Front Right: Capture 40 [74%] [1.50dB] [on]
-Simple mixer control 'Capture',1
-  Capabilities: cvolume cswitch
-  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
-  Limits: Capture 0 - 54
-  Front Left: Capture 39 [72%] [0.00dB] [off]
-  Front Right: Capture 39 [72%] [0.00dB] [off]
+Simple mixer control 'Auto-Mute Mode',0
+  Capabilities: enum
+  Items: 'Disabled' 'Enabled'
+  Item0: 'Enabled'
 Simple mixer control 'Digital',0
   Capabilities: cvolume
   Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
   Limits: Capture 0 - 120
   Front Left: Capture 60 [50%] [0.00dB]
   Front Right: Capture 60 [50%] [0.00dB]
-Simple mixer control 'Digital Beep',0
-  Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined pswitch pswitch-joined
-  Playback channels: Mono
-  Limits: Playback 0 - 15
-  Mono: Playback 15 [100%] [0.00dB] [off]
 Simple mixer control 'Dock Mic',0
   Capabilities: pvolume pswitch
   Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
@@ -612,14 +578,10 @@
   Limits: 0 - 3
   Front Left: 0 [0%] [0.00dB]
   Front Right: 0 [0%] [0.00dB]
-Simple mixer control 'Input Source',0
-  Capabilities: cenum
-  Items: 'Mic' 'Internal Mic' 'Mix' 'Dock Mic'
-  Item0: 'Internal Mic'
-Simple mixer control 'Input Source',1
-  Capabilities: cenum
-  Items: 'Mic' 'Internal Mic' 'Mix' 'Dock Mic'
-  Item0: 'Mic'
+Simple mixer control 'Independent HP',0
+  Capabilities: enum
+  Items: 'Disabled' 'Enabled'
+  Item0: 'Disabled'
 Simple mixer control 'Internal Mic',0
   Capabilities: pvolume pswitch
   Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
@@ -655,7 +617,7 @@
 state.Intel {
        control.1 {
                iface MIXER
-               name 'PCM Playback Volume'
+               name 'Headphone Playback Volume'
                value.0 39
                value.1 39
                comment {
@@ -682,40 +644,41 @@
        control.3 {
                iface MIXER
-               name 'Speaker Playback Switch'
-               value.0 true
-               value.1 true
+               name 'Speaker Playback Volume'
+               value.0 0
+               value.1 0
                comment {
                        access 'read write'
-                       type BOOLEAN
+                       type INTEGER
                        count 2
+                       range '0 - 39'
+                       dbmin -5850
+                       dbmax 0
+                       dbvalue.0 -5850
+                       dbvalue.1 -5850
        control.4 {
                iface MIXER
-               name 'Mic Playback Volume'
-               value.0 0
-               value.1 0
+               name 'Speaker Playback Switch'
+               value.0 false
+               value.1 false
                comment {
                        access 'read write'
-                       type INTEGER
+                       type BOOLEAN
                        count 2
-                       range '0 - 31'
-                       dbmin -3450
-                       dbmax 1200
-                       dbvalue.0 -3450
-                       dbvalue.1 -3450
        control.5 {
                iface MIXER
-               name 'Mic Playback Switch'
-               value.0 false
-               value.1 false
+               name 'Independent HP'
+               value Disabled
                comment {
                        access 'read write'
-                       type BOOLEAN
-                       count 2
+                       type ENUMERATED
+                       count 1
+                       item.0 Disabled
+                       item.1 Enabled
        control.6 {
@@ -747,9 +710,9 @@
        control.8 {
                iface MIXER
-               name 'Beep Playback Volume'
-               value.0 23
-               value.1 23
+               name 'Dock Mic Playback Volume'
+               value.0 0
+               value.1 0
                comment {
                        access 'read write'
                        type INTEGER
@@ -757,15 +720,15 @@
                        range '0 - 31'
                        dbmin -3450
                        dbmax 1200
-                       dbvalue.0 0
-                       dbvalue.1 0
+                       dbvalue.0 -3450
+                       dbvalue.1 -3450
        control.9 {
                iface MIXER
-               name 'Beep Playback Switch'
-               value.0 true
-               value.1 true
+               name 'Dock Mic Playback Switch'
+               value.0 false
+               value.1 false
                comment {
                        access 'read write'
                        type BOOLEAN
@@ -774,7 +737,7 @@
        control.10 {
                iface MIXER
-               name 'Dock Mic Playback Volume'
+               name 'Mic Playback Volume'
                value.0 0
                value.1 0
                comment {
@@ -790,7 +753,7 @@
        control.11 {
                iface MIXER
-               name 'Dock Mic Playback Switch'
+               name 'Mic Playback Switch'
                value.0 false
                value.1 false
                comment {
@@ -801,54 +764,18 @@
        control.12 {
                iface MIXER
-               name 'Mic Boost Volume'
-               value.0 0
-               value.1 0
+               name 'Auto-Mute Mode'
+               value Enabled
                comment {
                        access 'read write'
-                       type INTEGER
-                       count 2
-                       range '0 - 3'
-                       dbmin 0
-                       dbmax 3000
-                       dbvalue.0 0
-                       dbvalue.1 0
+                       type ENUMERATED
+                       count 1
+                       item.0 Disabled
+                       item.1 Enabled
        control.13 {
                iface MIXER
-               name 'Internal Mic Boost Volume'
-               value.0 0
-               value.1 0
-               comment {
-                       access 'read write'
-                       type INTEGER
-                       count 2
-                       range '0 - 3'
-                       dbmin 0
-                       dbmax 3000
-                       dbvalue.0 0
-                       dbvalue.1 0
-               }
-       }
-       control.14 {
-               iface MIXER
-               name 'Dock Mic Boost Volume'
-               value.0 0
-               value.1 0
-               comment {
-                       access 'read write'
-                       type INTEGER
-                       count 2
-                       range '0 - 3'
-                       dbmin 0
-                       dbmax 3000
-                       dbvalue.0 0
-                       dbvalue.1 0
-               }
-       }
-       control.15 {
-               iface MIXER
                name 'Capture Volume'
                value.0 40
                value.1 40
@@ -863,7 +790,7 @@
                        dbvalue.1 150
-       control.16 {
+       control.14 {
                iface MIXER
                name 'Capture Switch'
                value.0 true
@@ -874,145 +801,131 @@
                        count 2
-       control.17 {
+       control.15 {
                iface MIXER
-               name 'Capture Volume'
-               index 1
-               value.0 39
-               value.1 39
+               name 'Internal Mic Boost Volume'
+               value.0 0
+               value.1 0
                comment {
                        access 'read write'
                        type INTEGER
                        count 2
-                       range '0 - 54'
-                       dbmin -5850
-                       dbmax 2250
+                       range '0 - 3'
+                       dbmin 0
+                       dbmax 3000
                        dbvalue.0 0
                        dbvalue.1 0
-       control.18 {
+       control.16 {
                iface MIXER
-               name 'Capture Switch'
-               index 1
-               value.0 false
-               value.1 false
+               name 'Dock Mic Boost Volume'
+               value.0 0
+               value.1 0
                comment {
                        access 'read write'
-                       type BOOLEAN
+                       type INTEGER
                        count 2
+                       range '0 - 3'
+                       dbmin 0
+                       dbmax 3000
+                       dbvalue.0 0
+                       dbvalue.1 0
-       control.19 {
-               iface MIXER
-               name 'Input Source'
-               value 'Internal Mic'
-               comment {
-                       access 'read write'
-                       type ENUMERATED
-                       count 1
-                       item.0 Mic
-                       item.1 'Internal Mic'
-                       item.2 Mix
-                       item.3 'Dock Mic'
-               }
-       }
-       control.20 {
+       control.17 {
                iface MIXER
-               name 'Input Source'
-               index 1
-               value Mic
+               name 'Mic Boost Volume'
+               value.0 0
+               value.1 0
                comment {
                        access 'read write'
-                       type ENUMERATED
-                       count 1
-                       item.0 Mic
-                       item.1 'Internal Mic'
-                       item.2 Mix
-                       item.3 'Dock Mic'
+                       type INTEGER
+                       count 2
+                       range '0 - 3'
+                       dbmin 0
+                       dbmax 3000
+                       dbvalue.0 0
+                       dbvalue.1 0
-       control.21 {
+       control.18 {
                iface MIXER
-               name 'IEC958 Playback Volume'
-               value.0 39
-               value.1 39
+               name 'Master Playback Volume'
+               value 39
                comment {
                        access 'read write'
                        type INTEGER
-                       count 2
+                       count 1
                        range '0 - 39'
                        dbmin -5850
                        dbmax 0
                        dbvalue.0 0
-                       dbvalue.1 0
-       control.22 {
+       control.19 {
                iface MIXER
-               name 'IEC958 Playback Source'
-               value PCM
+               name 'Master Playback Switch'
+               value true
                comment {
                        access 'read write'
-                       type ENUMERATED
+                       type BOOLEAN
                        count 1
-                       item.0 PCM
-                       item.1 ADC
-       control.23 {
-               iface MIXER
-               name 'IEC958 Playback Con Mask'
-               value 
+       control.20 {
+               iface CARD
+               name 'Internal Mic Phantom Jack'
+               value true
                comment {
                        access read
-                       type IEC958
+                       type BOOLEAN
                        count 1
-       control.24 {
-               iface MIXER
-               name 'IEC958 Playback Pro Mask'
-               value 
+       control.21 {
+               iface CARD
+               name 'Dock Mic Jack'
+               value false
                comment {
                        access read
-                       type IEC958
+                       type BOOLEAN
                        count 1
-       control.25 {
-               iface MIXER
-               name 'IEC958 Playback Default'
-               value 
+       control.22 {
+               iface CARD
+               name 'Mic Jack'
+               value false
                comment {
-                       access 'read write'
-                       type IEC958
+                       access read
+                       type BOOLEAN
                        count 1
-       control.26 {
-               iface MIXER
-               name 'IEC958 Playback Switch'
-               value false
+       control.23 {
+               iface CARD
+               name 'Headphone Jack'
+               value true
                comment {
-                       access 'read write'
+                       access read
                        type BOOLEAN
                        count 1
-       control.27 {
-               iface MIXER
-               name 'IEC958 Default PCM Playback Switch'
+       control.24 {
+               iface CARD
+               name 'Speaker Phantom Jack'
                value true
                comment {
-                       access 'read write'
+                       access read
                        type BOOLEAN
                        count 1
-       control.28 {
+       control.25 {
                iface MIXER
-               name 'Digital Beep Playback Volume'
+               name 'Beep Playback Volume'
                value 15
                comment {
                        access 'read write'
@@ -1024,33 +937,9 @@
                        dbvalue.0 0
-       control.29 {
-               iface MIXER
-               name 'Digital Beep Playback Switch'
-               value false
-               comment {
-                       access 'read write'
-                       type BOOLEAN
-                       count 1
-               }
-       }
-       control.30 {
-               iface MIXER
-               name 'Master Playback Volume'
-               value 39
-               comment {
-                       access 'read write'
-                       type INTEGER
-                       count 1
-                       range '0 - 39'
-                       dbmin -5850
-                       dbmax 0
-                       dbvalue.0 0
-               }
-       }
-       control.31 {
+       control.26 {
                iface MIXER
-               name 'Master Playback Switch'
+               name 'Beep Playback Switch'
                value true
                comment {
                        access 'read write'
@@ -1058,21 +947,9 @@
                        count 1
-       control.32 {
+       control.27 {
                iface PCM
                name 'Playback Channel Map'
-               value.0 3
-               value.1 4
-               comment {
-                       access read
-                       type INTEGER
-                       count 2
-                       range '0 - 36'
-               }
-       }
-       control.33 {
-               iface PCM
-               name 'Capture Channel Map'
                value.0 0
                value.1 0
                comment {
@@ -1082,10 +959,9 @@
                        range '0 - 36'
-       control.34 {
+       control.28 {
                iface PCM
                name 'Capture Channel Map'
-               index 1
                value.0 0
                value.1 0
                comment {
@@ -1095,9 +971,9 @@
                        range '0 - 36'
-       control.35 {
+       control.29 {
                iface PCM
-               device 1
+               device 2
                name 'Playback Channel Map'
                value.0 0
                value.1 0
@@ -1108,7 +984,7 @@
                        range '0 - 36'
-       control.36 {
+       control.30 {
                iface MIXER
                name 'Digital Capture Volume'
                value.0 60
@@ -1125,6 +1001,23 @@
                        dbvalue.1 0
+       control.31 {
+               iface MIXER
+               name 'PCM Playback Volume'
+               value.0 255
+               value.1 255
+               comment {
+                       access 'read write user'
+                       type INTEGER
+                       count 2
+                       range '0 - 255'
+                       tlv '0000000100000008ffffec1400000014'
+                       dbmin -5100
+                       dbmax 0
+                       dbvalue.0 0
+                       dbvalue.1 0
+               }
+       }
 state.ThinkPadEC {
        control.1 {
@@ -1145,6 +1038,20 @@
@@ -1168,64 +1075,64 @@
 !!Sysfs Files
@@ -1254,9 +1161,15 @@
 !!ALSA/HDA dmesg
-[   38.133419] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
-[   38.179214] hda_intel: probe_mask set to 0x1 for device 17aa:20ac
-[   38.179301] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: irq 45 for MSI/MSI-X
-[   38.531005] EXT4-fs (sda3): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. 
Opts: (null)
+[   35.045988] ieee80211 phy0: Selected rate control algorithm 'iwl-4965-rs'
+[   35.076727] hda_intel: probe_mask set to 0x1 for device 17aa:20ac
+[   35.076782] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: irq 46 for MSI/MSI-X
+[   35.084674] device-mapper: multipath: version 1.5.1 loaded
+[   35.496579]      Mic=0x14
+[   35.504968] input: HDA Intel Headphone as 
+[   35.505383] input: HDA Intel Mic as 
+[   35.506228] input: HDA Intel Dock Mic as 
+[   35.569962] pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: memory probe 

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  [Lenovo ThinkPad X61s] Speaker volume mutes itself in random intervals
  after upgrade to 14.04

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