Public bug reported:

    1. we know migration between guests are not supported for PCI passthrough. 
If RAID level Migration is also not supported then we can push this bug to 
    2. Have followed the procedure to ensure the prerequisite are met. i.e
       a.  ensured all the disk are of same size or greater,
       b.  formatted via iprconfig and the tool was not closed until migration.
       c. enough zeroed disks are  on the machine.
3.  iprconfig tool loops in circle to the migration selection screen, instead 
of starting the migration.  there is no error in iprconfig nor syslog regarding 
the failed state

pKVM version:
[root@yangtze-lp1 ~]# cat /etc/issue
IBM_PowerKVM release 2.1.1 build 10 alpha (pkvm2_1_1)
Kernel \r on a \m (\l)

Ubuntu Version:
manu@ubuntushinner:~$ uname -a
Linux ubuntushinner 3.16.0-14-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Sat Sep 6 23:45:12 UTC 
2014 ppc64le ppc64le ppc64le GNU/Linux

Steps to reproduce:  (Steps includes both RAID0 -> 10 and viceversa)

a. Migration from RAID 10 to RAID0

1.======>  format all the disk

OPT Name   PCI/SCSI Location          Description               Status
--- ------ -------------------------  ------------------------- ----------------
 1         0001:00:03.0/2:0:1:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
 1         0001:00:03.0/2:0:2:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:3:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:4:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:5:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:6:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:7:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:8:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:9:0       Advanced Function 4K Disk Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:10:0      Advanced Function 4K Disk Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:11:0      Advanced Function 4K Disk Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:14:0      Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed

e=Exit   q=Cancel   t=Toggle

2.======> try creating RAID 10 and have some data on it

                    Select Protection Level and Stripe Size

 Default array configurations are shown.  To change
 setting hit "c" for options menu.  Highlight desired
 option then hit Enter

 c=Change Setting

Protection Level . . . . . . . . . . . . :  RAID 10
Stripe Size  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :  256 k
Queue Depth (default =  32). . . . . . . :  32

                            Confirm Create Disk Array

Press Enter to continue.
  q=Cancel to return and change your choice.

OPT Name   Resource Path/Address      Vendor   Product ID       Status
--- ------ -------------------------- -------- ---------------- ----------------
 1         FE                         IBM      57B4001SISIOA    Operational
 1         00-0E-0E                   IBM      SG9XCA2E200GEIBM Zeroed
 1         00-0E-09                   IBM      SG9XCA2E200GEIBM Zeroed

                            Display Disk Array Status

Type option, press Enter.
  1=Display hardware resource information details

OPT Name   PCI/SCSI Location          Description               Status
--- ------ -------------------------  ------------------------- ----------------
    sdag   0002:00:04.0/3:2:0:0       RAID 0 SSD Disk Array     Non-Optimized
           0002:00:04.0/3:0:4:0         RAID 0 SSD Member       Remote
    sdb    0002:00:04.0/3:2:1:0       RAID 10 SSD Disk Array    Non-Optimized
           0002:00:04.0/3:0:5:0         RAID 10 SSD Member      Remote
           0002:00:04.0/3:0:6:0         RAID 10 SSD Member      Remote
    sdah   0001:00:03.0/2:2:0:0       RAID 0 SSD Disk Array     Optimized
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:0:0         RAID 0 SSD Member       Active
    sdc    0001:00:03.0/2:2:1:0       RAID 10 SSD Disk Array    Optimized
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:1:0         RAID 10 SSD Member      Active
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:2:0         RAID 10 SSD Member      Active

root@ubuntushinner:~# multipath -ll
mpath43 (1IBM     IPR-10  58C3830000005160) dm-0 IBM,IPR-10  58C38300
size=165G features='1 queue_if_no_path' hwhandler='1 alua' wp=rw
|-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=130 status=active
| `- 2:2:1:0 sdc  8:32  active ready running
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=10 status=enabled
  `- 3:2:1:0 sdb  8:16  active ready running

root@ubuntushinner:~# mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/mpath43
.bash_history   .bashrc         file            index.html      netperf-2.2pl5/ 
NetPIPE-3.7.1/  np/             .profile        send/
root@ubuntushinner:~# mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/mpath43
mke2fs 1.42.10 (18-May-2014)
Creating filesystem with 43374592 4k blocks and 10846208 inodes
Filesystem UUID: 8c75fea0-53e6-400d-86f4-ccb0e538de80
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
        32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632, 2654208,
        4096000, 7962624, 11239424, 20480000, 23887872

Allocating group tables: done
Writing inode tables: done
Creating journal (32768 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

root@ubuntushinner:~# mount /dev/mapper/mpath43 /mnt
root@ubuntushinner:~# cd /mnt
root@ubuntushinner:/mnt# cp -r /root/* .
root@ubuntushinner:/mnt# ls
file  index.html  lost+found  netperf-2.2pl5  NetPIPE-3.7.1  np  send
root@ubuntushinner:/mnt# cd
root@ubuntushinner:~# df -h
Filesystem           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2            7.4G  2.2G  4.9G  31% /
none                  64K     0   64K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
udev                 7.9G   64K  7.9G   1% /dev
tmpfs                1.7G  4.0M  1.7G   1% /run
none                 5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
none                 8.4G     0  8.4G   0% /run/shm
none                 100M     0  100M   0% /run/user
/dev/mapper/mpath43  163G  336M  155G   1% /mnt

3.=====> try to migrate the RAID 10 to RAID0.

                          Migrate Disk Array Protection

Select only one disk array for migration.

Type choice, press Enter.
  1=migrate protection for a disk array

OPT Name   PCI/SCSI Location          Description               Status
--- ------ -------------------------  ------------------------- ----------------
    sdah   0001:00:03.0/2:2:0:0       RAID 0 SSD Disk Array     Optimized
 1  sdc    0001:00:03.0/2:2:1:0       RAID 10 SSD Disk Array    Optimized

                            Select Protection Level

 Current RAID protection level is shown.  To change
 setting hit "c" for options menu.  Highlight desired
 option then hit Enter

 c=Change Setting

/dev/sdc - Protection Level . . . . . . :   RAID 0

                         Confirm Migrate a Disk Array

ATTENTION: Disk array will be migrated.

Press Enter to continue.
  q=Cancel to return and change your choice.

OPT Name   PCI/SCSI Location          Description               Status
--- ------ -------------------------  ------------------------- ----------------
 1  sdc    0001:00:03.0/2:2:1:0       RAID 10 SSD Disk Array    Optimized

<==========******************* the migration is always in this screen,
no syslog or tool errors

                          Confirm Migrate a Disk Array                          
ATTENTION: Disk array will be migrated.

Press Enter to continue.
  q=Cancel to return and change your choice.

OPT Name   PCI/SCSI Location          Description               Status
--- ------ -------------------------  ------------------------- ----------------
 1  sdc    0001:00:03.0/2:2:1:0       RAID 10 SSD Disk Array    Optimized

   Display Hardware Status

Type option, press Enter.
  1=Display hardware resource information details

OPT Name   PCI/SCSI Location          Description               Status
--- ------ -------------------------  ------------------------- ----------------
           0002:00:04.0/3:0:5:0         RAID 10 SSD Member      Remote
           0002:00:04.0/3:0:6:0         RAID 10 SSD Member      Remote
           0002:00:04.0/3:0:1:0       Enclosure                 Active
           0002:00:04.0/3:0:2:0       Enclosure                 Active
           0001:00:03.0/2:            PCI-E SAS RAID Adapter    Operational
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:3:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:4:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:5:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:6:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:7:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:8:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:9:0       Advanced Function 4K Disk Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:10:0      Advanced Function 4K Disk Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:11:0      Advanced Function 4K Disk Zeroed

                         Disk Array Information Details

Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : IBM
RAID Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : RAID 10
Stripe Size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 256 k
Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 177.66 GB
Resource Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : /dev/sdc
Serial Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 00005160

Physical location
PCI Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0001:00:03.0
Resource Path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : FC-01-00
SCSI Host Number . . . . . . . . . . . . : 2
SCSI Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 2
SCSI Id. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1
SCSI Lun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0


b. Now try to migrate from RAID0 to RAID10

 1============>. format all the disks                         

                        Select Disk Units for Disk Array

Type option, press Enter.

OPT Name   PCI/SCSI Location          Description               Status
--- ------ -------------------------  ------------------------- ----------------
 1         0001:00:03.0/2:0:3:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:4:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:5:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:6:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:7:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:8:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:9:0       Advanced Function 4K Disk Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:10:0      Advanced Function 4K Disk Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:11:0      Advanced Function 4K Disk Zeroed
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:14:0      Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed

                    Select Protection Level and Stripe Size

 Default array configurations are shown.  To change
 setting hit "c" for options menu.  Highlight desired
 option then hit Enter

 c=Change Setting

Protection Level . . . . . . . . . . . . :  RAID 0
Stripe Size  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :  256 k
Queue Depth (default =  16). . . . . . . :  16

                            Confirm Create Disk Array

Press Enter to continue.
  q=Cancel to return and change your choice.

OPT Name   Resource Path/Address      Vendor   Product ID       Status
--- ------ -------------------------- -------- ---------------- ----------------
 1         FE                         IBM      57B4001SISIOA    Operational
 1         00-0E-02                   IBM      SG9XCA2E200GEIBM Zeroed

                            Display Disk Array Status

Type option, press Enter.
  1=Display hardware resource information details

OPT Name   PCI/SCSI Location          Description               Status
--- ------ -------------------------  ------------------------- ----------------
    sdag   0002:00:04.0/3:2:0:0       RAID 0 SSD Disk Array     Non-Optimized
           0002:00:04.0/3:0:4:0         RAID 0 SSD Member       Remote
    sdb    0002:00:04.0/3:2:1:0       RAID 10 SSD Disk Array    Non-Optimized
           0002:00:04.0/3:0:5:0         RAID 10 SSD Member      Remote
           0002:00:04.0/3:0:6:0         RAID 10 SSD Member      Remote
    sde    0002:00:04.0/3:2:2:0       RAID 0 SSD Disk Array     Non-Optimized
           0002:00:04.0/3:0:7:0         RAID 0 SSD Member       Remote
    sdah   0001:00:03.0/2:2:0:0       RAID 0 SSD Disk Array     Optimized
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:0:0         RAID 0 SSD Member       Active
    sdc    0001:00:03.0/2:2:1:0       RAID 10 SSD Disk Array    Optimized
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:1:0         RAID 10 SSD Member      Active
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:2:0         RAID 10 SSD Member      Active
    sdd    0001:00:03.0/2:2:2:0       RAID 0 SSD Disk Array     Optimized
           0001:00:03.0/2:0:3:0         RAID 0 SSD Member       Active

e=Exit   q=Cancel   r=Refresh   t=Toggle

2.===========> create some data on the disk

root@ubuntushinner:~# multipath -ll
mpath44 (1IBM     IPR-0   58C3830000005180) dm-1 IBM,IPR-0   58C38300
size=166G features='1 queue_if_no_path' hwhandler='1 alua' wp=rw
|-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=130 status=active
| `- 2:2:2:0 sdd  8:48  active ready running
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=10 status=enabled
  `- 3:2:2:0 sde  8:64  active ready running
mpath43 (1IBM     IPR-10  58C3830000005160) dm-0 IBM,IPR-10  58C38300
size=165G features='1 queue_if_no_path' hwhandler='1 alua' wp=rw
|-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=130 status=active
| `- 2:2:1:0 sdc  8:32  active ready running
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=10 status=enabled
  `- 3:2:1:0 sdb  8:16  active ready running
root@ubuntushinner:~# mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/mpath44
mke2fs 1.42.10 (18-May-2014)
Creating filesystem with 43409408 4k blocks and 10854400 inodes
Filesystem UUID: 7464332d-91a2-447a-b672-b72bdbac304d
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
        32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632, 2654208,
        4096000, 7962624, 11239424, 20480000, 23887872

Allocating group tables: done
Writing inode tables: done
Creating journal (32768 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

root@ubuntushinner:~# mount /dev/mapper/mpath44 /mnt
root@ubuntushinner:~# cd /mnt
root@ubuntushinner:/mnt# cp -rf /root/* .
root@ubuntushinner:/mnt# ls
file  index.html  lost+found  netperf-2.2pl5  NetPIPE-3.7.1  np  send

root@ubuntushinner:~# df -h
Filesystem           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2            7.4G  2.2G  4.9G  31% /
none                  64K     0   64K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
udev                 7.9G   64K  7.9G   1% /dev
tmpfs                1.7G  4.3M  1.7G   1% /run
none                 5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
none                 8.4G     0  8.4G   0% /run/shm
none                 100M     0  100M   0% /run/user
/dev/mapper/mpath44  163G  336M  155G   1% /mnt

root@ubuntushinner:~# umount /mnt

                       Disk Array Information Details

Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : IBM
RAID Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : RAID 0
Stripe Size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 256 k
Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 177.80 GB
Resource Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : /dev/sdd
Serial Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 00005180

Physical location
PCI Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0001:00:03.0
Resource Path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : FC-02-00
SCSI Host Number . . . . . . . . . . . . : 2
SCSI Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 2
SCSI Id. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 2
SCSI Lun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0

3=====> Now try to migrate

                              Work with Disk Arrays

Select one of the following:

    1. Display disk array status
    2. Create a disk array
    3. Delete a disk array
    4. Add a device to a disk array
    5. Format device for RAID function
    6. Format device for JBOD function
    7. Work with hot spares
    8. Work with asymmetric access
    9. Force RAID Consistency Check
    0. Migrate disk array protection

Selection: 0

e=Exit   q=Cancel

                          Migrate Disk Array Protection

Select only one disk array for migration.

Type choice, press Enter.
  1=migrate protection for a disk array

OPT Name   PCI/SCSI Location          Description               Status
--- ------ -------------------------  ------------------------- ----------------
    sdah   0001:00:03.0/2:2:0:0       RAID 0 SSD Disk Array     Optimized
    sdc    0001:00:03.0/2:2:1:0       RAID 10 SSD Disk Array    Optimized
 1  sdd    0001:00:03.0/2:2:2:0       RAID 0 SSD Disk Array     Optimized

                            Select Protection Level

 Current RAID protection level is shown.  To change
 setting hit "c" for options menu.  Highlight desired
 option then hit Enter

 c=Change Setting

/dev/sdd - Protection Level . . . . . . :   RAID 10

                         Select Disk Units for Migration

A minimum of 1 disks must be selected.
A maximum of 1 disks must be selected.
The number of disks selected must be a multiple of 1.

OPT Name   Resource Path/Address      Vendor   Product ID       Status
--- ------ -------------------------- -------- ---------------- ----------------
 1  sg7    00-0E-04                   IBM      SG9XCA2E200GEIBM Zeroed
    sg6    00-0E-01                   IBM      SG9XCA2E200GEIBM Zeroed
    sg9    00-0E-08                   IBM      SG9XCA2E200GEIBM Zeroed
    sg10   00-0E-0B                   IBM      SG9XCA2E200GEIBM Zeroed
    sg8    00-0E-0A                   IBM      SG9XCA2E200GEIBM Zeroed
    sg16   00-0E-05                   IBM      SG9XCA2E200GEIBM Zeroed

                          Confirm Migrate a Disk Array

ATTENTION: Disk array will be migrated.

Press Enter to continue.
  q=Cancel to return and change your choice.

OPT Name   PCI/SCSI Location          Description               Status
--- ------ -------------------------  ------------------------- ----------------
 1  sdd    0001:00:03.0/2:2:2:0       RAID 0 SSD Disk Array     Optimized
 1         0001:00:03.0/2:0:5:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed

<========================== Comes back to migration select screen

                          Migrate Disk Array Protection

Select only one disk array for migration.

Type choice, press Enter.
  1=migrate protection for a disk array

OPT Name   PCI/SCSI Location          Description               Status
--- ------ -------------------------  ------------------------- ----------------
    sdah   0001:00:03.0/2:2:0:0       RAID 0 SSD Disk Array     Optimized
    sdc    0001:00:03.0/2:2:1:0       RAID 10 SSD Disk Array    Optimized
    sdd    0001:00:03.0/2:2:2:0       RAID 0 SSD Disk Array     Optimized


System Access:
host: (root/ltcnetdd)
Guest: GManu_Ubuntu_14_10_GTO  (manu/passw0rd)

>>Can you write clearly about these?
>>(1)What doesn't work when migrating from RAID 10 to RAID 0?
>>(2)What doesn't work when migrating from RAID 0 to RAID 10?

Hello wendy,

          In both the case (1) and (2),  Migration doesn't kick start
and no error is displayed in iprconfig nor syslog.

for example lets consider RAID0 to RAID 10 migration below,

1.  I have created RAID0 ( 1 disk) ,  which is sdd and have selected it for 

                          Migrate Disk Array Protection

Select only one disk array for migration.

Type choice, press Enter.
  1=migrate protection for a disk array

OPT Name   PCI/SCSI Location          Description               Status
--- ------ -------------------------  ------------------------- ----------------
    sdah   0001:00:03.0/2:2:0:0       RAID 0 SSD Disk Array     Optimized
    sdc    0001:00:03.0/2:2:1:0       RAID 10 SSD Disk Array    Optimized
 1  sdd    0001:00:03.0/2:2:2:0       RAID 0 SSD Disk Array     Optimized


2.  Now in the below screen I selected the disk has to be migrated to

                            Select Protection Level

 Current RAID protection level is shown.  To change
 setting hit "c" for options menu.  Highlight desired
 option then hit Enter

 c=Change Setting

/dev/sdd - Protection Level . . . . . . :   RAID 10


3.  I have selected one additional disk for migration as below.  Note
all the disk here are of same size and formated to zero.

                         Select Disk Units for Migration

A minimum of 1 disks must be selected.
A maximum of 1 disks must be selected.
The number of disks selected must be a multiple of 1.

OPT Name   Resource Path/Address      Vendor   Product ID       Status
--- ------ -------------------------- -------- ---------------- ----------------
 1  sg7    00-0E-04                   IBM      SG9XCA2E200GEIBM Zeroed
    sg6    00-0E-01                   IBM      SG9XCA2E200GEIBM Zeroed
    sg9    00-0E-08                   IBM      SG9XCA2E200GEIBM Zeroed
    sg10   00-0E-0B                   IBM      SG9XCA2E200GEIBM Zeroed
    sg8    00-0E-0A                   IBM      SG9XCA2E200GEIBM Zeroed
    sg16   00-0E-05                   IBM      SG9XCA2E200GEIBM Zeroed


4.  It gives me an indication stating it will start to migrate as below.

                          Confirm Migrate a Disk Array

ATTENTION: Disk array will be migrated.

Press Enter to continue.
  q=Cancel to return and change your choice.

OPT Name   PCI/SCSI Location          Description               Status
--- ------ -------------------------  ------------------------- ----------------
 1  sdd    0001:00:03.0/2:2:2:0       RAID 0 SSD Disk Array     Optimized
 1         0001:00:03.0/2:0:5:0       Advanced Function SSD     Zeroed


5.   The iprconfig tool doesn't complain what happened, it just comes
back to initial screen to select the device for migration (back to step
1). As you can notice here sdd is still RAID0.

                          Migrate Disk Array Protection

Select only one disk array for migration.

Type choice, press Enter.
  1=migrate protection for a disk array

OPT Name   PCI/SCSI Location          Description               Status
--- ------ -------------------------  ------------------------- ----------------
    sdah   0001:00:03.0/2:2:0:0       RAID 0 SSD Disk Array     Optimized
    sdc    0001:00:03.0/2:2:1:0       RAID 10 SSD Disk Array    Optimized
    sdd    0001:00:03.0/2:2:2:0       RAID 0 SSD Disk Array     Optimized


I put the iprconfig prototype in /home/manu/iprconfig.mig. Please re-test with 
this prototype.


Hello Wendy,

thanks. Yes the /home/manu/iprconfig.mig fixed the issue. Attached the
verification log

** Affects: ubuntu
     Importance: Undecided
         Status: New

** Tags: architecture-ppc64le bugnameltc-115846 severity-medium 

** Tags added: architecture-ppc64le bugnameltc-115846 severity-medium

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Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  Migration between RAID level (0 & 10) for GTO PCI passthroughed Ubuntu
  14.10 guest doesn't work

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