** Description changed:

  apparmor_parser can take a long time to compile policy especially when there 
is a lot of policy, so we want to utilize compiled cache profile as much as 
possible. Cache files will have to be regenerated in the following cases:
   * the kernel .features file is updated (eg, new features are added to
     apparmor in the new kernel)
   * apparmor itself is updated
   * on devices with click packages, apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu and/or
     click-apparmor is updated
  As of 2014-10-02, what can be expected is:
  - Systems with system-image updates (eg, Ubuntu Touch):
    - First boot will use the precompiled cache files in the rootfs or custom
      tarball and be fast
    - Reboots will use the cache files on the device and be fast
    - First boots after upgrades will use the cache files on the device if the
      above conditions are not met and be fast
    - Production devices will not meet any of those conditions except under
      exceptional and rare circumstances (eg, major OS upgrades like 14.10 to
      15.04) and be fast
    - First boots after upgrades that meet one of the conditions will need to
      regenerate the cache. This can happen on development releases where the
      kernel features file, apparmor, apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu or
      click-apparmor are still under development and getting updates
  - Systems with apt updates (eg, current Ubuntu Desktop and Server):
    - First boot will compile cache files
    - Reboots will use the cache files on the machine and be fast
    - First boots after upgrades will use the cache files on the machine if the
      above conditions are not met and be fast
    - Stable releases of Ubuntu will not meet any of those conditions except
      under exceptional and rare circumstances (eg, major OS upgrades like
      14.10 to 15.04) and be fast
    - First boots after upgrades that meet one of the above conditions will
      need to regenerate the cache. This can happen on development releases
      where the kernel features file, apparmor, apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu or
      click-apparmor are still under development and getting updates
  In addition to the above, updates to only apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu will
  regenerate the cache files for only the policy that is affected (eg, if
  there is a change to the location policy group in policy version 1.2,
  only apps using this policy version and this policy group will need to
  be recompiled).
  Planned improvements (in order of most likely to be done first):
  1. Finetuning the checks to invalidate the cache (eg, .md5sums could only
     be for /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions, ...): WONTFIX (will want an
     md5sum on apparmor_parser since it could change the cache and the md5sum
     will always change. Furthermore, apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu is all policy
     so there is no gain there. click-apparmor could possibly benefit, but
     it doesn't change often and when it does, it is typically for policy)
  2. Investigate ways to utilize the custom tarball and rootfs precompiled
     cache files on upgrades when apparmor, apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu and
     click-apparmor are updated: DONE
  3. Improve cache handling for app store apps (eg, having the app store
     server precompile them so that the device can download them when it
     needs to rather than having to regenerate them itself): WONTFIX
     (doesn't scale)
  4. For systems with apt upgrades, compile the policy either during
     install or on kernel upgrade rather than on boot. For systems with
     read-only fs-style upgrades, compile the policy prior to reboot
     rather than on boot.
  5. Support cache files per kernel .features file (or kernel version).
     This will allow people to boot into a previous kernel without having
     to recompile policy
  6. Improve parser compile time
  7. Investigate how to utilize profile composition and profile stacking to
     decrease compile and load times (eg, one idea is that the policy template
     is compiled once and each policy group once such that the parser need
     only stitch the already compiled bits together)
- 8. For Ubuntu Touch/Personal system-image based systems, investigate ways 
-    to utilize the update tarball and compile policy before rebooting to
-    improve the user experience
+ 8. For Ubuntu Touch/Personal system-image based systems, investigate ways
+    to utilize the update tarball and compile policy before rebooting (bug
+    1385410)
  Work is planned for the medium term for '1-3' with '4' and '5' coming as
  needed. '6' will of course help, but it is already very optimized and
  compile average ~2 seconds on armhf per profile (note: already faster
  than Android's 'optimizing apps' per app on a nexus 7) -- if we cut that
  in half a typical user with 300 apps would still have to wait 300
  seconds so other techniques like '2' should be employed. '6' and '7'
  will be handled in the long term.
  '8' can be implemented now to improve the user experience:
- > Sorry for not being clear. The idea is that when the phone says that 
+ > Sorry for not being clear. The idea is that when the phone says that
  > there is an update, the user has to tap 'Install and Reboot'.  The idea > 
is that before reboot (and therefore still in the unity8 session), we
- > look inside what is downloaded, see if there are any policy changes.  If 
- > there are, we extract them and then compile policy with a progress 
- > meter.  The question I posed to you is how hard is it to look inside (or 
- > provide a manifest of changed packages) and extract what is needed to 
+ > look inside what is downloaded, see if there are any policy changes.  If
+ > there are, we extract them and then compile policy with a progress
+ > meter.  The question I posed to you is how hard is it to look inside (or
+ > provide a manifest of changed packages) and extract what is needed to
  > compile policy?
  Ok.  The update is available as a set of tarballs, available in a fixed
  directory.  It should be straightforward to check whether any of those
  tarballs contains files matching a particular path.  If you want to know
  whether particular packages have changed, that would be a matter of
  extracting the dpkg database and comparing.  (We don't otherwise track the
  packagewise delta between the images.)
  A partial extraction of the tarball based on particular filenames is a
  simple matter of tar arguments."
  Original description:
  Just updated my Nexus 7 2013 from #160 to #161. It's been sat at the Google 
logo for 15 minutes now. It looks and feels like it's hung. As a user I'd be 
rebooting it thinking it had crashed by now. I shell in and find 
apparmor_parser  using a lot of cpu for a long time.
  top - 00:14:01 up 15 min,  2 users,  load average: 5.12, 4.85, 3.21
  Tasks: 202 total,   2 running, 200 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
  %Cpu(s): 50.5 us,  0.8 sy,  0.0 ni, 48.5 id,  0.2 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 
  KiB Mem:   1848024 total,   787400 used,  1060624 free,    54216 buffers
  KiB Swap:    32764 total,        0 used,    32764 free.   579228 cached Mem
   1970 root      20   0    4976   3652    852 R  99.8  0.2  14:31.04 
   2596 phablet   20   0    5996   1264    824 R   1.3  0.1   0:08.79 top
    914 root       0 -20    7572    552    396 S   0.7  0.0   0:05.02 mpdecision
     21 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   0.3  0.0   0:00.92 
    229 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   0.3  0.0   0:00.10 
    982 root      20   0   38856   1164    868 S   0.3  0.1   0:01.77 adbd
   2570 phablet   20   0   10540   1456    692 S   0.3  0.1   0:02.30 sshd
      1 root      20   0    3884   2648   1068 S   0.0  0.1   0:05.98 init
      2 root      -2   0       0      0      0 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.01 kthreadd
      3 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.04 
  ... it eventually finished after 18 minutes.

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  AppArmor policy compile improvements

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