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On 2009-03-01T16:42:30+00:00 Thomas Weissel wrote:

Version:            (using KDE 4.2.0)
OS:                Linux
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages

for example in gwenview (the thumbnailbar) or when copying a big image
file in konqueror that already exists .. (when the window to compare the
two versions is started)  kiothumnailer is startet and it takes one
minute and the whole system is unusable.. this process should NEVER get
(or take) that much resources.. even if i had dolphin set up to show
300MB thumnails..  (i have not)

Reply at:

On 2009-05-01T11:54:20+00:00 Loacoon wrote:

I'm having the same problem with latest SVN. kio_thumbnail uses a lot of
memory and CPU, and takes a lot of time to free the used memory.

Reply at:

On 2009-07-06T08:42:20+00:00 inspirra wrote:

$ LANG=C date
Mon Jul  6 09:13:30 MSD 2009

$ ps xo pid,%cpu,%mem,rss,comm,start_time | grep -E " kio_thumbnail| dolphin"
24297  0.0  0.0   872 kio_thumbnail   06:11
31624  3.5  0.8 17056 dolphin         08:58
31772 13.5 10.0 209292 kio_thumbnail  09:00
31840 16.4  2.1 43632 kio_thumbnail   09:01
31843 13.4 13.4 278508 kio_thumbnail  09:01
31862 14.4 11.3 236172 kio_thumbnail  09:01
31881  6.2 15.6 324528 kio_thumbnail  09:02
32059  2.3 12.2 254344 kio_thumbnail  09:02
32067  1.7  9.3 194044 kio_thumbnail  09:02
32158  0.1  0.2  5264 kio_thumbnail   09:03

$ kde4-config --version
Qt: 4.5.2
KDE: 4.2.95 (KDE 4.2.95 (KDE 4.3 RC1))
kde4-config: 1.0

$ uname -rms
Linux 2.6.30-gentoo-r1 i686

Reply at:

On 2009-08-10T12:32:57+00:00 scientica wrote:

and here's my 2 {$COIN_DENOMINATOR}
 kio_thumbnails really missbehaves by stealing memory for me too (+1.7G DATA as 
reported by top this morning). Can't say about the CPU usage as it fills RAM 
and swap causing massive swapping => skyrocketing my load avg to +30.0, top 
says mostly (+95%) io wait untill I manage to kill the kio_thumnail process (or 
processes)), this probably due to thrashing caused by the exess memory theft. 
(I'm puzzled as to why it's not OOM killed!)
 OS: Gentoo
 (build with USE=debug so it should be possible to get some
  useful debuggging info, not sure how though)

 $ kde4-config --version
     Qt: 4.5.1
     KDE: 4.3.00 (KDE 4.3.0)
     kde4-config: 1.0

 It usually starts by hovering big movie files or folders with big movies 
files. Though it shouldn't thumbnail them, max previev file size is set to 5 MB 
(the movies as much bigger than that), the thumbnails button isn't checked. 
Further more only "Grafik" (I'm 'guessing' the non localized string is 
"graphics") and Jpeg is selected. And "Använd miniatyribilder inbäddade i 
filer" (~= "use embedded thumbnails"/"use thumbnails embedded in files").
 * Clearly kio_thumbnails/dolphin isn't respecting those options. - maybe this 
is a konqueror/dolphin bug? (otho, imo thumbnailing a file shouldn't consume 
more than _tops_ 10M RAM, or perhaps I'm living in a fantasy world?)

 I've temporarily renamed to, since 
it's a hazard to the system's stabillity right now.

 A kill-switch for kio_thumbnail, i.e. a "Never generate thumbnails" option, if 
so only accessible via manually editing ~/.kde4/share/config/kio_thumbnailrc. 
Or a hard memory limit option there, say 100M (which imo is too much, but at 
least a limit that should prevent grand-theft-ram).
 Or better yet, a real fix that makes kio_thumbnail use a reasonable amount or 
RAM when generating thumbs.

Reply at:

On 2009-08-12T03:35:41+00:00 E-kde wrote:

I can confirm this. I turned on previews/thumbnails for most file types
(as it's a very cool feature) and then went about normal usage with
Konqueror. After not long I found several kio_thumbnail processes
chewing through resources like it's going out of style, the most
flagrant of which goes something like this in top:

11053 neil      20   0 4396m 1.2g  44m S   25 59.0   6:52.47 kio_thumbnail

...and my 2G RAM machine is suddenly 2.7G into swap (and rising fast).

Since among other things, I opened up my home directory, I checked to
see if thumbnails were being generated recursively (which lsof suggested
they were not), which is good. However, It's absolutely *INSANE* that
kio_thumbnail is now approaching 5G of memory used, it's not like it's
thumbnailing files anywhere close to that big!

Since I wrote the first bit, my swap usage has grown to 3.2G and I'm
killing kio_thumbnail manually... Much better, close to 4G of RAM + swap

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On 2009-08-12T03:36:59+00:00 E-kde wrote:

Oh, and I'm using KDE 4.3.

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On 2009-08-22T22:10:56+00:00 Mark wrote:

*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***

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On 2009-10-01T23:49:57+00:00 Jakub-januszkiewicz wrote:

I was also hit by this bug, twice.

In both cases some kio_thumbnail processes suddenly started hogging the
memory like crazy, causing massive swap activity.

The first time it happened I couldn't do much at all - the system got so
unresponsive that I only managed to run 'top' in konsole which, after
refreshing a few times, froze completely (even ATL+CTRL+F1 didn't work).
I left the computer on for the night thinking it would settle down, but
after a few hours the disk was still swapping like crazy and I couldn't
do anything. A hard reboot was needed.

The second time happened today and I was quick enough to see some more
details before everything froze (I didn't manage to kill the offending
processes though - mem usage skyrocketed and froze the machine in
literally several seconds!). There were 3 'kdeinit4: kio_thumbnail'
processes, one of which consumed 3900MB VIRT and 2 others consuming over
1500MB VIRT each. I know I should have also looked at RES and/or SHR,
but well... I didn't, sorry :/

The only thumbnail-related activity within the last few hours before
today's freeze I can recall is copying several large video files from
DVDs to hard disk. Although the directory to which I copied the files
has thumbnails turned off, Dolphin still shows the thumbnail in tooltip
and in the information panel on the right. This might be related, but I
have closed all Dolphin windows at least 2 hours before the bug occured,
so it might as well be not related at all. I also have a large (22GB)
photo collection, but I haven't touched it today at all.

I have 4GB RAM + 4GB swap.
I run KDE 4.3.1 on Gentoo.
I have all thumbnailing plugins enabled (also video via MPlayerThumbs) with max 
file size set to 5MB.
I use Dolphin as the file manager.
If you need any additional info, please let me know.
If I encounter this bug again, I'll try to provide more useful info.

Reply at:

On 2009-10-08T00:43:50+00:00 E-kde wrote:

So, this morning, I had <100M of swap used. I left and came back in the
afternoon to find this:

top - 18:33:11 up 23 days, 19:31, 66 users,  load average: 0.40, 0.58, 0.45
Tasks: 185 total,   1 running, 184 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  3.0%us,  2.7%sy,  0.0%ni, 93.9%id,  0.3%wa,  0.2%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   2057212k total,  2040096k used,    17116k free,     8264k buffers
Swap:  7807224k total,  4206896k used,  3600328k free,   221012k cached

25695 neil      20   0 5037m 1.2g 5824 S    4 61.5  48:39.43 kio_thumbnail

Note the swap usage and the memory usage for kio_thumbnail. Though I do
have a Konqueror file manager open with a few tabs, I haven't interacted
with it whatsoever since yesterday, and I don't use Dolphin.

Killing kio_thumbnail returns a few resources:

top - 18:38:49 up 23 days, 19:37, 66 users,  load average: 0.23, 0.38, 0.40
Tasks: 182 total,   1 running, 181 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  2.8%us,  2.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 94.0%id,  0.5%wa,  0.3%hi,  0.3%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   2057212k total,   765492k used,  1291720k free,     8852k buffers
Swap:  7807224k total,  1013696k used,  6793528k free,   242908k cached

...meaning it really was consuming nearly 5G of RAM, and completely
unprovoked at that.

Reply at:

On 2009-10-20T18:52:57+00:00 Dan Reidy wrote:

confirmed over here...
dubkat@stargazer ~ $ kde4-config --version
Qt: 4.5.3
KDE: 4.3.2 (KDE 4.3.2)
kde4-config: 1.0

i frequently have to keep a terminal window open running htop so that i
can kill off any runaway kio_thumbnail processes. failure to do so
causes the system to freeze, and the disk to thrash. I have 4 gigs of
memory, and about 8 gigs of swap space. All easily eaten up by

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On 2009-12-07T01:43:19+00:00 Federico Cuello wrote:

It is still happening,

$ kde4-config --version
Qt: 4.6.0
KDE: 4.3.4 (KDE 4.3.4)
kde4-config: 1.0

Reply at:

On 2010-03-14T21:14:51+00:00 R-clark-01 wrote:

Still happening on:

kde4-config --version
Qt: 4.6.2
KDE: 4.3.5 (KDE 4.3.5)
kde4-config: 1.0

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On 2010-05-14T13:29:12+00:00 Vo-zaeb wrote:

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On 2010-06-10T14:24:55+00:00 Vo-zaeb wrote:

I can't understand, how "this" could to get in the KDE trunk and stay
there for so long time? Moreover, it is still there, without considering
the fact, that the question already is about the loss of user data! I
just have no words...

Reply at:

On 2010-06-10T15:27:45+00:00 FiNeX wrote:

Probably the reason is because developers doesn't use thumbnails or
doesn't have big video files.

Anyway, I'm using KDE 4.4.x (now I've 4.4.4) and it is a couple of
months that I don't have that problem, maybe it has been partially fixed
in the latest release... I hope :-)

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On 2010-06-10T19:03:25+00:00 Loacoon wrote:

I don't know about KDE 4.4.4 but I'm sure it still happens in trunk.

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On 2010-06-10T19:28:08+00:00 Vo-zaeb wrote:

This isn't the only one problem with kio_thumbnail. For example, you can
try to start downloading few video files in ktorrent and open the target
folder with preview. Or try to browse a remote folder that contains
video files, etc. Seems that this component wasn't tested completely

Reply at:

On 2010-06-27T16:37:11+00:00 kovyrlo wrote:

i have same problem

$ kde4-config --version
Qt: 4.6.2
KDE: 4.4.4 (KDE 4.4.4)
kde4-config: 1.0

Reply at:

On 2010-06-27T16:55:00+00:00 Mahasler wrote:

I've completely removed mplayerthumbs from my systems and installed
kffmpegthumbnailer instead. No more memory problems for me. Plus,
kffmpegthumbnailer is really snappy, even on a netbook.

Reply at:

On 2010-06-27T18:44:18+00:00 Vo-zaeb wrote:

(In reply to comment #18)
> I've completely removed mplayerthumbs from my systems and installed
> kffmpegthumbnailer instead. No more memory problems for me. Plus,
> kffmpegthumbnailer is really snappy, even on a netbook.

+1, but it has its own problems, and from time to time generates poor
quality thumbnails. Are you using bittorrent? :)

Reply at:

On 2010-06-27T19:05:20+00:00 Mahasler wrote:

Can't say I do. But at least video clips downloaded "normally" don't
cause any problems, the thumbnails are just regenerated regularly during
the download.

Reply at:

On 2010-08-19T12:32:42+00:00 Karl-r-ernst wrote:

I have this problem too with kde 4.4.5, even thought I have disabled
video previews and limited previews to files smaller than 5 MB.

It seems to be related to the folder preview, as if  I disable folder
preview, the problem goes away.

Reply at:

On 2010-10-17T23:02:38+00:00 melendro wrote:

To disable video thumbnails run the command "mplayerthumbsconfig" and
add all video extensions (avi, mpg, mkv, mp4, etc.) to the "Blacklisted
file extensions".

This solved the problem for me.

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On 2018-04-13T21:57:30+00:00 Nate-b wrote:

It's been a few years... does anybody still see this issue with KDE
Frameworks 5.44 or greater?

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On 2018-07-19T16:45:52+00:00 Nate-b wrote:

Haven't heard anything from the reporter or anyone else who experienced
this at some point in the past. Considering it fixed in KDE Frameworks

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** Changed in: kde-baseapps
       Status: Incomplete => Fix Released

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  Extreme memory usage by kio_thumbnail

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