Since I've already filed this bug before, and had it rejected, I'd like
to chime in before it gets rejected again.  Alsaconf is a buggy, sorry
excuse for a configurator that happens to work.  Before dropping it,
please see that its functionality is replaced.  For Gnome users, I hear
that it is.  For KDE users, especially KDE users with multiple sound
cards, it's not.  I assume the situation is similar for users of other

Last time this came up, I was admonished to file bugs against the
failures of existing tools to solve these problems.  That's good advice,
but until those tools (and there should be a command line, desktop-
independent tool among them) are ready to do what alsaconf has done for
those of us who have come to appreciate it, please leave it as an

Don't drop alsaconf

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