> A quick look in the bug database suggests there are 155,000 bugs ever
> reported against Ubuntu, and 46,000 marked fixed. That's from a team of
> 30 full time engineers and about 100 committed volunteers, an amazing
> effort by people who care about Ubuntu.

I do not question the work and effort done by Ubuntu engineers and
volunteers nor do I question anything done by Debian or any other
OpenSource project. It's a tremendous achievement worth any respect. Yet
I do questions the result of this effort. It seems regardless how much
effort ever is spent it has no effect at all on Microsoft's market

Microsoft's position is even stronger than it was 2 years ago. It has
the power to press a horrible UI (Office 2007) onto users without any
market share impact. Microsoft still isn't pressed to do anything
improving Outlook except providing sync SW for smart phones etc. On the
other side Microsoft can threaten to overpower Mozilla and IMO it's just
a matter of time when IE will take over the lead again pressing
Silverlight onto us. Microsoft has done much to improve Windows and I do
fear it's also just a matter of time when Windows will start threatening
Linux on servers as well.

Just let me show you another sample. Most web developers don't have the
time caring for multiple browsers. So they develop just for their most
used user's browser (you know which this currently is) hopping it will
do for others as well. Sure the other browsers manufactures are pressed
to cope with this situations, absorbing many unnecessary resources. Yet
if you give these web developers a tool which helps them doing their
work faster/easier/nicer they will start using it. And if this tool
cares for correct web code as a side effect, all browser manufactures
are much less pressed and can use these resources for other tasks.

Back to Bug #1 and the desktop. In 2005 the then called OSDL made a
survey why the Linux desktop each year was announced but never became
true (http://old.linux-
foundation.org/dtl/DTL_Survey_Report_Nov2005.pdf). Yet even if reasons
now where obvious, nothing happened. The full OpenSource community kept
going on as before, neglecting this survey completely. Not even an
additional survey to dig deeper was done.

So IMHO regardless how much effort the Ubuntu and Debian community ever
will spend there's no chance to ever make any progress regarding Bug #1.
I showed a possible way out of this situation 2 years ago, but I'm not
anymore sure if it isn't already too late. I am positive that it's
possible to prevent Microsoft domination in the web yet quite some
effort is needed. But again it seems the OpenSource community isn't able
to to take the right steps.

O. Wyss

Microsoft has a majority market share
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