> I think the importance should be critical or
> high at least

Probably should be as when they actually release
6.10, and this isn't fixed, their gonna get a lot
of complaints.

> since it doesn't allow for a clean install of
> Ubuntu without loosing all your favorites.

I suspect your referring to an upgrade here rather
then a clean install. FWIW I use two applications
before installing any OS. They are:


I kill the entire disk or at least the front end
sectors and tracks before doing any install.


I create the (ext3) partitions first before loading
the Live-CD then committing to the install. This process
makes sure that I am dealing with a clean and completely
empty drive. I never ever do an upgrade.

> It means most users will download and install firefox
> manually and disregard the effort of bundling the browser
> with the operating system and all the integration work
> that comes with that.

This is true.

> How else do you get your bookmarks into there?

If you look down through the .mozilla hidden
directory you'll find the working bookmarks.html
file in there. You can edit that directly to
add or remove bookmarks. But, that's a pretty
horrible way to have to deal with this.

> It not an occasional crash or something: its a show-stopper.

I've found another Mozilla bug that's pretty serious
and that has to do with the way Seamonkey handles Java
and Flash plugins. In a Mandriva 2007 install you have
a default Firefox and Epiphany install. You put the
Flash and Java plugins in:


and that works just fine for both of those Browsers. You
then install the latest version of Seamonkey and you
would expect it to pick up those plugins correctly, it does
not. In fact if Seamonkey encounters a website with either
Java or Flash it crashes. I believe the same thing happens
on Ubuntu 6.10.

I am still in the middle of testing the recently released Mandriva 2007
and have not got back to test these mozilla wrinkles again.

FWIW Edgy Eft is looking really good.

Thanks - Bill Kenney
Linux User 277211

Firefox / Can't Import Bookmarks

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