I suspect that in my case (commandline-only-installation with Edgy Beta)
the whole user-adding step/question was skipped.

A simple $ adduser username doesn't entirely solve it because :
-there's no admin group. Maybe others are missing as well. (update-passwd saw 
no problems)
-the first user needs to be added to several groups 

This is what I did to partially solve it :
# sudo addgroup --system admin (does the gid matter?)
# visudo (and I added admin and and my user)
$ sudo users-admin (I added my user to the admin group, and I gave my user all 

I think I might need to add some other groups as well because :
- alacarte doesn't show up in the menu
- I can't start some things like : "system->preferences->screensaver" and 
"administration->user and groups"

edgy knot3 installs without asking for a username

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