I can't do any further testing because I am not running Kubuntu anymore,
but I can explain what happened as a series of steps:

1. Set the screensaver to start in a minute.
2. Do not touch keyboard or mouse for a minute
3. Screensaver activates.

That's good. But

1. Set the screensaver to start in a minute.
2. Move the mouse wheel but nothing else than the mouse wheel (the keyboard is 
not touched at all and the mouse is never moved, the only activity is the mouse 
wheel). For example, when reading a book or a long web site.
3. Screensaver activates.

That's not good. I don't think the screensaver should activate while
there's user activity, even if it is only the mouse wheel.

Is that more clear ?

Thank you.

Mouse wheel doesn't prevent screen saver

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