On debian, the workaround of enabling subpixel rendering in ~/.fonts.conf 
didn't work, maybe because it doesn't apply the patches from fedora cvs pasted 
above. (It's maybe better that way, because it didn't make any sense).
As Bernd Schubert said in the bug report, light hinting (=slow=medium) is 
hardcoded in openoffice.
Hardcoding normal hinting (=full) works fine.

I installed his packages from there:
I'm nearly sure he just applied his patch from there:
Though, a confirmation is required.
Anyway, his packages result in nice fonts for me, both with or without 

That said, having font settings hardcoded isn't acceptable, because
users have very different font preferences.

[Edgy] font hinting does not work with libfreetype6 v. 2.2.1

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